How are you purchasing HL2

How are you purchasing HL2?

  • through Steam

    Votes: 41 31.3%
  • from an Online store

    Votes: 20 15.3%
  • from an Offline store

    Votes: 63 48.1%
  • Other (say what)

    Votes: 7 5.3%

  • Total voters
cadaveca said:
I don't blame ATI for 9800xt's fault''s sapphire for not giving the gpu sufficient voltage. 1.73v on a XT is way too little...should be around 1.8v. they keep sending me cards that will artifact after a minute, or as a good example you'll understand, artifacting in the darker areas of CS:S.

now, my problem with ATI in this regard is that sapphire, being the OEM for ATI, should be following reference design and voltages. but they for some reason have stopped. Either ATI needs to tigher the apron strings, or sapphire QA has to get better. i mean really, i bought an XT, and have only had it in my possesion for less than 3 months of the past year since i purchased it.

Maybe the issue could be driver related, but the lower voltage, and the TRAS being set to 2 instead of 1...c'mon, these are the mistakes of a new company, not the second largest video card manufacturer.

Oh i didn't really understand what you meant :p

I never knew that about sapphire.
the fact that i have recieved 6 RMA's on one card should tell you that the issue isn't mine...i mean really, there has to be some OEM fault for them to give me a RMA.
At this point I'll get it when I get around to it, I wont be rushing out for it or pre-ordering or any of that. I've all but lost intrest. Plus Im broke. Prolly go thru steam when I get it.
Parasite said:
At this point I'll get it when I get around to it, I wont be rushing out for it or pre-ordering or any of that. I've all but lost intrest. Plus Im broke. Prolly go thru steam when I get it.

i'll be doing just the same for my other machines, if i play it the first time on my free copy, and it's a good game.
I might buy it twice. One off steam and then the collector's edition. One for each computer. But the real reason is because I bet steam users will get it first and then the collector's edition like the day after.
another one of these threads ?? anyway, I voted "through Steam". Don't care much about manuals and geek stuff. :dork:
Im sticking with mail order because i fear Steam will be jammed on release day.

However if there is a significant delay between US and UK release i will be tempted to use Steam.

edit: yes i know Valve said "worldwide release date" but UK retailers are not allowed to release a game on any other day than a friday (for the purposes of sales charts).
Offline store. If that stupid lawsuit takes a turn for the worse and Vivendi suspend sales of HL2(steam and retail) then atleast they wouldn't be able to take away my copy. Hopefully HL2 won't require me to log on to steam just to play the it but who knows.
Wow, the number of people who are getting it though steam are growing.
Seriously though, I'll buy it from a store, mainly because I like to have the box, and downloading ~4 gigs puts me off, even with broadband.
Well, if you'd asked me this 2 weeks ago. I'd have said, "OO I've pre-ordered from

Then I got really pisst off with VU and decided to cut the damn frenchies out of the arrangement. Seriously, after the way VU has treated valve (and if you read thru the claims and counter claims it really does come accross like VU is being awfully greedy, childish and bottom line- bang out of order..) especially in light of the court case-
I implore you all, cancel your pre-ordered copies and buy direct from valve. Publishers must be stopped from trying to bully and enslave developers out there, it's killing the industry. We should protest against them the only way they will listen to, in a way that hits their wallet...

(on the "why did you cancel your order" page at sendit they don't have a 'protest against publisher' option, so make sure you click 'other' -and type your reason in!)