How bout a centipede thread :thumbs:


Feb 6, 2006
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Since there was a spider thread, I'd thought I'd create a centipede thread.

They're so freaking fast and ugly..i hate them..this one time i used a staple gun to pin it to the ground and it was squirming like crazy lmao it was awesome.

Here are teh ones found in my house...except like a few inches longer:


And here are some just to gross you out ;)


I didn't know I was scared of centapedes.
ugh, foul beasts. I see them in my basement sometimes; the kind in the first picture. There are daddy longleg's too but they're least they catch pesky insects. I never hestitate in taking a boot to any centipede that appears!
They're the ugliest things i've ever seen. What do they feed on anyways?
Anyone played Resident Evil 0? Remember the huge centipede boss?
Why does everyone hate centipedes?

Anyone ever hold one of those black ones that are like 1 1/2 inch thick in diameter? (I'm not talking about a penis you sick freaks) They've got like 200 legs or something like that and are from South America or some place like that. Centipedes own you all.
Why does everyone hate centipedes?

Anyone ever hold one of those black ones that are like 1 1/2 inch thick in diameter? (I'm not talking about a penis you sick freaks) They've got like 200 legs or something like that and are from South America or some place like that. Centipedes own you all.

I'm pretty sure those are millipedes....
Aroundhere, we dont get big centipedes.. atleast I havnt seen any. Only the cute millipedes. But.. dear lord that poor mouse..
are we sure we shouldnt make that an animal instead of an insect?
Oh, my mistake it was a millipede, millipedes AND centipedes equally own all, though..


Chinese Red Head Centipede = win

EDIT: I just saw your location AKIRA, we live close *gets in stalking postion*
damnit.. hit quote instead of edit... that's gay.
As long as you take two of every Danimal.

I know, I was just making a play with words.

Like how people change the lyrics to Closer. D:
God help us. *gets out homemade firebomb*