How did you get your screenname?

I first named myself Apocalypse after the Apocalypse Tank in Command and Conquer Red Alert 2...I used to love that game. But Apocalypse is a common word that is usually taken as a user name on most sites, so I added the last 2 digits of my birth year, "89", to the end.
I used to be WarBastard back in rtcw days, and that got shortened to Warbie cause i'm lovely.
This name comes from my real name, actually. Very uninteresting story, and I don't even like this name much. :(
But I don't want to change! This is gonna be me...

until I change it, one day.
And to this day, whenever you search for "Soupstorm" on Google, every single result is me. :D

Searching for Krynn72 gets 5 pages of stuff just from me. And some how the last hit is my personal portfolio site... im not entirely sure how google linked that to my forum name...
Mine's from The Shining, of course. Very unoriginal but it's the name I started playing games online with and it's unlikely I'll ever change it.
I got mine from a book >..>
The 449 was from RuneScape(i hate myself for those days) and it stuck

Made it up just for this site (Letters 'cause everyone's just letters on a forum harharhariwasso****inclever)! And now I'm stuck with it. Not the coolest name on the block, but it's solid... gets the job done.
Made it up just for this site (Letters 'cause everyone's just letters on a forum harharhariwasso****inclever)! And now I'm stuck with it. Not the coolest name on the block, but it's solid... gets the job done.
And you're the perfect match for numbers.
Not sure. I think it was once when I had the nickname #stinger.aim92, I came up with a different one to go by when I was having a bad day in Counter-Strike so people wouldn't associate it with my normal nickname and think I generally suck. At the time I was also playing Colin McRae Rally 3 where the main car was Ford Focus. So the alternative nickname I started using became "Focus". And then I kinda fiddled with it and "Unfocused" was born. I also thought it would be kinda funny cause sometimes when I'm doing exceptionally well, I get comments such as "unfocused, yeah right", "I'd hate to play against you when you're focused" etc.
mine is a weird story, but basically i thought i was all black and i was tryin to be gangsta so my friend said that you iz black, so i just changed it to iizbl4ck.
I posted the answer to this in my profile, but this gives me a chance to elaborate...
I picked up Crash from my Kart racing days....One time my steering wheel actually came off in my hands halfway through a turn. Needless to say it was one hell of a ride off the track and off a 6 foot berm into a corn field....Nothing got hurt, except my pride.
I posted the answer to this in my profile, but this gives me a chance to elaborate...
I picked up Crash from my Kart racing days....One time my steering wheel actually came off in my hands halfway through a turn. Needless to say it was one hell of a ride off the track and off a 6 foot berm into a corn field....Nothing got hurt, except my pride.

Excellent story behind your name :LOL: I bet the steering wheel coming off was a hilarious moment.
i almost feel like we need a poll for who has the best story with creating thier name.
my name is ty, i am a guy

why would i lie, no idea why
Mine is Irish for computer/calculator. There should be an accent over the first i but this forum doesn't support them <_<
When I was 11 or 12 I thought I would be really cool if I made my name a dirty word in Spanish. So I did.
Mine is Irish for computer/calculator. There should be an accent over the first i but this forum doesn't support them <_<

Funny, I thought it had to with a burning sensation in a sensitive region..

Ner=Um, ending of a word

But when i made it, i had no idea Azn meant asian. So it was a pretty random nice sounding name
azn 4 lyfe ^_^; kekekekekekeke T_T o_O; azn azn azn
My name comes simply from my love of animals, and my favorite are lizards. noy very interesting....

My other alias on cs:s I took from a friend on a server I regularly go on, named cowdizzle. So just to be funny, I named myself lizarddizzle, he saidto get rid of the extra "d" and came lizardizzle....maybe I'll change my name here to lizardizzle someday. If it's even possible.
All you have to do is ask a moderator, and they will change it for you.
not a moderator, only admins can change names, lizard send a PM to Pi Mu Rho or Munro
I wanted to put in my steam handle but it wouldn't fit as is often the case.

Honestly, why I thought of Trevelyan whilst racking my brains I'll never know. I would always play as the character Alec Trevelyan in Goldeneye on the N64 cos he wore all black & was the bad guy (albeit a pretty wack one). It seemed like an odd name no-one would of chosen. & Thats it! (oi, stop yawning!)
My name is like a rim that is on fire. No particular rim. But green fire.
Probably after UGM-27 Polaris nuclear ballistic missile, mentoined in BBC show Yes, Minister.
Sir Humphrey: Polaris is a ramshackle old system, the Soviets might easily develop a multi-layered ballistic missile defence system which could intercept Polaris.
Jim: By when?
Sir Humphrey: Well, in strategic terms, any day now.
Jim: By what year, precisely?
Sir Humphrey: 2020, but that's sooner than you think.
Jim: And are you saying that this nuclear defence system would stop all 192 Polaris missiles.
Sir Humphrey: Well no, not all, virtually all, 97%.
Jim: So that would leave, about five bombs that would get through.
Sir Humphrey: Precisely, a mere five.
Jim: Enough to obliterate Moscow, Leningrad, Minsk ...
Sir Humphrey: Yes, but that's about all!

It also stands for the North Star.
Everybody has really interesting anecdotes about theirs. Mine's boring. The first time I was impelled to create a nickname was playing Counterstrike (and after reading an old PC Gamer UK article about 'handles') - I called myself The Incredible Sulk. When it came to creating an email address, sulk@ was taken, as was incrediblesulk@, so I added my surname.

There was a fun period where I would switch the adjective every time I played, becoming The Indelible Sulk, The Inedible Sulk, The Unfathomable Sulk, The Invisible Sulk, The Invincible Sulk, The Phantom Sulk, The Incorrigible Sulk, The Intolerable Sulk, The Inflammable Sulk, etc.