How disappointing...

That's what I thought too. But, it sounds like the beginners like to try more hardcore drugs when they finally do pot, so it could also go both ways here.

So put the blame behind mans natural ability to be curios, not on a plant with no physical dependency.
Pot doesn't lead to heroin use. People wanting to do drugs does. That and the black market, which functions as a natural gateway to various other substances. And while most heroin users have smoked marijuana in their life, I challenge you to find me these mythical numbers that demonstrate the reverse. Otherwise this is a logical fallacy.

The two drugs are very different. Nobody sits down to smoke some weed and then laments that it's not completely ****ing them up like some other, harder drug, unless they were previously an addict.

Ive seen a documentary on this subject, and they said although alot of anti drugs say 100% of pot users do heroin, its actually more like most heroin users started out with pot.

Cant say all pot users do heroin, but i think it can be said pot can obviously lead to heroin.
Meh, been there done that. Except meth and heroin was the drug of choice. Ditch 'em mate. But then again; it's your choice and they're your mates, do what you will.
Don't forget, harder drug users might use pot to take the "edge" off when they are coming down.
Oh, see, I thought that's what I WAS doing. But, I guess you got me on that one. :D

I hate that argument for so many reasons though. People don't just dive into the extreme before getting their feet wet. Obviously there is going to be an apparent trend in heroin users who have done pot before. It's kind of like how a young boy will masturbate in his parents house before he starts sniffing cocaine off a hookers ass a few years later.
Current trends show that 90% of people masturbate furiously after posting in this thread.

... 'Scuse me.
It was a pretty weird thing to say

you can't just leap out of the closet like that

you should have given yourself 50 lashes with thorn covered branch, said 150 hail marys and given alms to the poor ..only then can you be considered "clean"

also wear a burlap sack and make a pilgramage to the holy land

grow a set of balls ..with them you can do miraculous things like tell your friends to stfu

Van_Halen said:
several people said that smoking pot usually leads to heroin use, which might not necessarily be true, but the numbers sure as hell aren't lying

please provide source/proof that the "numbers arent lying"

morality ninnies: mind your own business, stop forcing your outdated morality down people's throats
This thread is hilarious.

Hay guys, my friend does pot and that goes against what I like and made me VERY uncomfortable, I don't like that! Hell, I was taught that it was bad and does these negative things!


Well, that about covers the thread, gg 1-0 no re nub

You're a little late this time, stern. Maybe if you showed up about 3 pages ago it would have worked, but this... Just aint workin. ;)

I the statistics are... Made up. :(

Damnit, pitz, you beat me.
what? you would have grown a set of balls had I replied 3 pages ago? :E


...Wait... What?

No, really since this thread has started I have gotten over it completely. I did talk to him about it, and he said that was only the second time he had done it, so it all seemed a little bigger than it was.

And, hey, at least I admitted to it. ;)
Im twice the asshole then... Wait, what?

Drogs are bad. Stay in school kids.
You're gay?

Does Toaster-Chan count?

Then no.

I just joke around. Gay jokes are the lol. Here. Come here, let me squeeze your titties

and what the **** are you talking about anyway?

you can't just leap out of the closet like that

I know you have a big list of things to learn because you are extremely pathetic, but learning to read should be a priority.
Shit, for a second there I thought I had stumbled into the misc thread. What was this thread about again?
FFS, I'm shocked at the original post and the reactions it is getting. One extremely naive person being picked on by a bunch of assholes.
FFS, I'm shocked at the original post and the reactions it is getting. One extremely naive person being picked on by a bunch of assholes.

Please elaborate on this matter, for I am naive and unaware of my own actions and points of view... :dozey:

Your post made me feel really bad :( I'm sorry.