How do I make a brush based vehicle



I want to know how to make a car or tank

If you have good prefabs post them if you want
CS source doesnt support vehicles
Drivable that is....u can have them sit there and look nice i guess....
yea, the whole button method, not the greatest, as you fall right off of the vehic most of the time. But for hl2 and hl2dm, look for a tutorial on a brush jet, which explains how to get the gameui/prisonerpod working, and combine it with how the thrusters/logic are set up in that c:ss vehicle tut. I havn't found a tut for brush (ground) vehics anywhere, so I've been working on making my own that goes a bit in-depth about the entities used.
I have created about 20 brush vehicles ranging from an 8 wheeled dragster to a drum vehicle with working suspension to a massive tank with REAL moving treads to a vehicle that walks, YES IT REALLY WALKS!!
there's a tute on making a brush based vehicle somewhere - a plane of some sort

i should warn you however that it sucks bigtime and wouldn't make a very good game feature. just so you know. it's all done with phys_thrusters 'n' such
the whole idea of the prisonerpod is to parent that pod to the vehicle and then have the pod trigger the controllig of the vehicle.

Since the pod is actually a vehicle it will make the player not fall of the vehicle like you usually don in GMod and suchlike.

However the vehicles are still hard to steer and are buggy.

But there are fixes I guess. I have a fully pilotable scanner in my map that moves awesomely in all dimensions and takes screenshots (with the flash :)) and that works fine and probably still would if you paranted the player to it. It's really too bad that I don't know how the damn thing works since i got it sent to me :D

you don't parent the prisonerpod. it's a physics ent so you need to use phys_constraints or it'll fall through the floor of your map
but u can do it using gmod. wait for g-mod 10 for ultimate experimentation.