How do I report a site that is distributing the beta and source code and ports?


Sep 27, 2003
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How do I report a site that is distributing the beta and source code and ports?

Someone deleted my other post...
I'm sure VALVe is well aware of the aforementioned site.
email valve?

but they prolly know it, I suppose.
I wouldnt worry to much about it, valve tends to be very much on top off things of this nature.
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
I wouldnt worry to much about it, valve tends to be very much on top off things of this nature.

Yeah, Valve frequents more leak sites than they do here...
StickFigs said:
How do I report a site that is distributing the beta and source code and ports?

Someone deleted my other post...
I deleted your other thread because you actually linked to the site, which isn't a very clever thing to do.
Duh stickfigs is a member of the other site :|
^Ben said:
Duh stickfigs is a member of the other site :|

Gabe doesn't seem to care about the stolen files no more, or he wouldn't be posting on a site thats prolific about them. so why should I? I made a LOT of enemies upholding the whole no stolen file content, and now they pull this stunt, pardon me for being angry but WTF
Many sites which distribute illegal / stolen material use a system of mirrors to make it difficult to shut down the entire site. Plus it's very difficult to get EVERY site. I imagine it has cooled down a bit, especially since it was so widely available before, people who wanted it already got it.
PunisherUSA said:
Many sites which distribute illegal / stolen material use a system of mirrors to make it difficult to shut down the entire site. Plus it's very difficult to get EVERY site. I imagine it has cooled down a bit, especially since it was so widely available before, people who wanted it already got it.
Well thats besides the point

this site has had a strict no stolen file anything policy in accordance to what Gabe himself said. We've made big enemies of h l 2 w o r l d, and for what? Turns out Valve never really cared anyway. If they did they wouldn't be giving exclusives and helping a site that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to get the stolen files and learn how to map with them.

It's pathetic
I came across a site that allowed people to download it. I emailed gabe about it, he replied "thanks, we'll look into it.".
CTTcrew_MrBlue said:
I wouldnt worry to much about it, valve tends to be very much on top off things of this nature.

well imo they clearly arent on top of things. lol, if they were, no one would be able to use something as basic as any-place-control and 'steal the source code' (im still convinced this was a complete cover up for a release date that was too agressive).
this is valve ffs! not microsoft!
Pureball, VALVe have stated MANY times that even without the theft, HL2 would not have hit the September 30th release date.

It wasn't a conspiracy. Furthermore, there was MUCH more involved in the theft of HL2/HL2's source than a simple anyone-can-get application :|
Pureball said:
well imo they clearly arent on top of things. lol, if they were, no one would be able to use something as basic as any-place-control and 'steal the source code' (im still convinced this was a complete cover up for a release date that was too agressive).
this is valve ffs! not microsoft!

(Oops...shuzer beat me with this :p )

Just curious...or maybe I read that wrong...but how can it be a cover up when they themselves said the theft had nothing to do with the delay and that it was just them being way to aggressive with the date, which they could never ever make?

If it was a cover up, wouldn't they blame it on the theft?

Although I agree, they clearly are not on top of things. They make great games, but a lot of behind the scenes stuff leaves a lot to be desired.
If I was developing a game as big as HL2 and the same thing happened, theft of an early version and fan sites documenting how to use it, i'd be on the phone to my lawyer that minute to have all content removed. They can't do much about the leak thanks to peer to peer networks, but they can remove it from the common interwebnet monkey's sight.
The Dark Elf said:
Well thats besides the point

this site has had a strict no stolen file anything policy in accordance to what Gabe himself said. We've made big enemies of h l 2 w o r l d, and for what? Turns out Valve never really cared anyway. If they did they wouldn't be giving exclusives and helping a site that makes it incredibly easy for anyone to get the stolen files and learn how to map with them.

It's pathetic

i understand ur frustration and agree with u.
its too bad Valve chose to do what they makes ya wonder what loyality means anymore... maybe someone here should email ur post to Gabe.. just to see what he'd say.. oh well.. :|
But I guess they don't really care anymore now, shure it was a big shock in the beginning, but it won't inflict sales much, I think valve got ALOT more publicity by the whole stolen beta/source thing then when it wouldn't have been leaked.

The disaster automaticly changed into publicity and alot of people heard about HL2 because the whole hl2 leak thing got discussed all trough the media.

They don't really care anymore, the game is almost finished, its time to put the past behind.
Dr. Freeman said:
i understand ur frustration and agree with u.
its too bad Valve chose to do what they makes ya wonder what loyality means anymore... maybe someone here should email ur post to Gabe.. just to see what he'd say.. oh well.. :|
Well the thing is, I've nothing against hl2world, never had any personal issue's toward any of them, I was just following the rules, we all were. Now hl2world and hate each other. And it turns out for absolutely NO reason.

What a waste, we could have all got on well too.
EVIL said:
They don't really care anymore, the game is almost finished, its time to put the past behind.

Well thats great for them, but their own actions have split the community down the middle. Doesn't matter how much "fixing" they try do now by posting token Valve staff on different forums. The damage has been done.

hl2world are hated for doing something which turns out didn't matter anyway are hated for sticking to rules that never meant anything neither

Both groups of users hate the other group now, thats two very large chunks of the community that can't stand each other, all because of something that never even mattered by the looks of things.
The Dark Elf said:
Well thats great for them, but their own actions have split the community down the middle. Doesn't matter how much "fixing" they try do now by posting token Valve staff on different forums. The damage has been done.

hl2world are hated for doing something which turns out didn't matter anyway are hated for sticking to rules that never meant anything neither

Both groups of users hate the other group now, thats two very large chunks of the community that can't stand each other, all because of something that never even mattered by the looks of things.

in the time i have been following HL2's development/release.. this is the first "real" thing that i haven't liked about Valve.

ur right Elf...these "un-written rules" all for nothing.. and in the end the community is split in two. sad.
Things are starting to get better I think. It seems to me that they are now realizing that H L 2 W O R L D was not blocked because we didn't like them, it was simply part of a rule that they were caught in. As long as they realize that it is nothing personal and that it was going to be temporary anyway since once the game is released there won't be any need to even have anything about the beta. So things will get better, slowly.
We got angry because HL² got leaked and we got angry at the people who provide stolen content to the comunity, Valve was mad, they got even further behind scedule because the team was dissapointed, it took them 2 month's to get the team back and motivated to continue making HL². Sure it would have been awsome to have both part of the community join hands, but its our own fault to, atleast valve decide to support the other half of the community to after they have notised that the whole stolen beta content turned out for more publicity, and maby a better product.

We and hl2 world are both bastards who don't want to join hands. If anyone is to blame for the community to have split up its us

If we would have had helt our head's cool and realised that this whole event might turn out to provide a bigger fanbase then we might have not had this hate between the 2 websites
/me offers his hand.

And I am being serious about this. The fighting really has been stupid.
Valve stopped caring about the stolen build - just like id after sometime. They knew the game is finished - and much better and complete than the stolen build could be anyway. So, I suppose it doesn't really matter to them if a site has stolen build info or not.
So if it doesn't matter now anyways, why doesn't Half-Life 2 bring back their leak section from before, let the people that want to discuss it go there.
Sometimes I think Valve can be a little to friendly...

This hostility between the two websites is completely new to me. I've only known about the hl2world website for a little over 20 hours now. I followed a link to "new" media and started thinking that this was the new Valve fansite (just like hl2fallout was earlier).

But now I 'm hearing things about links to warez and illegal files. And Valve is supporting this? This doesn't make sense.

Perhaps it's just a ploy or something, maybe a mistake. It doesn't seem fair that a highly respectable site like is getting shunned to a bunch of beta-supporting sites like hl2world. We don't even have Greg or Cliffe visit anymore.

Hopefully we don't resort to the "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" logic. I know we won't. I don't want us too.

Still seems fishy.
I think we should give "id" some credit for how fast they shut down the sites with Doom 3 alpha information when it first got leaked. I remember reading a lot about the alpha on these sites, and about 1 month later there was pretty much no trace of any of them, nice job id.

I haven't checked Google since then to see if there are still D3 alpha sites around though...

Maybe Valve should learn from id.
StardogChampion said:
I think we should give "id" some credit for how fast they shut down the sites with Doom 3 alpha information when it first got leaked. I remember reading a lot about the alpha on these sites, and about 1 month later there was pretty much no trace of any of them, nice job id.

I haven't checked Google since then to see if there are still D3 alpha sites around though...

Maybe Valve should learn from id.

Uhh, the D3 Alpha is still widely avaliable.
Why dont we like each-other ? I allways thaugt that it was who dident like us.
The Dark Elf said:
Both groups of users hate the other group now, thats two very large chunks of the community that can't stand each other, all because of something that never even mattered by the looks of things.

Hmmm 2754 registered users at HL2w0rld, that's not really a large chunk, and besides everybody knows pwnz0rz! > ALL! ;)
CB | Para said:
Hmmm 2754 registered users at HL2w0rld, that's not really a large chunk, and besides everybody knows pwnz0rz! > ALL! ;)
Things like that don't really help matters Para :)
Well what can I say, in the end, it's the princinple that matters the most: you should be proud that you enforced the rules, it wasn't just warez like downloading a copy of farcry it was a stolen build.
anyone who is sane should realize that gabe is manipulating their minds over at that place and it is not in a bad way.