how do i...


Aug 1, 2003
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ok i have the RADTOOLS and everything ready.

but can someone PLEASE tell me how do i make the G-MAN BINK movie into a screensaver? step by step on how i do it please...thanks :)
i have nooooo freaking idea...browse around planethalflife you might find something useful..if not try the editing forums on
someone said a while ago that they have g-man for thier screensaver. and i would so love that :)
A freind of mine did some cool stuff like that, he had movies played when the windows started, shut down, etc..

He did it with 'smacker', not radtools.
thanks alot man. because i know someone has done it before.

it would be cool to have the g-man as my screensaver. man that would freak my family out lol.

i just don't know how to.
Id like to be able to skip back and fourth like in media player, furthermore I want more movies ;o) untill now I've only been able to pause it,in advanced mode ?

but someone made thier g-man bink movie a screensaver.

i heard he made it into a .SCR and put it in C:windows. and that was it.

but i tryed and didn't work. i might of done it wrong.

so i want to know if anyone knows would be cool if it is a screensaver.


when you turn pc on g-man says "We've Been Rather Busy In Your Absense Mr Freeman."

and when you go he says "Well Well isn't this just like....Old times"

or alyx says "It's Too Late RUUN"


na i just want the g-man screensaver lol
there is a prog somewhere that makes .mpg files play as the screensaver ... for a guess you could make a movie (.mpg) of the part of the Gman you want and make it play as the screen saver with this file ... sorry i cant remember what the file was called
when im less drunk ill have a look for you :)
well all i know is someone on here a long while bk made the g-man bink vid (all of it) to a screensaver i would love that :)
when you turn pc on g-man says "We've Been Rather Busy In Your Absense Mr Freeman."

thats how i have mine
That was long time ago, I think they made it by looping the vid and save it as file. something.

search around
I believe all you have to do is rename the .exe file to .scr (and put it in the correct directory).
guys i worked out how to do it.

1) you need rad tools.

2) open rad tools. when it is open find G-man (or any movie you want to us for your screenaver.) but i will show you G-man one i did :)

3) click "advanced play" button on the rad tools.

4) in the "advanced play" click "loop the play back" but leave the numbers blank (so it will keep on playing and playing.)

5) look to the side and click "MAKE EXE"

6) look at the OUTPUT file says New_hl2-g-man.exe just change that to...New_hl2-g-man.SCR (no caps i done that to show you)

7) click compile. it will take 10seconds.

8) now close everything.

9) find where all your BINK movies are... there now should be one called...New_hl2-g-man.SCR.

10) move New_hl2-g-man.SCR to C:windows folder (my computer, C, windows...)

11) close all again.

12) right click on desktop, click properties...go to screensavers. then select what screensaver you want from the this case you want New_hl2-g-man

there you have it EASY.
Assuming this is the bink exe then you used to be able to rename any .exe to .scr, stick it in the windoze dir and off you go.
But it seems you've tried that...

There must be a freeware screensaver that can launch any exe. If not it'd be trivial to write one.
I may get around to it next week if you still need it - I'm not gonna touch any code at the weekend I'm afraid.

[Edit] Oh sorry, didn't read your last post commando... Cool, might have to try it, or can you give us a download link? :cheers:
It works only for once commando,

after the first loop an error message pop up says:

The file could not be open.
hey commando that works, nice job.

only one problem: i'm unable to change the settings for when it will display the screensaver. as soon as i select it from the dropdown menu it starts playing the screensaver.

not sure what's going on there.
Actually guys, if the Bink is an EXE you can just rename it to .scr .scr's are all just EXE's i believe. Try it - u can make any executable your screensaver. I used to do this back in my Win95 days.... i assume it still works.
Isn't it in "C:\WINDOWS\system32" on WinXP? I remember doing this with my VB programs :-) I wrote a matrix like program/screensaver in VB, made a .exe, renamed to .scr and put it in "C:\WINDOWS\system32". :-)
sorry for not answering you. been at work :(

well hay i played with the ADVANCED settings of the movie in the BINK tools.

so just fool around.

like i clicked the tick "don't pause if not focus"

i like it because now if any of my family come in... they will just here. "We've been rather busy in your absense mr FREEMAN!" LOL it is funny.
well i will go and figure out if my one doesn't work after the first loop...

but it should work hmmm.