How do you deal with tailgaters?

I don't see why car manufacturers don't give you a few options for a horn. Why not have a little button for "Excuse me, the light has changed and you have not moved your car." or "Please move forward slightly so I may maneuver my vehicle around you".

Instead we have factory default "**** YOU!" horns...
I was cruising along the highway one day, just going for a drive, and this volvo looks like it's trying to get in front of me but he's not using his blinker so I couldn't be sure. He gets upset that I can't read his mind and wedges his car in front of mine then slams on his brakes. So I hit my brakes but stay the exact same distance away from him. A few seconds go by and he hits the brakes again, and so do I but I don't give up a foot. It happens a third time and now we're going about 35mph on the highway (illegally slow speeds).

I really didn't have anywhere to be and I was finding it so humorous and ridiculous that this volvo created the distance between us, even though he didn't like it, and rather than speed up to increase the distance his natural instinct is to hit his brakes. So we crept along for maybe 30 seconds to a minute with him peering at me in the rear view mirror until he finally realized he probably did have somewhere to be and sped off.

I know that wasn't 'polite' but I was really interested to see what he would do if I just kept the same distance that he created between us.
This happened to me twice in the past two days. Some guy, on normal suburban streets, feels I'm not going fast enough (which was 5 over the limit) so they speed past me on the right, get in front of me, and then slam on their brakes to make a left turn right in front of me. They could have waited like 10 seconds until I passed their turn, and made their turn safely behind me, but noooo I'm too slow so they have to cut me off and slam their brakes on to drop down to like 15 miles an hour in order to make their turn. TWICE that happened this week. Such impatient twats around here. If theres one thing I miss about Louisiana, its the driving. Its so much more chill down there. I was probably the most impatient driver in the state, and I'm a pretty chill driver myself.
I was a dick earlier this morning.

I was bombing along, feeding some speed to my ride as you should now and again on the motorway, and suddenly realised my turn off was coming up.

I had some guy in a Vauxhall..something, and a caravan ahead of him (grrr). I couldnt speed past them, and was already alongside the Vauxhall, so for some reason I slammed the brakes and turned into the gap between them. 2 seconds later I took my turn off, only to look in the rearview and see the Vauxhall take the same turn off as me.

He didnt follow me around the roundabout, but I felt like a dick for almost causing an accident, cutting the guy off for no reason, and then the fact that he was taking the same road as me anyway just rubbed it in.
I have a 3/4 inch steel tube around the back of my car for tailgaters.

they enjoy eating bumper it seems
Theres a highway near me that leads right to the beach. Speedlimit is 65, I'm going 75 and everyone is still going past me. Suddenly some red Chevy gets up my ass, changes lanes, then pulls back infront of me, giving me the state bird as he does.

What do I do? Floor it. Swerved into the next lane right when I was up his ass and cut him off and the last second. I believe he did less then the speed limit for a good portion of the drive after that.
So you guys got KFC over there in the UK?

Do yours have this? It came out here a few months back and is AWESOME.


"This one-of-a-kind sandwich features two thick and juicy boneless white meat chicken filets (Original Recipe® or Grilled), two pieces of bacon, two melted slices of Monterey Jack and pepper jack cheese and Colonel's Sauce. This product is so meaty, there’s no room for a bun!"

As far as tailgaters- if you have good insurance then brake check them to scare them. And hey, even if they DO rear-end you then you get free car service and possible money from their insurance.

Do not follow that advice for the FREEWAY or rear ending you will mean death
Tailgaters? Speed up just 2 or 3 miles per hour while you look for a way to the 'slow lane' if possible. Works every time. As long as you aren't tailgating this shouldn't be too dangerous. Most people say you should go slower to give yourself more time, be we all know that will just piss them off. They just want you to know they are there and they want to go faster. Don't ****ing hit your breaks you retards. :p

if you maintain speed for a while, eventually they will realize you aren't going to go any faster, and they will settle in a little ways behind you. If they don't, and they continue to ride up your ass, they are seriously in a hurry and are willing to risk their life over it, so do what you can to get out of their way.
I mostly ignore them, but if they are really annoying, I try to block their passing the best I can, just to piss them off further.
"If im in the fast lane, I will generally move over, unless its a 4x4."
You shouldn't be in the fast lane if you're not overtaking. That is what it is for. Get back in the right lane and stop being an asshole. Every time we get a driving thread it seems like it's all the American users talking about how much of an asshole every other driver is and then going around and giving example of how they're assholes to people.

We really don't have a legal passing lane in the U.S. It IS considered good driving etiquette to stay out of the far left lane if there are people going faster than you, but besides that you can drive in what ever lane you want.

Are there laws about a passing lane where you guys are from?
In fact, on two lane roads, many states consider the right lane the "slow lane" for things like semi's and old people, while the left is considered the "travel lane".
I drive in whatever lane I damn well please at whatever speed I want to. They can pass on the right if they have to be speeding so badly. Good luck to them when there is a speed camera or cop around the next corner too. *word of warning- been in numerous road rage incidents(other motorists) LOL*
^^^ Asshole with an asshole attitude.

It's the left lane. Not the fast lane. Not the passing lane. And those that want to speed on it aren't supposed to be doing that in the first place.

There are sections of highway where it IS specifically marked "keep right unless passing" and they have a set beginning and end. Most of the road is not.

You can be ticketed for being in the left lane for too long if you're not passing.

That's a local law of yours then. That's not the law here.
It's the left lane. Not the fast lane. Not the passing lane. And those that want to speed on it aren't supposed to be doing that in the first place.

There are sections of highway where it IS specifically marked "keep right unless passing" and they have a set beginning and end. Most of the road is not.
That has nothing to do with why you're an asshole. You're an asshole because your attitude to driving is to drive how you damn well please without giving a shit if you're being a huge hassle to anyone else on the road.
That's a local law of yours then. That's not the law here.

28-721. Driving on right side of roadway; exceptions
A. On all roadways of sufficient width, a person shall drive a vehicle on the right half of the roadway except as follows:
1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction under the rules governing the movement.
2. When the right half of a roadway is closed to traffic while under construction or repair.
3. On a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic under the rules applicable on the roadway.
4. On a roadway designated and signposted for one-way traffic.
B. On all roadways, a person driving a vehicle proceeding at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall drive the vehicle in the right-hand lane then available for traffic or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.

Stop being a twat.
So I read most of this thread the other day. Been noticing more than usual how badly people tailgate, even though I always do 5-10 over the limit.

I was on the thruway the other day, lots of construction and traffic. In an area where there was not construction there were people going about the speed limit in the right lane (good for them) and someone up ahead doing the same speed in the left lane (**** them). So, I get in the left lane behind the line of cars that is being slowed by this guy up ahead, not tailgating the person in front of me. Freakin guy in a van comes up behind me and is RIGHT on my ass. I tapped the brakes a couple times and he just stayed on my ass, to the point where i could barely see the hood (bonnet) of his van behind my coupe. I hate when people tailgate like this when obviously its not me causing the slow-down. So I got over into the right lane, let his by me, then he hit slow traffic and I tailgated the **** out of him (not as bad, or for as long... just to make a point and I backed off). NOTE: I don't usually do this at all, but this guy was SOOO close and for so long. I shouldn't have done it of course, but I knew i wasn't extremely close... just being as careful as I could be while being dangerous.

Then on my way home same deal, rush traffic and everyone doing like 65 in a 65mph zone. I'm in the left lane and a douche is behind me up on my ass again. I kept a nice distance between the person in front of me, and sure enough people in front of him slowed down quickly, he SLAMMED on his brakes, I make sure not to hit him, the douche behind me swerves a little, but the guy behind him swerves and goes off the road into the dirt... huge cloud in the rear view mirror lol. ****ers deserve this if they are going to be such huge assholes.

Had to post my stories, was thinking of while I was out there. :bounce:
Tailgaters piss me off more than any other bad driver. I remember once when I was young and dumb I was doing about 85 mph on the freeway (65 limit). It was late at night so hardly any other car was on the road, but some ricer pos came up fast behind me. Got probably with 5 feet of my car. Even though the highway was empty, he proceeded to flash his brights at me (instead of just go around). This pissed me off so I did something that, in retrospect, was a very, very stupid move. While still going 85, I put my car into 3rd gear, and just let go of the gas and clutch. My car instantly slowed, almost like hitting the brakes, but without the brake lights. The car behind slammed on his brakes, and almost lost control. I put it back into 5th and got back up to speed quickly. He finally just went around. But it could have been a lot worse (damaged car, severe injury, and/or death). But now I just get over to another lane. Not worth pissing off a bad driver.

At first I was confused and thought I was mistaken, but I realized-that is a law regarding which side of the road to drive on. EG: Dont drive on the left side (ONCOMING TRAFFIC)

3 lanes = rule does not apply. That's all freeways here (6 to 8 lanes)

On most parts where it becomes a 2 lane highways here the signs I mentioned about "Keep Right Unless Passing" are posted. But freeways no one cares. And the left lane is where most tailgating happens. Today I was being tailgated by an impatient semi-truck. I remained only 5 above the speed limit and he ended up coming to within about 3 feet of my car at 70mph. **** them, they can wait for doing that shit. I dont care how close they come.
4-lane highway: Slower traffic, MOVE YO ASS OVER TO THE RIGHT LANE!!!

2-lane street: Keep slowing down until they pass.

Disclaimer:These rules only apply in the U.S. I guess you just flip-flop the 4-lane highway rule in countries where you drive on the left lane.
In my country it's called overtaking.
Overtaking; yes we use that word often-times. It's illegal to do that from the slow lane. You must use the fast lane to pass slower traffic. How about for you? Please elaborate.
The gauntlet has been laid.

VirusType 2 VS Druckles, Hell in a Cell match.

Also: I think Tailgaters caused a massive spin-out on the highway today LOL though I wasn't really paying enough attention to the specific cars to say for sure.

This shows the rules on this exact subject by state

Here in AZ you're told to keep right if slower than the speed limit but everyone drives OVER the speed limit (including cops without pulling a whole lot of people over)

There is nothing against passing on the right in some states. There is in others. If you're in a state where they can pass on the right, and you're already going AT or ABOVE the speed limit then do NOT move over. Make them pass on the right. You only have to move over to the right if you're going slower than traffic (whose max speed is the posted limit)
Overtaking; yes we use that word often-times. It's illegal to do that from the slow lane. You must use the fast lane to pass slower traffic. How about for you? Please elaborate.

Hmm. Nevermind.