How do you feel about Half-life 2's arsenal?

Half-life 2 Weapoooooooooooons

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The SPAS-12 Does have a double barrel.

The SPAS-12 is a single barreled pumpaction/semi auto (selectable) combat shotgun. The barrel is the top tube. The tube below the barrel is the magazine.
The selection is alright, I just really dislike the SMG. Horrid sound and a terrible weapon for ground troops. Plenty of SMG's out there that are superior.

Also - I hope the Combine soldiers using RPG's are using actual Combine issue launchers and not the scrapyard junk you/the Resistance use. Will look very odd if they do.
The selection is alright, I just really dislike the SMG. Horrid sound and a terrible weapon for ground troops. Plenty of SMG's out there that are superior.

Quite true. but it can be a great weapon, with loads of ammo, IF you fire it in bursts (it seems to me that it is even more powerful that way. E.g. I can slay 1 zombie with full auto, but even 2 or 3 firing in short controlled bursts...). A new model and sounds would be just perfect...:thumbs:

The pistol is also meh, if you "just fire" it, however, I just love the burst fire capability - by using this you can take down enemies, quickly and smoothly, without loosing any health. It is a formidable weapon if you use it that way...
Also - I hope the Combine soldiers using RPG's are using actual Combine issue launchers and not the scrapyard junk you/the Resistance use. Will look very odd if they do.
Scrapyard? Those rocket launchers don't look scrapyard to me. Especially seeing as how they're all identicle.
The only thing that really bothered me about all the weapons was how Gordon is supposed to carry them all. The weapon carry system of Counter-Strike would be interesting, considering the versatility of the gravity gun. But I won't deny that I prefer it just as it is. The variety of weapons constantly (more or less) at hand is wonderful, etc.

That in mind, I really like it that this "strider buster" is not a weapon in itself, so to speak, but is more an interactive object designed to be used in conjunction with other weapons with which the player is already familiar - the gravity gun and then the pistol (and, presumeably, the other auto/semi-auto weapons). Anyway, I've gone on enough.
The only thing that really bothered me about all the weapons was how Gordon is supposed to carry them all. The weapon carry system of Counter-Strike would be interesting, considering the versatility of the gravity gun.

Yeh but if the css system was used for gordon then the variety and choice is lame. if you could only carry one large weaponand your pistol, you could never go through the game coz the ammo just wouldne be enough. I works fine for css becuase your going through rounds and get ammo back up to full ammount a few mins later. Too many beasties to fend off for one large weapon and a pistol in your armory. (dont worry about gordon findin his weapons quite heavy...i mean, hes gordon freeman for gods sake)

i would actually like the hybrid grav gun throughout the entire game... sweet

I believe they experimented with a Counter-Strike carry system (it was in a gameplay video IIRC) but they didn't like it.
I just say that the HEV suit takes care of it all some how (space compression maybe?), not that I really care - there are more important things to worry about like, "When does Gordon sleep?", "When does he take a leak?" or "Does he wear a helmet?".

I actually like the idea of integrating the gravity gun into the HEV suit, suppose I'll have to wait until HL3.
Yeh but if the css system was used for gordon then the variety and choice is lame. if you could only carry one large weaponand your pistol, you could never go through the game coz the ammo just wouldne be enough. I works fine for css becuase your going through rounds and get ammo back up to full ammount a few mins later. Too many beasties to fend off for one large weapon and a pistol in your armory. (dont worry about gordon findin his weapons quite heavy...i mean, hes gordon freeman for gods sake)

i would actually like the hybrid grav gun throughout the entire game... sweet


Oh yeah, I realise the practical difficulties in the different game environments from that of CSS in HL2. I wouldn't like it changed or anything, just thought it would be interesting. But yes, I'd much prefer simply to take Gordon Freeman's carrying abilities with a pinch of salt. :)
Maybe he carries them in hammerspace? (Do a search)

And he takes a leak during loading zones?
I like it, but it would be nice to see some more exoyic weaponry like in the original.

They needed something closer to an assault rifle. The pulse rifle is more of a "I'm better than the SMG as long as you don't like having ammo lol". Plus, you should be able to get manhacks that haven't been programmed yet :D
imho the weapons are really fine, I only want the combine sniper rifle implemented... it could use the ammo of the assault rifle, and 3 rifle bullets would be one shot for the sniper... (the assault rifle looks like it hits the ammor round with a little hammer to shoot out bullets, this would be the same for the sniper, just it eats ammor quicker) and sorry for my bad english
Your English is fine, magiolle. :)

Yeah, the Combine sniper rifle would be good fun, and I can see it being used in open spaces such as those promised in Episode Two. This time they won't have black windows to hide behind though... you never know!

I guess Valve don't want to repeat themselves though, as the crossbow already fulfils the sniper function in a roundabout sort of way.
What's wrong with the crossbow? IMO hitting someone with something that's actually takes skill to use and then having them impalled on a wall is much more satisfying.
Handheld. Strider. Cannon.
The fact that the crowbar was removed from Half-Life 2 pissed me off. It was the trademark weapon of the series!
The fact that the crowbar was removed from Half-Life 2 pissed me off. It was the trademark weapon of the series!

Huh? It's always been there. :|

Replaying HL2 at the moment. Just about to get to the lighthouse. Loving it. Aresnal is fine the way it is.
What? I never got the crowbar. I only got the freaking pipe wrench, nothing else, and the knife for that matter.
:/ I was playing HL2 literally 10 mins ago and I used the crowbar! It's the first weapon you get.

You're not talking about Opposing Force are you? :P
How the hell can you get Opposing Force and Half-Life 2 mixed up? Then again, just look at his signature.
thank you :)
and nooo, i love the crossbow, its very cool, but i think that the c.s.r. (combine sniper rifle) is leet (or whatever :D) and i like the sound of it... like the standard issue rifle, hi-tech combine stuff
I find the Pulse Rifle much harder to control and less effective than the SMG. I dont know why.
Teh Combine Sniper Rifle would be awesome. The Crossbow rocks and stuff, but firing slow and innacurate metal sticks doesn't seem like what a proper sniper rifle's suppose to do.
I get the feeling the sniper rifles are in a fixed position, like the turrets.
Gravity does make its move with Bolts and Arrows.
I think Valve didnt make the effect of gravity apparent enough on the Crossbow, but might also be because shots arent always excessively long.
Yes I know gravity affects the bolts, but that doesn't have anything to do with the accuracy of the weapon - it is just a factor of the environment to take into account. Personally I like it because of the needed skill involved (gravity + finite speed + moving target).
Plus, you should be able to get manhacks that haven't been programmed yet :D
Thank you! I thought I was the only one.
A sniper rifle would be excessive, next we'll need a sniping slot. The XBow gets the job done, gives satisfying deaths, gives a challenge but not a hassle, and admit it, when you snipe a moving target from 100 yards away on DM and pin them to a wall you get more satisfaction than any sniper rifle could give. Plus bounces off walls.
Scrapyard? Those rocket launchers don't look scrapyard to me. Especially seeing as how they're all identicle.

From what I remember; lots of wires exposed, odd colours indicating different pieces of metal just stuck here and there, nothing remotly military about it. Looked like the kind of weapon solders in Iraq are finding and confiscating, ala, RPG's. And as far as I know, military armies use alot better equipment. It'd be like the British army using RPG's instead of whatever rocket launcher they use now. :laugh:
I don't remember anything like you describe. To google image search!
From what I remember; lots of wires exposed, odd colours indicating different pieces of metal just stuck here and there, nothing remotly military about it. Looked like the kind of weapon solders in Iraq are finding and confiscating, ala, RPG's. And as far as I know, military armies use alot better equipment. It'd be like the British army using RPG's instead of whatever rocket launcher they use now. :laugh:

And a laser guide. Don't forget the laser guide. It's probably not hand-made, but surplus from the previous war.
Yeah, the laser guide was probably the only high-tech thing about it, other than that it just looked really, really bad I thought. When you look at in comparison with something like the Pulse Rifle which is the Combine's own it just looks weird. I was expecting something more high-class and official looking, following along the lines of the Combines sleek architecture and design.

I don't know, I just hope the Combine don't use the one's we used.
It is made out of Combine materials (ie, blue metal) though, IIRC.
I'm one of them.
Is that a problem?

Although I do admit that the spore launcher and shock roach would've been somewhat out of place...
I guess I'm a moron for having an opinion YOU don't have, huh?
What option did you pick, because the majority clearly doesn't agree with you, unless you picked option 2 in which case you think you're a moron.
I guess I'm a moron for having an opinion YOU don't have, huh?
What option did you pick, because the majority clearly doesn't agree with you, unless you picked option 2 in which case you think you're a moron.

He probably picked the second last one.
you could see who voted for what by clicking on the total votes, don't ya know.
Ok, then he voted for
"Very boring. They need to add iron sights, melee attacks and weapons like from Perfect Dark Zero"
Yea, because that option is soo much better than option 2 :rolleyes: