How do you feel about Half-life 2's arsenal?

Half-life 2 Weapoooooooooooons

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I like option 4, but way too many people are going for option 2. I would just like the iron sights option and an improved grav-gun that can't pick up people\organic materials, but picks up really heavy stuff! (That's not a new weapon, just a configured one)
I'd like to see one or two more "unconventional" weapons added. The pistol's a... pistol, the SMG and the Energy Rifle are "rifles", and the Shotgun is just that. Crossbow is your sniper rife, crowbar is melee, grenades are grenades, rocket launcher is a rocket launcher. That covers just about every typical FPS's arsenal. There's not much that's really creative in any of those weapons. The only truly unique weapon is the Gravity Gun, and that's not a true weapon (until it becomes charged up). I'd like to see something like another Gauss cannon, or maybe that portal generator from OpFor.

But Newell (or whoever it was) stated that they're going for more stuff to punt with your Gravity Gun, like those little energy-sapping balls that you shoot at the Striders. Which is fine by me, but I'd still like something a bit more unconventional when it comes to weapons that doesn't involve the Gravity Gun (when that thing craps out, Gordon's in trouble). ;)
Shockroach was basically the same thing as the Hornet Gun, except maybe a bit more powerful. The Sporelauncher was cool because it was a biological grenade launcher and it had that idle animation where Shephard pets it. Also, once you found those spawning points for the ammo, you had unlimited ammo (if you waited for them to respawn).
Shockroach was basically the same thing as the Hornet Gun, except maybe a bit more powerful. The Sporelauncher was cool because once you found those spawning points for the ammo, you had unlimited ammo (if you waited for them to respawn).

And the reloading/idle animations for the launcher was awesome. :)
That they were. Made a cool reloading noise too.

I miss OpFor. That was a damned good expansion. :(
needs 4 or so more weapons, newer more intersting replacements for some of the current weapons.

for instance it'd be nice to have a different type of crossbow equivalent. it'd make sense, considering you are out of the city and rebar chunks will be harder to come by.

perhaps a different magnum, functionally similar but different enough to be fresh and interesting.

and other stuff, like maybe napalm rockets for the rpg launcher, i dunno
The Thread starter is a total loser. He should get a life. Lock this mess..
needs 4 or so more weapons, newer more intersting replacements for some of the current weapons.

for instance it'd be nice to have a different type of crossbow equivalent. it'd make sense, considering you are out of the city and rebar chunks will be harder to come by.

perhaps a different magnum, functionally similar but different enough to be fresh and interesting.

and other stuff, like maybe napalm rockets for the rpg launcher, i dunno

Combine sniper rifle, anyone?
Could happen, someday. If Alyx can operate one, I don't see why Gordon can't.
Crossbow's more fun than a sniper rifle, sorry. Besides, it'd be ridiculous to have both.
Crossbow's more fun than a sniper rifle, sorry. Besides, it'd be ridiculous to have both.

not really, if we ever end up dealing with faster targets that come at us from long distances the crossbow is going to become very useless. it doesnt have to be as powerfull then the crossbow, it could really just be the glock compared to the revolver.

in any regard, i'd love to see an actual assault rifle, like an ak. the combine one just... doesnt cut it. or the AR they showed off in the hl2 beta, the one with the zoom. that is a cool gun.

one interesting weapon could be a gun that uses earth magnets to destroy things such as the new hunters by frying any robotic components they have.

or maybe a gun that fires charges of... well whatever. like the gauss but with no radioactive material.
I can kind of see the Combine sniper rifle appearing in Ep2. It could fit kind of well in with those massive open-ended battles, but as a mounted weapon instead of a carried one. Say the rebels stole some and mounted them on the windows of those buildings you're supposed to defend. Of course you wouldn't be forced to use it or have to rely on it, but it would be fun maybe to use them against hunters or something, seeing as they're meant to be so tough.

Then again, you could just use the crossbow.

OK, better idea. The rebels use the sniper rifle and can cover you're back with it. That way VALVe would be doing another one of those weapons where it's part of your environment. Might be a bit easy to win with them, so maybe make it so they get shot at a lot, so you have to protect them.
If they added the Combine sniper rifle, brought back the Gauss Gun and implemented the SLAM from DM I would be one happy camper.
But nooooo.... they won't, so why bother. I'll just put a mod or something
There's the unanswered question of just what happened to the buggy's gauss gun in the 1st place?
We see it get taken away by a dropship at the lighthouse battle, but why? For some R&D?

Better be worried about Elites wielding tau cannons in Episode 3 !
I can't understand why people want new versıons of the same guns.
wow i would love to have flamethrower. Imagine frying some zombies and antlions and all other bastards.

Sniper instead of bow. but it would have been litle disbalance. Killing Snipers with nades is much funner than having simple hs.
i would like it if u can only carry a certain ammout ov weapons u had 2 drop some except the crowbar and grav gun i like a chalenge plus its more realistic cuz u are carrying a shotgun rpg mac dat combine weapon wateva its called and well i cant be boverd goin tru dem all but dat is alot ov weight lol.
Could you please make your posts more coherent. That MSN speak isn't working.
The Crossbow is one of the trademarks of the HL series, almost as important as the crowbar IMO. To replace it with a gun or give you a gun that would make it obselete, and be much less fun (IMO) is retarded. It doesn't offer anything new.
I kinda like how the crossbow's bolt doesn't hit the POA instantly, and there's a realistic drop of the bolt's trajectory, resulting in more interesting gameplay.
personally i'd like a different ghetto rigged crossbow. Maybe one using a truck spring, and a small motor (to crank back the line) to shoot flaming arrows (instead of hot rebar). Not all the rebel crossbows could have been built the same anyhow.
That's true. Setting up an assembly line under Combine rule would not be realistic and using ad-hoc components would not lead to standardization.
I thought the weapons were meh. All of the aresnal (except the grav gun) are mediocre at best.

Hopefully either by the end of Ep2 or halfway through Ep3 you get the Tau Cannon, the Gluon gun as well as the Hivehand. And what the hell happened to the snarks?

This is why in many respects I find Half-Life more enjoyable, they had funnier weapons.
the only way there could be a hivehand would be if there were still alien grunts around, otherwise i think those hivehands would have shrivled up and died by now.

snarks would definitely be fun to play with. eep! eep! eep! eep! eep! I loved to save them up just to be able to unleash a swarm. It'd be fun to have a dufflebag full of snarks to chuck at the enemy, releasing 10 or so snarks all at once.
Hivehands are long gone. Same with the Shock Roach (and everything else from Race X for that matter).

Snarks could still be around, though. I think it'd be cool to see a return of them, complete with their idle animations.
If the Gravity Gun could do what it does when you first get it and also do what it does after having been affected by the confiscation machine, then it'd be sweet. A couple new weapons would be kool though, a sniper rifle (Keeping in mind that I know it was replaced by the crossbow) and maybe some kind of stun gun or something.
Nah, the supercharged Gravity Gun makes the game too easy. Even Valve realized this, IIRC, and therefore it remains supercharged only for a short while.
That's what makes it fun, you can lift people. When I first held the Gravity Gun, I figured since it can hold practically anything, it must be able to hold people but it didn't and that's not desirable.
Nah, the supercharged Gravity Gun makes the game too easy. Even Valve realized this, IIRC, and therefore it remains supercharged only for a short while.

Though when you reenter the Citadel in Episode One, I noticed that Valve (quite cleverly) designed the combat parts around the gravity gun's main weakness: range. Wide open spaces around those lightbridges, so you have to run toward them, taking damage.

Much tougher then before, where they conveniently lined up to be slaughtered. :naughty:
Yeah, I was thinking more of HL2's use of the souped-up GG. Combined with your upgraded hazard suit, it makes for a very easy final level. To kill some of the enemies in Episode One (such as the Stalkers in the core) you have to use Combine balls, which I must admit are pretty fun to use.
Are Combine balls those things you use to destroy the two final gunships and the thing that Dr.Breen is in? If so they rock.
Weapons&Why they r balanced

hallo again,

as you have probably already noticed, the weapons here are overly balanced. for example, the pulse rifle, though strong, is kinda innacurate and has a low ammo capacity, but close up headshots count all teh way. also, the SMG is accurate at a certain distance but is weak(notice there is no recoil on anything though) and the 2 weapons i find imbalanced are the revolver and pheropod. pheropod u throw at any combine soldier and they die. revolver is 2 shots at the most for elite's and 1 shot to teh head for reg overwatch. and the crossbow...frigging powerful but is slow for moving targets and the reload is enough to yawn bout'.

but the one thing that every1 is thinking is about the xcombine sniper rifle, am i right? sounds made from the rifle suggest it is pulse rifle tech but stronger, has a scope, but is bolt action. anything bolt action pwnz because it has style about it, not like a semi auto sniper rifle.

the above paragraph is for all u modders out there!! make a combine sniper rifle!! plz!!

may teh pwnage be with you,

um yeah, mistake, the pheropods DO NOT kill soldiers lol. my bad they only evoke SERIOUS ANTLION ALLERGIES.

I feel that the Hl2 arsenal is perfect enough as it is we got a weapon for every different combat situation they are all balanced I agree that 1 more wouldn't be too bad but if just put there for the sake of more variety then it's pointless,
Hl2's weapons each have a meaning to them they have a purpose that makes sense and contributes to the gameplay but why bring in a combine sniper when we have a crossbow I believe that Valve at first wanted us to have a sniper rifle but then they considered that many games these days always have the same type of sniper rifle in them.
So they wanted Hl2 to be unique in quality not quantity they added the crossbow tell another game that handles their sniper gun as a crossbow Valve are releasing new weapons but in the form of gravity gun ammo which contributes to gameplay.

I know that voted for 1 or 2 but I'm not saying that I don't want new weapons just I don't want new weapons that are put there just for the sake of being there.
I don't think that the revolver is overpowered. It's usefullness seriouslly depends on the user's aim.