How do you fry a PC without opening it up?


Sep 12, 2003
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Hi, my brothers use about the worlds worst computer (p2 400), and how so I fry the PSU in windows, and she refuses to buy a new one unless that one dies, and we all want that one to die. I was can you fry a pc in windows? I'd really like to not fry the motherboard or proc (PSU preferably), buecase i can reuse those as a low end server or something. Any, how does one go about doing this?
just bump up the FSB in bios to someting silly, then when it refuses to boot say its gone fubar... and when you do want it to work again just pull out the bios battery and replace it after a few secs.
pff, just pull the PSU-motherboard connector out a bit and say its blown up.

- and since you cant open it up, pull a 3.5" panel or two off the front so you can reach your hand in to do it.
pc destroying without opening it?
Stick a screwdriver in the PSU-fan and let it run until it smokes ;)
Don't try this at home, kids!

Best way is to let your mother work with your box. So she will see, you need a new one.
PC's aren't like shoes ;)
Take out one of the 3.5" panels, and light a m-80 firecracker and throw her in!
boot to dos, flash the bios and pull the plug half-way through.
Why not just switch the red switch on the back of the PSU?
oD1Nz said:
Why not just switch the red switch on the back of the PSU?

This is by far the easiest and fastest way to fry your PSU, even while it's incredibly stupid. (oD1Nz is referring to the voltage standard selector). You should not do this.

Why on Earth would you want to fry the PSU? Why not just come up with a legitimate reason to get a new computer and be nice for a couple weeks or something.
Can she even afford to buy a new PC? I wouldn't be messing around trying to blow up a computer if she can't afford a new one.
If you want to temp disable it (without damageing it) I have a few ideas.

The easiest thing would be to turn off the switch in the back or unplug some cable in the back or put some tape over some pins. If your Mom knows nothing about computer this might actually work.

Go into the Bios and where is says "boot sequence [1, 2, ect] = disk or hard drive" change that to nothing. It will not start windows and can easily be undone if you know what your doing.

Now if you wanted to destroy it I have some better ideas :devil:
You could also unplug where the power button on the front connects with the board.
Could remove the RAM out of the machine.
Unplug the ATX power connector from the PSU that connects to the board.
Drop an anvil on the case and blame it on a pet!
Try any of these:
1. Remove the ground pin from the power cord.
2. Strip the CAT5 cable and separate the pairs or wires, then stick them into an electrical socket.
3. Place a Dell sticker on the front of it. :LOL:
4. Send it to Dell or Gateway for repairs.
5. Turn the system on and off really fast.
6. Intall Windows ME on it.
7. Run high yeild calculations on the scientific calculator, certain ones can take hours.
8. Chain it up behind a truck.

Enjoy... :thumbs: