how do you get rid of warts?


Space Core
Aug 25, 2004
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seriously... how do you? i keep pulling it out and it grows back
I remember seeing somethin on TV where you can freeze it off.Like they have a can of co2 with a cue-tip thingy at the end, but try ice...
you can use something like Compound W to remove warts, but it depends on the type of wart.
aarghhh shit!
dont use a knife...
the blood... the blood!
I was just about to suggest using a knife :(

Well, since you seem to have already done so, I would suggest the nail and fire technique to finnish it off. Thats what I do, and if you do it right you don't get a scar. Of course, I generally back this up with the stuff my doctor gave it....its acid basically.
I used to have a warton my foot, I went to the local hospital and they simply frooze it down and it dissappeared, felt a lil chill tho, it's like a really horrible pain like you're in the arctic or something, but it goes away after a few seconds, I was really pissed at the nurse afterwards tho, she said first that it wouldn't hurt at all, damn liar.

Anyway hope this helps.
Tr0n said:
I remember seeing somethin on TV where you can freeze it off.Like they have a can of co2 with a cue-tip thingy at the end, but try ice...

Its liquid nitrogen iirc.
Rule of thumb: Don't ever trust a nurse when she/he says "This won't hurt a bit" or "you may feel a slite sting".
"Now, relax, you won't feel a thing...until I shove THIS down your THROAT!!"

*various mechanical noises and screaming*
Heh, "You'll just feel a little prick"

My friend had the freeze thing, and his wart grew to about 2 centimetres wide and went all black. In fact, I caught it off him because he was using my keyboard :(

Sometimes warts go away by themselves, it can depend on how you are feeling at the time really...I knwo it seems silly but for instance, they can pop up if you are under stress or feeling depressed.

Edit: I've just noticed that I do in fact have a wart on my finger...its only tiny at the moment but I'd best get rid of it.
It's frozen with Liquid Nitrogen and then you can dig it out with a pair of scissors.
hey dude, i dont recommend using a knife ot get rid of a wart after a certian stage...
for example... the one i have has already matured and has its own blood supply... set of morals... IQ ect.. :D
Badger? Anyway, yeah the blood thing is an issue I suppose but I normally cut the wart out (Yeah it hurts, but I'm used to redirecting pain now anyway) and then put the acid stuff on it.

neptuneuk said:
from my finger?
scary stuff...

Its ok, what he said isn't entirely true....

Sometimes it goes for the peen. :O
After reading all that...I hope I never get warts... :(
i think mine is talking to me... whats that? kill everyone? ok then...

how do you get rid of warts?


hi guys, im back
couldnt find anyone, its telling me to get a pot noodle now....
um i havent name dit yet... ideas?
*cant sleep, wart'll get me...*
*cant sleep, wart'll get me...*
*cant sleep, wart'll get me...*
I used to have a wart on my thumb and if you pick at them they can spread to other areas so dont!

Go to the chemist, tell them you have a wart and want some treatment for it.. They'll give you this little bottle of clear liquid (****ing expensive stuff £5 - £15) you apply it to the wart and it sorta turns it white and crusty and it shrinks down (over a few days treatment of course) till theres nothin left.
neptuneuk said:

seriously... how do you? i keep pulling it out and it grows back

"Sell" the wart, seriously. Get a friend or family member to give you a couple cents or something, and it'll be gone within 2 weeks, and transfered to their body (same place it was on your body). Both memebers of the transaction must believe it will work though, if not, it wont.

I'm not joking either, i've sold and bought a few warts via this method, works every time (although i did sell all my warts off a few years ago).

Search on the web for this trick if you still dont believe me.
I have a small wort on my finger. somehow though i knocked it or scraped it and cut a whole in it, the hard black shit came out and its just a lump of skin that i think is going down now.
Of course...I that reminds me. Rub a piece of meat, preferably red meat, on the wart and then bury the meat in the garden and your wart will go. Ok so you don't have to bury it, but thats the tradition. You could just rub hands with someone else...
hooray for the crazy freezing-ey stuff!
its gone all burnt and wierd...
To get rid of a wart, take some duct tape and wrap it around the area so that no air can get to the wart. after a couple of weeks, the wart will die due to no oxygen or something like that. I tried this and it worked, but my finger had a disgusting white ring around it where no sunlight had been.
Freezing and Duct Tape (The universal tool).

Best thing you can do.
i had 1 under my foot once i got some weird glue'ish stuff too put on it, basicly it kills the wart thing and you'll have to take a razor, cut off the dead cells and put on some new glue, then repeat untill you got the centre of it out...