how do you get rid of warts?

Liquid Nitrogen was the method of choice for many years. There is a new method of treatment that is starting to be used. It is called cantherone.(sp?) It is "juice" from a beetle. It is a blister agent and forms a huge blister over top of the wart. It doesn't hurt going on. The blisters become slightly sensitive, but nothing like the pain that could be associated with liquid N2.

You wash it off after 3 hours. It takes a day to blister over. You go back 1 month later for a follow up. Some people are prone some aren't. Different people can get them to varying degrees.
1. Take pistol
2. Place end with hole in front of your wart
3. Fire

Nah, seriously, I did with a knife, slowly, and it worked well.
i had a wart on my foot.. i went to the doctors, they sprayed it with nitrogen so it was literrally rozen in ice, then a few days later it fell off.

when i was 12 - 13 i also had a few on my hands (they werent ver noticable though). but the suprising thing is i wnt to spain, and when i came back they just shrank withing a couple of days of getting back. i think they dont like heat and pool water, which is the main things that affected me there. never had any wart scince.
doesn't like duct tape help? in spy kids i think trhe boy did it.
Acids, or Fires. It will burn the cells building up the wort.

Also, make sure you use soap on the fingers you've used to pull it out. Soap will disolve some of the bacterias.