how do you make fire help please



im stuck on makeing fire,the site that had the tutorial has gone down so need another please :eek:
Soz Mate, I Can't Help Ya Cos I Expect It Was That Ya Looked At For The Tutorials And There Having Server Issues....... I Wan't Interlopers Back..... ;( ;( ;(
thanks guys

cheers il try that got most thing sorted just fire seem to be a a pain
still stuck on fire

tride all sorts doing something wrong but dont no wot, need a step by step on fire if any one has any idea thanks
make a env_fire, set the duration and other settings to what you want, then go to flags and put start on.

thanks for that got it up and running it was right under my more question if i make a dynamik light that swings when you shoot it with diffrent entitys is there any way of saveing thta as a prop to use in diffrent maps insted of rebuilding it from scratch if you no wot i mean ?
make it into a prefab: when you have the whole contraption selected, press ctrl+r. from then on it should be in your prefab menu. (like by your brush type and entity type stuff).
The secret of fire is ......***b the sticks together!

Im sorry , someone had to.
also if you want your fire to look more real, place a light under it and make the brightness the color orange.
thanks all,things are working fine now. you all need a good pat on the back theres a good set of people on here cheers