How do you pay for your stuff

How do you pay for your hardware / software?

  • job

    Votes: 23 69.7%
  • parents

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 5 15.2%
  • none

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


The Freeman
Aug 3, 2005
Reaction score
Just got curious, since I'm getting a job over the summer and I'll be able to pay for my own stuff then.
I open my wallet and lo and behold there's money! which I can use to buy things...although sometimes I have to consult the Wife1.0 for compatibility sakes
Uhh...take a look at how much money I have on my card, don't spend more than that and wait till next paycheck! Of course I gotta make sure to leave enough for car payments, insurance, gas and all that other BS thats raping my paychecks.
well, my deceased father left me and my brother a peice property which we sold and put into an account, which we've been picking out of sometimes with the consent of my mom. And now, since I have/had old aunts who left me money for when I turn 18 I will be able to upgrade my PC some more or whatever this June 15th, my birthday.
D€vIL² said:
well, when my deceased father died he left me and my brother a peice propertie which we sold and put into an account, which we've been picking out of sometimes with the consent of my mom. And now, since I have/had old aunts who left me money for when I turn 18 I will be able to upgrade my PC some more or whatever this June 15th, my birthday.

man. invest that money in property ..right now your money isnt working for you, it's working for the bank (they take YOUR money and invest it in commodities etc ..but you see none of the profit, they do)'ll be far better off in 10 years and your money could double even triple

example ...Steve Stavros came to canada with next to nothing, he bought his first plot of land for less than $1000 and in less than 5 years sold it for 10 times that amount ..he's now one of the richest people in canada now, sell later
Yeah, my family moved from Chico, California to Buffalo, NY and since Property in Buffalo is so low we bought 2 nice doubles, renting out half of each house. The Money from my dads property is in somthing called like a T-bill or somthin, we can't personnaly touch it untill were 25, but my mom can pull some out of it if were in need of somthing... The money from my aunts is invested and has made like 5,000 just sitting there. Theres no doubt some of this will go towards somthing like that, but for now I want to splurg a little. :p

edit: Heres somthing that explains a T-Bill I don't completly understand how they work.
oh ok, it's a Trust Fund ..well it guarantees you wont blow it ..but seriously when you get it , invest it ..had I invested in a property when I was your age (at the time it was $180,000) I'd have an extra $750,000 now's one of my biggest regrets
Or sex.

But not drugs. I've got a strict moral against that.
Last summer i had a job. Gave me enough money to last till this summer (with a little help from a little weekly income). I brought my PC last summer, not really brought much else since.
I have a part time job at a hardware store. That is how I pay for most of the stuff that my parents don't buy me.
Saketi said:
what he means is..he sells hard class A drugs.

Or he sells his cock on the street corner. I guess that would be like winning the lottery. You get excited about getting money. Or you get excited then get money. Or both.
I usually pay for like %80 of what i buy then my dad will help me out. But more recently ive been paying for everything
I'm old, married with kids, so my spending is very calculated and I usually pay with debit-card with the Visa logo, Works like Credit-card online and everywhere except I don't have to owe a dang thing.
Well, when ever I can, I would get a job to pay for stuff. But I'm also at University as well, so I generally use money from my loan as well, but this is a rare occurance
My job pays for everything i buy, so nothing exciting here !!
I had a few jobs over the past three year (age 16 to now...19) and was able to pretty much buy anything i ever wanted, since I was still living with my parents. I just moved out, and am living in a galaxy far far away (florida), with no job... and crazy bills to pay such as rent, electricity, cable internet, and a 60grand college tuition. Yup... im screwed.

Thankfully I have one grandfather demanding to pay my living expenses (rent, food etc), a loan, and soon my other grandfather's estate will settle and everyone in our family will get a boatload of monehs, which my parents plan to use to pay off the loan so I wont be a couple dozens of thousands of dollars in debt when I get out of school.

I probably could work and go to school at the same time like I have been, but this school is a 40+ hrs per week of classes, not including homework/projects. I dont think I will be able to do any splurgging for awhile.