How do you plan?


Nov 21, 2004
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Just curious how my fellow mappers plan out their projects.

Improvise, sketch it out on paper or other?
good question, i'd like to know too
I drew something out once but i've not tried mapping it yet because i can't yet map

Garth! that was a haiku
I usually make a sketch on grid paper, then improvise on it as I go...
It really depends on the person. I think a majority tend to sketch out a simple layout and just dive right into hammer following it loosely. Personally I like to make some simple sketches of a few important areas and then go from there. Still others prefer to do nothing and just make it up as they go (I do this sometimes too). I asked this at another forum once, everybody does it differently.
I'll usually do some rought sketches and mock up a few key areas in a level editor prior to beginning the "real map". I try and visualize the entire flow of a level prior to the specific geometry. It's then followed by a lot of improvisation, while occassionally starting new "test levels" to try out making pieces of specific geometry.

I also try and keep the "story" of the level in my head from the very start, and constantly reevaluate what I'm doing against the story. What is the history of what I'm creating? Why is the architecture the way it is? If it's aged or broken, what did the aging, and how? Was it wind, salt water, rock slide, or bombs? I find it helps keep enviroments logical, which makes a more cohesive design in the end.
Yeah i use paint too, really basic drawings that look like a 6 year olds..then i follow them loosely...i tend to come up with most things in my head while i'm away from the PC though
like I said I generally do a rough sketch but I also just freestyle sometimes as well.
I build the map in my head.
Then I build the map in Hammer.
i usually build the map in hammer. and then sketch it out on paper afterwards.
ill usually get a mental picture of it, but they're pretty vague, so if im either not by hammer or can't be bothered mapping ill just sketch it out and if im feeling particularly arty ill do it neatly.
I used to do arena type maps so i could draw an overhead of the whole map with weaponry and all (requires a key so i know all the symbols). Now im tryin to do bigger maps and im findin this harder. sketching out rooms and layouts and also just writing all ideas that i have (because im no artist to be honest)...