how do you pronounce jpeg?

.exe = ecksee
.jpeg/.jpg = jaypeg
.bmp = bee em pee
.gif = gif (never jif)
awp = magnum (I had retail, the name stuck :))
vegeta897 said:
pee en jee
ee ex ee
bee em pee


I say BMP differently, depending on my mood.

If i'm serious, I say bmp.

If i'm being foolish, I say bump.

If i'm being idiotic, I say butt map.
jpg - jay-peg
gif - giff
exe - e-x-e
nvidia - nuh-vidia
rar - rar (as a word)
dll - de el el
AIM - aim or "ay eye em"
bmp - be em pee
txt - text
EC said:
jpg - jay-peg
gif - giff
exe - e-x-e
nvidia - nuh-vidia
rar - rar (as a word)
dll - de el el
AIM - aim or "ay eye em"
bmp - be em pee
txt - text

Fail. Haven't you seen the little advert thing and some woman whispers "Nvidia"? (I'm sure I'm not dreaming it up, I have seen this somewhere, just can't remember where.)
I say nuh-nivia because it's so much easier and quicker for me because I have a slight lisp. Certain letters and sounds get slurred and it's hard to say them sometimes. "CD" is one of them. Sometimes it comes out as "SEE JEE"

Also, what jackass had to put an "s" in "lisp"?
this thread has the ability to get me to start muttering to myself :p
Now one thing I want to debate is the word beta.

I've heard people pronounce it:

BET-TA (like better?! for the love of god no!!)
BEE-TA (like beater -- it's how I pronounce it)
BAY-TA (acceptable)
I've even heard people spell it "B. E. T. A" :|

.txt = text
.exe = exey (sounds like X.C)
.jpg = jay-peg (it's official file extension IS jpeg afterall)
nvidia = en Vidia
Adobe = A-dobe-ey
A.W.P = A.W.P !!! (orp, awp orrp wtf?)
txt = tooxt. Like 'text' but with the e taken out. txt.

Does anyone else pronounce things differently all the time? Like, sometimes I say 'eeks' and sometimes I say 'eeksie' and sometimes I say 'gif' and sometimes I say 'jif'.
BAY-TA! *bares teeth*

jpg = Jay-peg
bmp = Either b-m-p or bit-map
exe = ex
nVidia = en-vidia
gif = gif
txt = text
.exe = e - x - e
Adobe = A - dobee
.txt = text
nVidia = N - vidia
beta = bai - ta
giff = giff
As Madox said on his page, anyone who calls a U.R.L. an "Earl" needs to be shot viciously in the groin.
Sulkdodds said:
For starters, it'd be "Yurl" not "Earl" if you ask me. Secondly, it's an acronym and an unwieldy one at that. Personalising it by giving it a guy's name just sounds ridiculous :P