How do YOU pronounce warez?

Jul 23, 2003
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I am bored and with all this talk obout halflife 2 warez and whatnot so i got curious, how do you pronounce warez?

I pronounce it "war-ez" (rhymes with sanchez)

I've also heard it pronounced "wearz" (rhymes with shares)

how do you pronounce it?
I dunno, I always say Ware-ez

and what about UBI Soft, is it U-B-I soft or Ubi (uubee)

like the ware in silverware with a Z sound at the end.
i wasn't targeting you, sanchez i just thought up a name at random, honest
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
i wasn't targeting you, sanchez i just thought up a name at random, honest
Hahaha... that's great!

Wear... ez... like pez...

and UBI is 'you bee'...
I say WAR-EZ, like WAR then add EZ. Sounds wierd when people say where-ez, like softwarez.. except take out soft and add war.

'ubi' is 'where' in latin (I think?!)...

Semper ubi sub ubi!!!!

You know, like "softwares", but without the "soft".

Since it means illegal software, I assumed everyone pronounced it as "wears".
yep, it's wears, or where's :p
any other way is WRONG!

wa-rez - you gotta be kidding me...
ware-z - SPOT ON!

you don't say ISOz as I-Soz
it's ISO-z! the z is always for plural!
i can't believe people haven't figured this out after all this time.
Yeah, 'id' in id Software is not capitalized. It's pronounced 'id' as in 'mid'. 'id' is like the darker side of the conscious... it's not an acronyn.

I pronounce 'warez' as 'wears' just as it was intended I suppose.

UBI Software I pronounce 'Oobee' as in 'goobee'.

What about the famous 'gib' that we see in Quake - ya know, the chunks of people after you blow em up. There's a debate on whether it's 'gib' as in a hard G like when you say 'good' - or 'gib' as in 'jib' with a J sound.
I say it with a hard G.
Originally posted by nsxownzme
I say WAR-EZ, like WAR then add EZ. Sounds wierd when people say where-ez, like softwarez.. except take out soft and add war.


same. :cheese:
warez like (soft)wares

id like mid.

ubi boobie.... *cough*
Originally posted by W7RE

You know, like "softwares", but without the "soft".

Since it means illegal software, I assumed everyone pronounced it as "wears".

it always makes me mad when people say it war-ez like it's some mexican bs. software..z duh.

it's like saying "your stupid" your doesn't mean you just doesn't make sense any other way

EDIT: and in fact i added this to my sig
oh cmon its a forum, too time consuming to spell and capitalize correctly

ur->your->you're its all good
Originally posted by XtAkm4p
oh cmon its a forum, too time consuming to spell and capitalize correctly

ur->your->you're its all good

it's not like "em" for "them" or "u" for "you"

those are obvious. so many little kids say "your stupid" and don't know the's just like misusing their they're and there. totally different and not interchangeable. exchanging your for you are isn't obviously an abbreviation, since the abbreviation has its own meaning.

how about i abbreviate "they're" with "they" same thing.
Shouldnt Id be pronounced Eye-Dee, because it does stand for something. If anybody has read Masters of Doom you might remember what it is
no sportz, id is not an acronym.

id is a freudian term. ever heard of sigmund freud?
and that's pronounced froid, not frewd.
if we're on the topic of people saying things the wrong way, i hate it when people say "then" instead of "than".

"the dog is bigger then the cat is."
"hl2 is going to be better then doom3"
"your going to get doom3 war-ez and it will still be worse then hl2"

that boils my blood.
Id does stand for something, I read that book for summer reading it was all about the company being formed
[22:39] <Maskirovka>
[22:39] <Maskirovka> i dont get it
[22:39] <Maskirovka> wtf does war-ez mean
[22:39] <hydroseal> haha
[22:39] <Maskirovka> lets download some war ez
[22:39] <Maskirovka> it must be mexican
[22:39] <hydroseal> must be
[22:40] <hydroseal> but I believe that is Juarez
[22:40] <Maskirovka> lol
[22:40] <Maskirovka> yea
[22:40] <Stabmaster-Arson> juarez LMAO
[22:41] <Stabmaster-Arson> pronouncing it war-ez is for retarded n00bx
[22:41] <Stabmaster-Arson> its warez, as in wares
[22:41] <Maskirovka> rgr
[22:41] <Stabmaster-Arson> as in all my goods and wares
[22:41] <hydroseal> to hell with warez I'd rather download Juarez
It stands for instinct-driven, and yes that is from Freud's Primal
Whatever, it will always be ware-ez for me, no way else, FIGHT THE POWER!
I usualy pronounce em as "the shit"

as in, "you got the shit holmes?"

jk, I just say warez
it's just common sense that it's wares.
etc. pronounce them the same way, just replace the pluralator (i like to invent words) with a z. (this keeps it pronounced the same way)

a lot of newbies pronounce it war-ez though, because they don't know where the word comes from.
Originally posted by Wesisapie
if we're on the topic of people saying things the wrong way, i hate it when people say "then" instead of "than".

"the dog is bigger then the cat is."
"hl2 is going to be better then doom3"
"your going to get doom3 war-ez and it will still be worse then hl2"

that boils my blood.

agreed...i dunno why it bothers me so much...maybe because people it makes me realize how lazy people are.

it's the same as when people pass in the right lane or go really fkn slow in the left(passing!) lane (america) or do other moronic things while driving. it's just ignorance...

like when people want to go fast, so they show you by trying to pass you in the right lane...but there's slow they scream up and then go slow...slow...then they're back behind you again. then they tailgate you 1" away...then they try to pass on the right again...only this time someone closes their spot in the left lane off and they slink back like another 10 car lenghts from where they were originally.

then 2 mins later, they get off the highway. they just wasted a bunch of gas and saved 0 time.

Originally posted by sportz103
It stands for instinct-driven, and yes that is from Freud's Primal

ok so it stands for something, but you still pronounce it as a word, not an acronym (unless my high school teachers, college professors, parents, TV, and movies are all's possible...but not likely)
"the id".
that's the name of a band too, and the id is said as id, not eye dee.

like that cartoon, the wizard of id.
Wizard of Id is a cartoon? I was aware of it only as a comic strip, unless that's what you meant
We all know its ID as in sid, mid, hid, did. Not EYE-DEE. Although, I think eye-dee just overall sounds better.