How do YOU pronounce warez?

Originally posted by Wesisapie
it's just common sense that it's wares.

.... and dont forget the all popular "PornZ":eek: .... GameZ, and UtilZ :devil:

you bee eye

and i know its wrong, but i always say eye dee instead of idd
My friend pronounces it "juarez" like the city in Mexico.
I pronounce it "wears".
Gib is pronounced with a "j" sound: as in "giblet", where the word came from.
I used to pronounce it "war ehz", but people scolded me, so now I say "wears"

UBI, I pronounce "oubee", and id.. well, ihd
See... people SELL wares... warez are free... gonna say 'em the same?! Huh? Are ya?!
"I think you need a program called WAREZ (warez)..."

I lol at that quote.
I find it funny when people say it and it rhymes with "swears" or "bears" because then it sound like they're saying "wherez the beef"
illegal downloaded material that I get off the internet

all one word if you can.
This is a good question. I hear it differently from different people. I say ware-ez.
ubi soft= you-bee-soft
id= I D
...i know now that its id and oo-bee-soft, but i just can't get used to it...and i can't get used to saying wears instead of ware-ez
Originally posted by spoon_T_Rex
Gib is pronounced with a "j" sound: as in "giblet", where the word came from.

I don't think I've ever heard it called "jibs" in my life. hahaa
Originally posted by VoodooGod
I don't think I've ever heard it called "jibs" in my life. hahaa

and how does that mean that you aren't wrong? huh? huh?

Honestly, how many are only trying to imagine how "warez" (or even "gib") sound when they READ them on the internet, then discuss them with their friends who also have no idea how they are pronounced? I first pronounced warez "ware-ez" until I it dawned on me that the word obviously originated from softWARE. Just because you think something is pronounced one way, doesn't mean you're right. Humble yourself, learn, and move on. :) has a 1 syllable pronunciation

so it's not pronounced "juarez"
you can still say juarez, but you'll be wrong.

i hate saying "gib" like "jib" it just sounds dumb to me. "lol i jibbed that guy!" just doesn't have the same ring, imo. but whatever. it's slang.

say juarez if you want...i'll say gib not jib. bleh
For those who are saying that id is in fact an acronym, and that Masters of Doom said so: What does it stand for?

I pronounce it "idd Soft-wear". I feel weird just saying "id". I've also noticed that id is very rarely capitalized. Almost never in mid-sentence, and not always when at the beginning of a sentence.
Originally posted by Letters
Hahaha... that's great!

Wear... ez... like pez...

and UBI is 'you bee'...

no, UBI is "oo-bee" !
how i say them .. is like:
wherez, you bee eye, eye dee, gib (not jib!)

lol jib sounds retarded, janemba janemba jenemba!!

idd sounds a bit strange, but i guess i will say idd instead of i dee. but i don't think i will ever say jib :p

how do you saw "newell" in gabe newell?
i say it like:

i was wondering could it be n-weal? or something else. lol i dunno
Originally posted by rndhotdog
monkey (monk - Key)
No, no, no! It's 'mon-key' or 'monk-ee'
*slaps hotdog with a monk-ee*
Originally posted by ultraq
how do you saw "newell" in gabe newell?
i say it like:

i was wondering could it be n-weal? or something else. lol i dunno

I say it like "New-ell. I think that's how it is in the delay flash also.
Gibs is pronounced properly as jib....and yes it is a rediculous sounding word. Think of it like this: The sound for the letter "G" is what? JEE! Gee, isn't that a coinkydink!
Obviously we all know what it means, but who's lazy enough, that when they're reading the forums that instead of pronouncing it "l-o-l" or "laugh out loud" that they just actually say "lol". "lol" like LOLly JOLly etc.

I know what it means but I have and always will call it ware-ez. "where-ezz"

I think some of you are crazy calling it "idd" instead of "I-D". I'd like to see something official about that from John Carmack or something.

Ubi Soft is pronounced "you-bee soft" or "ooo-bee soft". Personally for me it's "you-bee soft" because "ooo-bee" sounds too French.

I pronounce "Newell" "New-well".

And I pronounce "rofl", "omg-Iam-tehfunneh-on-teh-intarweb!!!!$$"
Värsch. Värschpirates, yarr. I always pronounce id as "eye dee".. are you sure it's supposed to be spelled like "id" as in "mid"?
ok, well i have one ...


is it supposed to be like "elite" or something?