How do you sleep?


Apr 29, 2004
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I find that many people have a favorite position for catching their rest. Mine is sleeping on my side with my right arm under the pillow. How do you people like to sleep?
I dont, unless its brought on from meds and then im usually out of it completely so haven't a clue how I sleep. Sleep wastes so many hours anyway :p
The Dark Elf said:
I dont, unless its brought on from meds and then im usually out of it completely so haven't a clue how I sleep. Sleep wastes so many hours anyway :p

you must be a jumble of nerves, try a glass of wine before bed, always works for me

I sleep on my side, usually cuz my dog and wife hog up so much space....this morning I woke up half hour earlier cuz my 9 month old son was playing with my ear ..but it's nice to wake up to his smile :) awww
I either sleep on my right side with my right arm under the pillow ( :O ) or my back.

The Dark Elf said:
I dont, unless its brought on from meds and then im usually out of it completely so haven't a clue how I sleep. Sleep wastes so many hours anyway :p

:O :O :O
The Dark Elf said:
I dont, unless its brought on from meds and then im usually out of it completely so haven't a clue how I sleep. Sleep wastes so many hours anyway :p
that explains your enormous amount of posts in such a relatively short time ;)

I sleep mostly on my right side with my hand under the pillow, as well. In the morning my head and my wrist hurt like hell so I'm thinking of recording my nocturnal activities :E
By the way, for those who feel they have a hard time falling asleep at night:

The way the human body falls asleep is not as perfected and synchronized as people may think. The body may fall asleep before the mind, but for you to really fall asleep fully, both mind and body must be asleep.

The body checks this by sending a very strong signal to the brain, which tells the brain "I'm lying in a very uncomfortable position, switch!".
If you answer it, you switch position and voila, you're back at the very start of the sleeping process. If you don't answer it, i.e ignoring it, the body falls fully asleep and the mind will too in a very short time if you're not concentrating on anything.

This is why many people "roll around" when they're trying to fall asleep without success.
CrazyHarij said:
By the way, for those who feel they have a hard time falling asleep at night:

The way the human body falls asleep is not as perfected and synchronized as people may think. The body may fall asleep before the mind, but for you to really fall asleep fully, both mind and body must be asleep.

The body checks this by sending a very strong signal to the brain, which tells the brain "I'm lying in a very uncomfortable position, switch!".
If you answer it, you switch position and voila, you're back at the very start of the sleeping process. If you don't answer it, i.e ignoring it, the body falls fully asleep and the mind will too in a very short time if you're not concentrating on anything.

This is why many people "roll around" when they're trying to fall asleep without success.

LOL! where did you copy that from?????

anyway, i sleep on my back. tho when i wake up during the night, falling back to sleep for me can be in any position...hell i could be falling out of bed and still fall asleep lol.
abconners said:
I find that many people have a favorite position for catching their rest. Mine is sleeping on my side with my right arm under the pillow. How do you people like to sleep?

I usually switch positions for two hours, and then I fall asleep (only to wake up 3-6 hours later).
Sleepers in free-fall position are sociable and bold, and they don't like criticism.

thats me i guess :)
RoyaleWithCheese said:
Great, I'm a foetus

People who sleep this way are tough on the outside but shy and sensitive underneath.

Seems like bull to me. About every person on earth has all those characteristics,
so when people check out what it says on "their" position, they say "Wow that's exactly me!"..
The Dark Elf said:
I dont, unless its brought on from meds and then im usually out of it completely so haven't a clue how I sleep. Sleep wastes so many hours anyway :p


i snore a lot apparantly
I either sleep on my side or my belly.

I cannot fall asleep on my back, no matter how tired I am. I haven't been able to do so in years.
i fall asleep however... im more on my right side than anything else though...
I lay on my stomach with my right hand under my pillow, or on my side, or on my back.
Mostly on my side w/ right arm under pillow, or on my stomach w/ arm in same position.
I Sleep......?
I used to have a bottle of vodka under my bed that i used to sit and drink while surfing the forums until i passed out.
But i've had to stop that since i moved in with my misses, and now i have to toss and turn all night till i eventuially fall into that thing which is as close to death as ye can get....... :devil:
Right side, or my back....................

When I sleep on my back I always have Nightmares :(
Hey Stern that glass of red wine really works. It has to be a big tough glass though, otherwise it shatters and you lose all the swing.

I sleep in a variety of positions really...
On my right side scrunched up in a ball or so ive been told.
How nice for her...
I'm sure she loves having your sweaty arse rub over her belly and legs through out the night.
I have lost the ability to sleep after my DNA replacement treatment. I use the internet as a substitute.
I sleep in a pool of my own slobber and wake up irritated with cold cheek.
I'm also a freefaller. Silly page.

I always slept on my stomache, but had to stop after I gained a bunch of weight. I lost it again and have returned to my old sleeping habits.
Face down with my arms upwards dangling over the top and from my knees down dangling over the end of the bed...
On my side with an arm under the pillow, or on my back..
I usually sleep on my side, with one of my arms tucked underneath my pillow, elbow bent, while I curl my legs up in a fetal position and rest the other arms hand between my thighs.

Kinda weird eh? But it works great for me.
Icarus said:
Face down with my arms upwards dangling over the top and from my knees down dangling over the end of the bed...

Its all coming together nicely. Icarus is a freaking giant! That or he could only afford a child's bed :laugh: