How does it run and your specs?



I hope it will run good on my XP 2800+, gf4ti 4600, 768MB RAM..
How does it run and what are your specs??
I ran CS:S on a 2.8 ghz PIV with a GF 1, you heard me, GeForce 1, and it was playable.

Now running

3.4 GHz PIV
2 Gigs DDR 333
Soundblaster Platinum (it's old)
Intel i875 mainboard
Windows XP SP 2 (Fresh install)

runs perfectly, I haven't had a single problem, not even the sound stuttering that's so common.
1024x768 resolution
All settings cranked to the max. Runs peachy.

Athlon XP 3200+
1 gig PC3200 Ram
Radeon 9800 Pro
1024, 4aa, 4af high detail, bit choppy when loading a new area

p4 3.2
1gb ram
x800 pro - 4.12 betas
sata hd
1600x1200 max detail with 16xAF

A64 3200+
1GB DDR400
2 x 74GB RAPTOR (10, 000RPM) in RAID0
4.12 betas
Audigy 2 ZS

Runs perfectly, except for some loading times for a mili-second.

Celeron 2.8
Radeon 9250 256MB (PCI)

It, surprisingly, runs great with medium settings and res set to 1024x768. I was very surprised.
512 MB DDR
9800 Pro 128 MB

1024x768 with 2xAF and everything to high. Good avarage framerates and sometimes very poor ones where there's lots of water (I shouldn't put my water to reflect all, but I can't resist it! :E)
AMD Athlon XP 3200+ 2.2Ghz
512 Mb RAM
ATI Radeon 9800 Pro 256Mb-4.12 drivers
160 GB HDD

It runs good on medium detail, however, can't resist maxing everything out and that's where it starts to get choppy, need to upgrade RAM
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ (2.1GHz)
512 PC3200 DDR
ATI Radeon 9600 Pro All-in-Wonder
No Soundcard

1024x768 with 4xAA, All settings on high except for textures (medium), runs 40-50 FPS. No Problems. Looks great.
i cant believe it but my 8500LE pulled through.
I run it perfectly on medium settings and 1600X1200 res.

P4. 3.0Ghz HT
160gb HDD
512 Dual channel ddr ram
Athlon XP 2500+
ATI Radeon 8500.

1240x768 no aa or af, everything at medium except shaders, which is on high.

Runs perfectly.
*points to sig for specs*

Runs awesome for the most part, but there are some major slowdown points in the game. Nothing too horrible though.
AMD Althlon XP 2600+ barton 1.9
GeForece4 TI 4800SE
1 gig Kingston HyperX PC333
160 gig harddrive

1024 x 768

Works pretty well, looks awsome. Lags a little after the load of the level.

First post. :D
What kind of FPS are you power system guys getting in game? (the ones with 3.0+GHz procs running at full at 1280x1024+)
I'm trying to see if I can run the game on 1600x1200 and turn on billinear filtering, turn off AA, FSAA, AF and have the textures turned to high except for ones such as shadows and waters and etc...
Can anyone post a screenshot that shows the graphical options of the game?
Valve optimized Like an S.O.B.

WOW!! Is all I can say...

AMD XP-M 2600+ @ 2.47Ghz (205 x 12)
ATI Radeon 9800 non-pro OC'ed to 380 core 319.5 Mem
Creative Labs Audigy 2
1Gig Komusa PC3700 Ram CAS 2.5
200Gig 7200 RPM 8MB WD HD
Logitec Z-5300 speakers
Razor Boomslang 2000

HL2 settings:
1280 x 1024
all video and sound settings at max
Anti-Aliasing 4x
Anisotropic Filtering 8x
5.1 surround

I never thought it would run so flippin' good. No lag at all except for the sound stutter everyone else is getting. Very very smooth. Just looks awesome. Valve did one kicka$$ job with this engine. :thumbs:
got a Falcon NW machine running:
3.4ghz P4
1gb RAM
6800 Ultra.

1280*1024 mzx settings running damn fine. slowed a bit in the airboat sometimes.
Performance Trouble on great hardware

Greetings all, my current system is;

AMD 64 Socket 754 3200
1 gig of PNY DDR 433mhz
36.7 gig SATA 10,000 rpm hard drive
eVGA Geforce 6800 Ultra
creative soundblaster audigy 2 zs
win xp - service pack one only

I can play doom 3 with almost every setting at max, yet i am getting performance issues with half life 2. i have read other posts, and i have the system specs to be able to run this game with everything on full, yet i am getting random moments where the game hangs and the sound stutters in a loop, then it will go back to normal.

any suggestions? i have the latest nvidia drivers, and direct x 9.0c.
2 systems (first one is mine, second one is my cousin's):

System 1.
P4 2.533GHz OCed to 2.85GHz (600MHz FSB)
1024MB DDR400
6800GT 256MB
WD Raptor 80GB 10,000RPM HD w/ 8MB Cache
Audigy 2 ZS
WinXP Pro | 61.77 nVidia Drivers
Settings: 1280x1024, 4xAA, 8xAF, All High, World Reflective
Performance: SMOOTH.

System 2.
P4 2.533GHz
512MB DDR333
Radeon 9700 128MB
80GB 7,200RPM drive
SB Live Value
WinXP Home | Cat. 4.9 or 4.8 (He just left, so I cannot check)
Settings: 1024x768, 2xAA, 4xAF, Mix of High/Med (models=med), World Reflective
Performance: SMOOTH.

No problems on either system. Looks great on both. I may try 1600x1200, but I decided not to just in case their were intense areas--wanted my FPS ABOVE 60FPS at all times. I like my MINIMUM FPS being 60FPS, not my average.
iNetter said:
Celeron 2.8
Radeon 9250 256MB (PCI)

It, surprisingly, runs great with medium settings and res set to 1024x768. I was very surprised.

This gives me hope :)

512mb RAM
Radeon 9100 128mb pro :hmph:

Can't wait till I get it!
Well for mah 2 cents i got

Athlon 64 3500+ (939)
512 ddr 3200
80gig drive
saphire 9700 np (oc'd)
sblive 5.1
Asus A8N Delux Mobo

I get around 50fps average with everything maxed on whatever is just above 1024x768. I still get the odd jutty issiue when i can tell lots of stuff is loading (ie: scripting) and the long load times,,,, jeeez. I had the sound crackling issue but got the new creative playcenter drivers and it works like a charm now. In my opinion this game is more cpu bound than anything.
If u guys runs on 1024x768 resolution with everything high except for AA and AF will it lags?
Ok, first of all i dont know how to check fps so anyone with how to do that is awesome but this is from what Ive seen.

P4 3.2ghz
1gig of ram
Radeon 9800XT 256 mb

All settings maxed, Af trilinear, AA 6x, 1024X768 , i may get 30 second load times but i have not reached a slow moment yet, its great! By the way my fps sucks in CS:S for no reason with lower settings than that, but hey, what can ya do?
Im runnning it on a PIII700 384 sdram. 800X600 everything else low cept for medium texs

it gets choppy at times, but is very playable, and enjoyable

3.4 P4 HT
1gig DDR2 PC4200 533mhz
PCI ATI x800 xt 256mb

everything on HIGH
18X AF
70+FPS at any time
and its a DELL!!! :sniper:
athlon 2000+
1.2 GB ram
9800 pro

1024 x 768 everything on high no AA etc

runs great and looks brilliant too. if you dont already id advise u to have at least 1GB ram otherwise it will lag a bit after level load (so ive heard, doesnt happen to me :p )

but it looks from what ppl have said that it is well optimized, it runs better than CS:S on my comp
fluffhead said:
Someone post shitty specs, like mine! =)

Geforce 3
Athlon 1800+
512 megs ram

It actually ran on 1024X768 when there wasn't much action...Otherwise low resolution is my friend...
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
some ancient Asus motherboard
really cheap brand 768MB PC2700 RAM
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

It runs fine. Sometimes the FPS spikes down when I enter a big room or when something explodes but most of the time it runs great on 1024x768 High. I really need a new motherboard though.
My Specs:

AMD 64FX 53
2GB PC3200 DDR
2 120 GB Western Digital 7200RPM/8GB cache HDD's in Raid 0
19' LCD Monitor with DVI
Onboard Soundcard (my sbaudigy gamer 2 died :( )

As you can see, the weak areas of my system are the video card (relatively weak, compared to the rest of the system) and the sound card (just plain weak :( ).

I have been playing for hours on 1600x1200 with all settings at max, and I have NO stuttering sound, no lag, no framerate issues, and everything is BEAUTIFUL!!! Load times at levels are about 5 seconds for me, and 10 or so for the opening screen. Everything plays way better than I expected, and I am very happy!
AMD AthlonXP 1800+
GeForce 3 Ti500

Runs suprisingly well on 800x600 with medium detail. CS:Source, however, is a different story. It's almost unplayable even on 640x480 and low detail, probably owing to the fact that its an online game. Wish I could see what its like running on high everything :( PM me if you feel generous and wish to send me donations to upgrade my PC :p
disruptioN_ said:
AMD Athlon XP 2500+
some ancient Asus motherboard
really cheap brand 768MB PC2700 RAM
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB

It runs fine. Sometimes the FPS spikes down when I enter a big room or when something explodes but most of the time it runs great on 1024x768 High. I really need a new motherboard though.

Heh.......those are the same as my specs.

Just curious, but could you run 3dMark 2001 SE and let me know what you get?

I'm running this little experiment to see if my 9800 PRO is a defect or something, because I only get like 14,667 with those same EXACT specifications (yeah, I even have the 2500+ processor).

I would really appreciate it!

Oh, and you could PM me the results. ;)

The reason why I think something is a bit wrong is because most people with 9800 PRO's can EASILY reach 18k and OVER on 3dmark 2001 maybe just the CPU is bottlenecking the thing or something.

Either way, HL2 runs PERFECT on 1024x768, with just the minor gripes that you mentioned.

MilkMan12 said:

Before I tell you, will you promise to take your riddlin?

Ok, don't bother using fraps as you'll just slow down your system.

cl_showfps 1
Janet Reno said:
Before I tell you, will you promise to take your riddlin?

Ok, don't bother using fraps as you'll just slow down your system.

cl_showfps 1

I just use FRAPS so that I wont have to remember all of those console commands for both this and other games.

Fraps doesnt slow down my PC! (????)
P4 3GHz, 512MB RAM, 9800XT

Most things on high and 2X AA.. runs great except for the new area/autosave freeze-ups and sound problems... but the video settings don't seem to change this at all so I might have a go on higher settings.

I need more RAM.

I'll put up my fps too when I check it.
Game runs flawlessly on my 4750 laptop. Amd 4300+, 2 gig ram and 9700 gpu
AMD Athlon XP 2800+ - 1GB PC3200 - ATI 9800 Pro 256MB (4.12b) - Samsung SD-R5272 CDRW/DVD+/-RW - WinXP SP2 2149 - purchased via steam

1024x768, water reflect, model detail high, AA 4x, texture detail high, filtering Tri, vertical disabled,

runs great.