How does it run on your rig?

I run my game at 1920x1200 with 16x Anti-Aliasing and 16x Anisotropic Filtering. HDR on and every setting on it's highest.

But with this rig i recently built.... it had better play smooth as glass at those settings.

Intel Q6600 G0 Quad Core @ 3.6ghz w/enzotech Ultra-X 120
Asus P5N32-E SLI
2x EVGA 8800 GTS 640mb in SLI
2gb G.Skill DDR2-800 (2x1024)
2x Western Digital 74gb 16mb "Raptor" 10k SATA RAID-0
2x WD 16mb 250gb SATA2 RAID-1
Sound Blaster X-FI Platinum
Coolermaster Stacker 830 w/8x 120mm fans
PC Power & Cooling 750w Silencer SLI
LiteOn 52x CD-RW & NEC 16x DVD+-RW
Vista 32-bit Home Premium

No, but seriously...

Geforce 6200
2.4 Ghz processor
yes id imagine sli performance on an ati optamised game would be pretty bog standerd lol
With this rig i recently built.... it had better play smooth as glass at those settings.

Intel Q6600 G0 Quad Core @ 3.6ghz w/enzotech Ultra-X 120
Asus P5N32-E SLI
2x EVGA 8800 GTS 640mb in SLI
2gb G.Skill DDR2-800 (2x1024)
Jees! That will eat the Source engine, in full flow, for breakfast & ask for seconds!
I crap out and overheat,no space to save

7200RPM(80GB)hard drive
56k speeds=super lag
my graphics card is good though=/
8800 dual core proccesor
7950 Radeon Graphics Card
1920 x 1200 Res
Works Perfect, all settings on high

P4 Overclocked to 3.2
7600 gs
2gb ddr2
Runs smooth
yes id imagine sli performance on an ati optamised game would be pretty bog standerd lol

Umm.... my computer takes everything HL2 Episode Two has.... chews it up... and spits it out. It's smooth as glass with the settings I mentioned and with the system I have.

Jees! That will eat the Source engine, in full flow, for breakfast & ask for seconds![/img]

Yes. It does. The only game that I cannot run 1920x1200 with everything maxed out graphics wise is Oblivion (with the Texture Overhaul Package). I have to tone down AA to 8x and AF to 8x. Otherwise i get choppy frame rates at times in the West Weald during sunset. The billions of blades of grass and trees blowing in the wind with HDR are just too much at those super high settings.

Does source use SLI'd cards then? I'm so used to games not.

Yes. SLI does work.

I've checked FPS with SLI enabled and disabled and my frame rates were probably 60% higher with SLI.

Now... games which are "nVidia optimized" get gains of like 80% with SLI enabled on my rig.

Here is a screenie of Oblivion how it runs on my rig. Smoooooth too. :)

(warning.... broadband only)
lol are you on something? a single 8800gts 640mb is capable of that its no reflection on how well sli functions in the source engine. my 320mb demolishes the the source engine and the only thing it isnt capable of is your resolution purely for the lack of memory an upgrade to a 640mb card (a single one) would bring me the same effects,this has been prooven aswell that all that seperates the ability to run higher res's is onbored video ram size. And 80% is a tad far fetched sli has never been that efficiant, if you get a 50% gain in games then your doing well






Yep thats what i would call impressive :dozey: sarcasm is easy i know sorry but SLI just doesnt perform aswell as you state 80% gains are allmost unheard of and i challange you to show me benchmarks in anything other than 3dmark, wich is synthetic and no indication of real gaming performance. I am not saying SLI doesnt work because it does to a degree but its pointless unless on the highest of high end cards and then really only as an indulgance.

SLI is rarely a better choice or cheaper choice than a single card solution.I can say you proberbly layed out more than the price of a single gtx and all your really gaining is the ability to run on much higher resolutions because of expanded memory size and the single 640mb would be sufficiant, this was proven with the 1gb and 512mb hd2900xt's the performance differance even at higher resolutions was that small it wasnt worth mentioning, and then you have the fact of games that dont support sli properly, oh then you just have one card dont you!
like i say im not saying it doesnt work but if your going to spout information that other people are going to wread and may follow please make sure its correct.
some stuff

yea I run it all crazy too, and have similar problems with oblivion
but in obl I will sometimes get choppiness in completely random places, like small interiors, so I think it has to do with obl being shoddily coded as much as the billions of blades of grass
It ran flawlessly on my rig. :sniper:

All settings on and maxed but with AA and AF at 8x.

1680 X 1050 :cheers:

AMD X2 4800 @ 2.4ghz
2g Ram
8800 GTS 640mb
Raging hard on
Dual core 1900x2 (e6300 I think..)

High everything except water, AA x2 AS x8\x4
Runs smooth in most ares, flashlight really slows it down in lighted areas but works smooth in dark areas (weird).
Also getting a bit slowdowns in the very beginning where there's a portal storm.

btw what so bad about 60 Hz as some people said here ?
I don't understand people who use 16x AA when they have resolution higher than 1280x1024. That is very stupid. 2x AA is enough already for that resolution.

And anistropic too, it is kinda bitchy to use 16x AS and think why game lags so much.

I am running with this stuff:

AMD Athlon 3000+
1024 Mb RAM
GeForce 6800GT

And with all on High, and no AA and 4x AS. The game looks good for me. And only the dynamic shadows do lag with me.
While on the subject of hardware and performance and such I had a question...

How much of a difference does it make to run a game at resolutions above 1280x1024? For example the one I usually see is 1600x1200 - does it make the game look that much better than say at 1280x1024?
The maximum on my monitor is 1280x1024.. I run HL2 perfectly smooth on that res with everything maxed,
EP2 really slows down at that res but runs smooth as I said above in 1024x768...
For me there is no problem with 1280x1024, I mean I can't imagine what can 1600x1200 do better if there is no problem already..
Pretty bad, but that's expected since the computer is more than four years old.
Smooth as a babys bottom...

Not that I've ever felt a baby up....

I'm looking at you The Monkey...

(Flees room while everyone stares at The Monkey)
Had everything maxed besides AA on my integrated video card and it ran perfect. Then i went and bought a decent enough graphics card 80$ 8600GT and it runs everything maxed out 16qx whatever trilenear madoolaoblengata perfectly.

I love how good the game looks more-so how well it runs on "crippled" machines.
I don't understand people who use 16x AA when they have resolution higher than 1280x1024. That is very stupid. 2x AA is enough already for that resolution.

And anistropic too, it is kinda bitchy to use 16x AS and think why game lags so much.

it makes the image quality even higher for tiny details on weapons and other stuff