How does one decide on a new internet handle?

You just have to phase your current alias out slowly, treat it like a friend you only want around whenever it's convenient. Start using your new alias for new things, but keep using your old one for the stuff that's not too important or you're just established in. Then eventually you'll think to yourself: Using more than one alias is kind of confusing, I'll just use my new fresher one from now on.

And you're done. :(
Mellish is my second name, I'm universally known by it.
Even my teachers call me it.
Bojaxs and Diesel_Power are my two main internet handles right now. It used to be "i_hate_pants", but people kept thinking I was a woman.

Whenever I get bored I switch it up. Been thinking of changing it lately. I don't want a name where I have to add numbers next to it. That's stupid. MasterChief3478293250115
Let's see, my first handle was when I was about 10: z_sword. Not really sure how I came up with that. I mostly used it for game sites and stuff like that. Then when I hit middle school it was Samurai O. Back then I thought samurais were the **** and having a random letter at the end meant you were awesome. About two years ago I started using Hurricane. It's actually a nickname my friends call me by, so it has personal meaning to me, which is why I like it (aside from it being kick***).
My first ever internet handle was... wait for it... "Dantor Ascahnoi". I know, I know. I was 10 years old and it was for an AIM chat-based RP "guild" that some of my friends ran called Eterna Guild.

My first AIM screenname was sktchrisguitar.
First handle: thepixlator911
Second: HumanNerfBall
Third: GordonFreeman911*


DISCLAMER: I had the 911 thing BEFORE 9/11
So I'm not a terrorist.
Don't you dare change your name... on anyways. If you have to change it for something else just do "Mr Raziaar" or something.

I think what numbers did was cool, making a lambda on the keypad.

Yeah, making my name was really hard for me, so I decided on a random number that would be easy to remember, and hence, the lambda.

Of course, it was a kind of an accident, and I didn't plan it.

But imo, it turned out ok, since you guys call me the more pronouncible 'numbers'. :D

Anyway, I think your name Raziaar, is original, and easy to remember, so I like it. :p
Anyway, I think your name Raziaar, is original, and easy to remember, so I like it. :p

Very few people are able to pronounce it though. Somebody who can is more rare than... a rare thing.
I changed my nickname about 10 years ago. My current one is much better.
/reads thread

I really need to change my name.
I think my first was Dexter. At the time I played an online game with two of my best friends who used Johnny Bravo and The Tick.
I've always pronounced it Raw-zee-are or as I like to say it, arr like a pirate :D

Some people close to me in the past have pronounced it in other ways, which I've grown accustomed to as well, and are acceptable.


Or Raw-zee-air

Or even Ray-zher
Raz (the 'a' as in in rat) ee arr

Or if I'm feeling proper rah zee arr.
For some reason I always pronounced it in my head as "raz-ee-ay".
I changed my nickname about a year ago.

I made a huge history of stupid forum posts and other ******try with my old one, and was too embarrassed to use it any longer.
I changed my nickname about a year ago.

I made a huge history of stupid forum posts and other ******try with my old one, and was too embarrassed to use it any longer.

It always sucks when someone recognises you as your old handle, doesn't it? Then all the bad reputation comes back. "So much for that."
I've always pronounced it Raw-zee-are or as I like to say it, arr like a pirate :D

Some people close to me in the past have pronounced it in other ways, which I've grown accustomed to as well, and are acceptable.


Or Raw-zee-air

Or even Ray-zher

I read RAY-Zee-arr.
I've always pronounced it as "cock-gobbler".
I've always pronounced it as "cock-gobbler".

Jesus I lol'd.

I never pronounce your names out loud. Fear of a netter might acctually hear me and recognize the name and ask who i am.
But i guess im close to what darkside said.
Over the years my internet name has gotten shorter and shorter. inb4pun
I've been using Skaadi since I first started using teh internets, so pretty much I'm Skaadi on every forum I visit. I always find it uncomfortable when I get recognised in another place for some reason, I seem to remember someone from here posting "OMG LOL SKAADI'S ON THE STARGATE FORUMS!!!"
Alpheus Togra
Source games nick: Cake. Strawberry.

Really I've only ever had the two handles and I still frequently use Togra. According to google at some stage Togra was the 981th best Batmud character :D Crap now I want to play Batmud.
I let the internet decide my fate with a new handle...i kept refreshing one of those "anti-bot" things that ask you to type in the word it gives. I then eventually found something I liked.