How easily could I convert my knowledge?

Sep 21, 2003
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Hey there, I'm new, but I think you guys will be seeing a lot more of me in the future. As you can see from my sig, I'm the lead programmer and developer of an Assassin conversion for Vice City. Please check out our forums, which contain a summary and some screencaps, and consider giving it a download when it comes out.

But I digress. The point of my post is this: the Vice City mission builder has its own language, and as such is basically useless outside of VC. I was just curious how easily you guys think I could convert my knowledge to C++. I see the lessons below, but I have to be going soon, and haven't had time to read them. I will tomorrow.

Here's some VC code examples:

03A4: name_thread "INTER2"

0001: wait 250& ms
00D6: if 0?
0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0290D5
00D6: if 0?
0038: $ONMISSION == 0? \\ integer values
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0290D5
00D6: if 0?
0121: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone "DTOWN"
004D: jump_if_false ££Label029236
00D6: if 0?
00F6: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0? ()near_point_on_foot -597.3! 651.6! 10.4! radius 1! 1! 1!
004D: jump_if_false ££Label029236
00D6: if 0?
0038: 328?? == 0? \\ integer values
004D: jump_if_false ££Label029236
00BA: text_styled "BIKEBAR" 3000& ms 2? \\ The Greasy Chopper
0050: gosub ££Label015F63
04BB: select_interiour 11? \\ select render area
0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -597.02! 642.46! 11!
0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 23!
0004: 328?? = 1? \\ integer values
004F: create_thread ££Label0291A4
0050: gosub ££Label016057

0001: wait 250& ms
00D6: if 0?
00F6: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0? ()near_point_on_foot -597.3! 650.8! 11.7! radius 1! 1! 1!
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0291A4
00D6: if 0?
0038: 328?? == 1? \\ integer values
004D: jump_if_false ££Label0291A4
00BA: text_styled "DTOWN" 3000& ms 2? \\ Downtown
0050: gosub ££Label015F63
04BB: select_interiour 0? \\ select render area
0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at -598.3! 656.3! 11.1!
0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 8!
0004: 328?? = 0? \\ integer values
0001: wait 1000& ms
0050: gosub ££Label016057

0001: wait 0? ms
0002: jump ££Label0290D5

Label016057 and Label015F63 fade out and in, respectively. Everything else should be shown there. Note that the text displayed (Downtown and The Greasy Chopper) must be added to a separate text archive.

How hard is this going to be? I also know a smattering of PASCAL.

EDIT: I forgot to tell you what it actually does! This allows you to enter the biker bar by walking into the door of the building, something the original VC didn't allow you to do.
Well, unfortunately, naught but some of the basic operators is going to translate. But if you have experience programming and thinking creatively (not following tutorials or copying code), then you're already past the hard part. Especially if you know some Pascal. Just Pascal, or Object Pascal (Delphi)?

Case in point... most mid to high level programmers can learn most of a new programming language in a day or less. Why? Because they already know how to PROGRAM, they're just learning the semantics of the new language.

It's like the different between learning how to speak and learning a new language...

EDIT: It looks like the if and == are the only things that are the same. :p Pascal is much closer.
^^ that's what i was gonna say. the hardest part is getting your mind to work the right way.
Well, I'm still working into the logic part with my mod, but I'm making progress.

I know a little of Free Pascal.
Well, depending on how much Pascal you know, it may be easier to adapt yourself to the object oriented mentality by working with Delphi first. It's object oriented Pascal. You can get a trial of it here:

But, if you just want to jump right into the thick of it, stick with learning C++. You could mess with the Small scripts that AdminMod for Half-Life allows you use. They're very C-like, and could let you get used to the C syntax before having to absorb C++'s object oriented stuff.
insertnamehere: Try tausing me a tell, [email protected] -- this looks like assembly w/ some wrappers thrown in. It should be an ease to learn the higher level languages for you. if your interested I can help ya out, I know c/c++ and assembly fairly decently. Looks like you got the majority of the basic concepts down, just working through the last few details and syntax is the only problem, and thats the easy part