How easy will HL2 be on Easy mode?


Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I'm a bit worried about how games are playing out on Easy recently. For example, I recently bought Far Cry (please dont turn this into a FC bashing thread :flame: ) and as much as I loved the game, it was damn hard on some bits even on Easy.

Now I know some people here are gonna be completes assholes about this, but when I play games I almost always play on Easy. I really enjoy it more when there's very little challenge, I love to just blow through the game really fast, and enjoy filling my enemies full of lead over and over and over (maybe this is why I loved GTA:VC so much? :))
There's nothing more frustrating for me than having to do the same bit over and over because it's just too difficult. Most of the time I get through whole games without dying more than a handful of times, and this is how I really enjoy games. Some people love the challenge, personally, I just love shooting aliens and running around playing with all the funky stuff in the game.

What do you guys think? I personally hope the game is fairly easy on Easy mode, but obviously alot more difficult on the harder settings.
Agreed. I may play this on normal though. MP is usually the biggest part of a game for me so I like to breeze through asap.
No one really knows mate... But I'm sure that they would have balanced it out perfectly :)
I will be playing on Hard mode as I like a challenge, not that Hard mode will be a challenge for me :p hehe
Yep, I do the same thing. I always play through the first time on easy. I don't much like having to save 50 times in one spot when I just want to enjoy the game.
Easy can be fun because you get to do more interesting things to enemies and mess around...

I hope it's easy enough that having to do a quickload shouldn't be something you do often...
Easy can get boring for me...normal mode should be enough. I don't like being able to get through large areas of games without dying, though I don't like dying too often, so normal is usually my choice.
I'm going to play through it on easy/normal, then get a taste for the multi-player. After that, I'm gonna attempt the hardest setting.
I wonder if the Manipulator works different on the difficulty setting, as in easy = unlimited energy, hard = limited(duh) energy...
na, hards where its at though I used to play games on easy but they were a challege back then and i agree with letters on not having to quickload too much on hard.
The E3 vids were easy or, easy medium for me.

I too, enjoy not dieing often. a few times a game is fine. I'm all to quick with god mode though....(Like, 2 deaths in one spot, unless I see what I'm SUPPOSED to do).

thats not implying I am a poor player though, I mean, I've found far cry to be fairly easy on harder difficulty settings. (Sans the trigens, which are a pain on easy...) HAlo, easy, MP2, easy...)
Ill try easy first cuz even that looks like a pain to kill striders... then ill move up after finishing
im goin hardest for HL2, i never do that right off the bat, i want it to last aslong a possible. i never do this withy other games, i usally go for easy.
I think people die in hard mode because they play it just as they were playing it on easy. At least I do that. If you don't want to die on hard you've got to think before you start a firefight, but usually I just jump in front of the bad guys in a Rambo style and then die. :)
iv never played on easy, im not bashing any of you but i dont want to have any handicap (iv always taken that harder road even in life). i used to start games on normal, but now that iv become surgical with my mouse (ty cs :dozey: ) iv started games on hard adn enjoy it. i love challenge with minimal stress.
I always play on hard and in Far Cry I ended up regretting it big time, because it just got so hard in the end that I didn't even enjoy it anymore. By then I had unfortunately gotten too far in the game to care for starting over on a lower difficulty level. I will probably be playing Half-Life 2 on hard also, though, for the same reason I did in Far Cry: so it will last as long as possible, because you can play the game a million times after the first time and it will never be the same, only the first time do you get to experience the story for the first time (duh). It's like watching movies, some people can watch the same movie several times, but for some of us it just isn't the same when you know what's gonna happen. Nothing beats watching a good movie for the first time and nothing beats beating a good game for the first time, so I'm gonna make that first time last as long as possible, even if that means dying and loading a lot. :)
From the look of the latest E3 trailers the game looks pretty hard on easy/medium. I'll try it on medium as i want a challenge and i want some fun at the same time.