How far are you in your education



Kindergarten? Grade 6? High School? Graduated from Uni? Wheres everyone at?

Personally Im about to start my third year of Electrical Engineering.
I'm from Norway and I don't know where I am according to your system but I'm 16 years old and is curently on "Allmenn påbygning"
well....Ill try to convert that then haha
when I was sixteen I was in grade 10/11 (bday is midway thru school year)
Well, for me, I'm just startin' high school, oh, and look the guy who thinks he 'ownz' people just by saying "owned" is here.
Well I think hes resorted to finding threads that I have made/posted in so that he can "own" me some more.
I'm going on to yr13 in uk standards, we call it sixth form, its not like university or college, but a kind of mix. I'm doing A levels in drama, media and geography. I dont know if I can do media or geography, but I'm confident about drama, because its my strongest subject.
Yes thats right, I want to be an actor when I'm older.
I was politley asked to move along by the creator of this thread, therefore i have done so. Im only posting to let you know so that you idiots dont fill his thread up with useless attempts to bait me into one of your little flame wars again.
Youve posted twice since you were asked to leave, but since you dont seem to get it, why not stay and own our asses as was suggested.
Yes, acting is a very unique skill, only few can do it lol
Joking, whats electrical engineering like?
Waaaaaaaay too many labs/assignments, and all your finals are worth like 65-70%, its re-goddamned_diculous! But 2 years down 3 to go so Im getting there.
Im going into my second year of collage

Im 17 and im doing History, Art and Computing.
highschool freshman starting in a few days


damn school, is freshman year hard??
17 and in second year college!?!? WOW! where do you live may I ask, cuz that would make you some kind of wiz kid who skipped about 3-4 grades where I live.
I have a question, after you graduate, do they give you money are something-just wondering,
Originally posted by alb1221
highschool freshman starting in a few days


damn school, is freshman year hard??

Hell no, High School (for me) was the best 3 years ever. Underage drinking (and subsequent underage drinking fines) and parties every weekend, ah the memories ;)
Originally posted by Tredoslop
I have a question, after you graduate, do they give you money are something-just wondering,

Not around here they dont, you go out and get a job. Well most engineers usually have their job waiting when they come out of school.
Originally posted by Bass
17 and in second year college!?!? WOW! where do you live may I ask, cuz that would make you some kind of wiz kid who skipped about 3-4 grades where I live.

He means english college

I'm in my second year of sixth-form
I'm going into my second year sort of in sixth form. I had to do GNVQ's for a year before i could do my A levels. So im going to be in school for another 2 years....hopefully lol
About where I am in school and other things about me:

I'm seventeen and I'm a senior in highschool. When I start college (hoping for UF since I live in Florida. Or UCF) I'm going to be half way done with my sophmore year due to all the AP and Dual Enrollment classes I've taken. I decided I want to major in Computer Sciences and take a few course on Spanish until I'm fluent in the language. Computer Sciences for those of you who don't know is studying computer programming (coding). I've studied C++ for three years in highschool now and eventually I want to make my own MOD for HL2, I've already started picking apart the SDK and trying to figure out what everything does. I also do modeling for characters and weapons and I skin them(which I'm an amatuer at). I've made maps for HL and Q3 I'm quite experienced at it, been doing that for a couple years in my free time (its enjoyable you should try it some time). I enjoy almost everytype of video game I'm not really stuck to one genre. Started playing games when I was about five and played them since then. When I get older I hope to work for some major gaming company (i.e. Valve, etc.) because computer programming is something I enjoy and do in my spare time. Well enough said about me :). Probably didn't read it all anyway :).

Cheers! :cheers:
I was thinking about joining the marines but I figured nah. But it looks good on a resume.
@pressure Hey man, when your making great computer games.....let a few copys slip alittle early to some forum buddys *wink wink nudge nudge* lol
Ok :cheese: . Heh hopefully one day I will be. But right now I'm tearing through the HL SDK and I understand it pretty well so when the HL2 SDK comes out I might start a MOD. But for right now I must be heading off to work. :/ what fun huh? Well cya guys 'til midnight.
Man Id love to be in the Comp. games industry, but it just seems like such a hard thing to break into
Make popular mods thats all I have to say. It shows the gaming companies your skills and potentials.
well yeah thats the best way, but still for every CS or DOD or some other popular mod theres hundreds that go unnoticed
I'm leaving for my first year of Uni on the 27th of September. I'm doing Computer Science.

I've just finished by third year of college. (I had tonsillitus during my first year exams so I just repeated the year. Also, I hardly turned up for lessons in first year, whoops). I got A in A level Pure and Mech Maths, B in A Level Computing, B in A level Physics and a C in AS Chemistry.
I want to work for either Valve or Digital Extremes, or Id when I graduate from College.