How fit are you?


Nov 16, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering on how fit everyone in here is, i know some of you are going to be a lot fitter then others, Short Recoil being one of them, but how fit are you?

Fitness rated on these 3 things

1. How far can you run in 20 minutes?

2. How many Pushups/Pressups can you do without a break.

3. How many Situps can you do without a break.

For me it is:

1. 3800metres
2. 12
3. 60
1. too lazy
2. " "
3. " "

Suffice to say, I am currently very unfit. :LOL:
I'm not sure, but I ride my bike for at least an hour every day, and do weights (limited though)

Heh, after that week of snowboarding though, my body got pretty toned up. Especially my calves and I suppose from about the abdomen down really. I find when I have a shower or a bath, I just can't stop staring at my legs and their awesomness :D

I've never been one for brute strength though, and the idea of a big muscled body is pretty disgusting to me. I'm more one for just being lean, fast and generally having good stamina.

Oh and agile...agility is lovely. Its strange, but its just fun to be able to run about, jumping around things like free running, but I'm not that good...

If I run inside a plane, I could probably run a couple of hundred miles in 20 minutes.
1. no idea
2. 16
3. no idea, I can't be bothered to try right now heh

Well, I used to be in good shape, now though long days of sitting on my arse eating junk food does take it's toll. While I'm not fat at all (thank you high metabolism) I know inside my heart is crying for help. Funny this thread should come up now heh, I think from today my diet's gonna have to change drastically :|

I'm still actually quite muscley, my arms and legs are well built up from years of sport but meh
1) 4km

2) Matter of motivation, 100. I used to be able to push myself to extremes, area of 250, thanks to my immaturity during fitness class.

3) I've done 250, although my usual routine is 200.

Yeah, I'm in semi-decent shape. :E
Why is it that everyone can do more Pressups then me :(, 30 - 35 is definately a lot.
1: not sure yet
2: 40 max right now
3: 100 usually

also, I'm in karate.

A couple of years ago I could do about as much as firemachine69 listed... but I ****ed up my left knee and haven't gotten much, if any, exercise in since then. I probably couldn't do half of it now. My knee is about as close to normal as it's going to get... so, I'm going to start again soon. I hate being out of shape. It feels horrible.
The only exercise I get is walking, the occasional run (if I'm late or running after a bus or train), and walking up and down stairs. That's it.
1. not sure, over 3000 though
2. 50 I just tried :p
3. dunno 80? EDIT: phew... 91...

And I should probably tell that I weigh 61 kg, or 8.03112527 stone and I'm 170 cm long or 5.57742782 feet tall.
MaxiKana said:
1. not sure, over 3000 though
2. 50 I just tried :p
3. dunno 80? EDIT: phew... 91...

And I should probably tell that I weigh 61 kg, or 8.03112527 stone and I'm 170 cm long or 5.57742782 feet tall.

MaxiKana, how did you get your pressups up that high. It is just that i need to get mine right up as well, minimum of 30 in 3 months time.
I dunno, I just work out, about 1-3 times week, depends. I couldn't tell you WHAT machines I use though, since I only know their names in finnish.
I'm well fit...

I'm definetaly sure its more than a mile, possibly 3, but its been a long time so my lungs might not be up to the job (My legs are fine, and I've developed a new technique that works the legs more)

Did a quicky with the pressups, 10+

last time I did situps I did 40, but that was a few months back (been busy at Uni)

I'm hoping to take a year out, so that means I'll be able to make use of the local Gym
Can go a bit over 3 miles in 20 minutes... dunno 'bout the other two 'cause I dun do them! :p
1. 2-3 miles
2. 15 in crappy conditions, 40 or so when I at optimal Shins.
3. At least 100.
Push ups must be defined!

Push-Ups: Hands are placed under the shoulders. One push up is when you go down, touch the floor with your chest, and then go up so your arms are straight

Hands are far apart and your chest doesn't touch the floor.

Macho Man Push-Ups: What this guy does near the end but with only one hand.
I can eat a shit load of debbie snacks! :D

Actually truthfully I don't like sweet foods now'n days.
Actually it's harder to do push ups with your hands far apart.
the only one of your factors that indicates fitness is the distance covered running - people do push-ups and sit-ups in different ways.

I prefer to do 10 with holding positions rather that blitzing a lot...More of a work out that way..
1. No idea.
2. 20ish
3. 80ish

I go swimming regularly - I just did the Swimathon yesterday: 2km in about 50mins. Go me.
Feel free to pledge me money for the children's charity it was in aid of. :p
1. Never tried :p last time I had to run long distance was last year in PE, just about managed 1500metres, that didn't take long, tired me out tho. I'm better at sprinting short distances

2. Perhaps 1 or 2..

3. I dunno, quite a few, never counted tho. I usually get bored before needing to rest

I am so unfit \o/
1. How far can you run in 20 minutes?

I collpase with a heart attack within a minute.

2. How many Pushups/Pressups can you do without a break.

I can just about manage one pushup before my arms break.

3. How many Situps can you do without a break.

Maybe 10?

I need to get fit ;(
my daily exercise is running for the bus in the morning
2. i used to be able to do 25ish but ive not been well enough to do push ups...i also used to do them most mornings cos its probably the only exercise i'd ever get
3. situps i can do about the same i can pushups
God, 10 years ago I was cycling around 100 miles a week, and also doing weights in the local gym 3 times a week.

Now I'm at least 3 stones overweight.

So ****ing frustrating, although I have cut down my intake of food, and I do try and cycle whenever I can. I remember being able to do 30 miles on the bike in just 3-4 hours, now I can only dream of that.

I really must sort it out tbh.
1. not sure
2. 30 something
3. not sure exactly, but i do 4 sets of about 60 while holding weights usually.

im not much for endurance, i train for lethality and speed of blows. anyone train with captain crush grippers?

im on no. 2 right now and can ALMOST close them. these grippers are great if you want baseball bats as forearms.
Also, define situps, the varieties in situps that I've seen is near infinite. Some try to perform auto fellatio, others only go up about 10 cm (which is the toughest).
im very not fit.

im actually underweight.
1. Probably 1000m (recently dislocated patella)
2. 8-10
3. 40-50

I guess those PE classes aren't really helping... :p
I'm no longer podgy, but i am unfit...badly.
1. Prolly a mile if i'm lucky and its downhill
2. lol...12
3. these always seem easy so about 60-80

I'm young, so im naturally healthy always, ill only worry about this when im like 30 or so...