How Halo Fans Converted to Half Life 2!

Spitfire51 said:
masterchief would easily kill gordon freeman
im very much into the halo saga, ive read the books and love the games

Masterchief is trained from the age of 6 to be a special forces soldier and at the age of 14 he gets special augemntations which makes him strong enough to bend ´the barrel of a gun or crack someones jaw in 1 punch, he also has 300% faster reflexes and has his precognition higherd, and add a almost near nightvision eye sight.

and all this without his armor..

i think masterchief wins

dont get me wrong, i love halflife alot, but im just being realistic. if I get trained in combat for 9 years I will be as good as he?

also in the game he dont hav all that skills,near nigthvision sight? are levels where I cant see anything if I dont turn on the flashlight,but about the strength is true
<RJMC> said: if I get trained in combat for 9 years I will be as good as he?

also in the game he dont hav all that skills,near nigthvision sight? are levels where I cant see anything if I dont turn on the flashlight,but about the strength is true

You would be a mean motherfecker if you were trained for 9 years, but Master Chief is also genetically modified or something.
The way I see it, Gordon Freeman is only an extension of yourself. Master Chief is an actual character but it is supposed to be YOU in half life and half life 2. How do I know this?
The designers said so. Gordon is not a character.

So, logically, if you say Master Chief would defeat Freeman you are stating a fictitious character could defeat you in some dimention where the years 2015 and whenever halo takes place meet. If you think about it, Master chief could be Freeman's ****ing GREAT GRANDSON. He'd be continuing a long tradition of killing things from other worlds.

Basically, I'm just pointing out how stupid a comparison like this is. It's like saying "Hercules Vs. Robocop!". Yeah, they're both "tough badasses" but....also noncompatible.
All freeman needs to do is slap master chief on the back of the head. Its his weak point.
A Counter-terrorist from Counter-strike would come and defuse Master-chief. Counter-terrorists win.
bah who cares, masterchief is microsoft's mainstream monkey and he wouldnt have a clue when it comes to quantum physic's, I mean how uncool can you get.
Actually... would you guys post some reasons why HL2 pwns Halo2? I need some tips to convince my friend that i would pwn him at deathmatch.
I mean the game!
if you have to be mean:

these are mostley personal things

1.Halo2's perspective seems flat and bland , straight off the bat it gave me the feeling of being a walking TV screen on hydrolics.. lol, the only thing that made me feel like master chief was the fact that I can see his legs.

2.other than masterchief's shiney armored body, Characters seemed pretty much identical to halo's , just with nicer bump maps's and better texturing, (funky flashing texturing errors in cut scenes = not good), HL2's where high poly goodness that actually made me react to their expressions, and strangely start to care about them , showing greater immersive properties + greater length of time taken developing the character's shows.. I mean Dog and Dr breen, and then theres a covenant dude and cortana.. do the math.

3.Halo's level design may of been influenced by Xbox's power, but it felt like Halo revisted with better light maps and texture's just different level configurations, no real detail improvement's.. the first level made me cry Unreal tournament flashbacks, HL2 try's and acheive's fantastic enviroment's, which actually make you wow.

4.HL2's weapons are more like... OMFG yes, shiney, crunchy goodness
duel weilding.. power sword yeh, nice Halo's weapon's are more like... hehe, yeh thats cool, other than the power sword you sort of get bored and forget your even holding a weapon. and OMG they should of kept the classic assault rifle and just detailed the model further :( another reason to slap bungie.

5. the water in HL2 makes me want to swim in it, it's orgasmic. along with reflective surfaces. , Halo2's water. quite nice but,.. ... well its baywatch with masterchief. without the waves.

6. half life 2's Animations are better clearly, ragdolling and physic's stone the shite out of Halo2, and HL2 actually uses the physics system as a definitive gameplay element, innovative to the point that its never been done to that extent. Halo2, well.. I can flip my warthog and other vehichles if there not too big, and a few props here and there... enough said.. very exiting

I actually enjoyed Halo2, as much as the xbox would let me, the best thing about the game is playing Multiplayer with friends, but then again it just doesnt beat branding someone in the back of the head with a toilet. so what can I say, its quite clear some people love Halo2, but for me, it was overshadowed , technically and visually and is a far cry from HL2, and in my opinion even farcry.. hell ill be nice and say its approaching a par with farcry,
I know its an Xbox game, but thats no excuse, Bungie sold out to microsoft!, what did they expect.
I too think HL2 pwns Halo2

1) While both games slowed down in certain points I think Halo 2's seemed to last longer with less interesting battle in between them. Atleast in HL2 you have something to look at. In Halo 2 its usually just repitious scenery

2) Battles in HL2 were engaging and made you think about what was around you, which I think the level designers did a very good job at overall. In Halo 2 its just mainly shoot and run for cover.

3) Storyline, I think everyone has noticed that the story line here is basically the same as before, just with new characters. HL2 definitely had a good change in storyline. Guess what we do in the next Halo? Oh boy! Shoot more of the same poeple! (Thats what I'm putting my money on)

4) The only thing that Halo 2 has beat HL2 in is the vehicles. The vehicles in Halo 2 are much more fun to drive in that HL2, but only because of the physics applied to them. Whenever you get to drive a vehicle in Halo 2 its usually just a straight line with a few people here and there.

5) Multiplayer. I think this is the only thing Halo 2 has over HL2

6) Modding. This is a huge plus for HL2. Now, I know since Halo 2 is on a console and all that its not like poeple can just hope onto Xbox live, download an SDK and get to it. But I think it would be really nice if Bungie could include someform of map editor to make atleast a multiplayer map. But you never know, maybe they got one in the works right now. Perhaps its not a really good argument, but I definitly think its possible to do.

Plus everything in clarky003's post

So there are my reasons
And so the thread turns into a HL2 vs. Halo 2 thread...

Closed yet?
hang on now, I was kindly responding to Jintor's post :) but close it if you must mods.
doomed - uk said:
The Master Chief is a big dude wearing a suit created for war.

Gordon Freeman is an average-sized dude in a suit created for pushing around the "sample" which appeared to be a massive lump of cheese on a trolley.

I think the Chief would just smack Gordon in his mysteriously bullet-proof face and it'd be game over.

Wait a minute... this is like one of those alien or predator discussions that geeks have. ;)

Gordon has the gravity gun. The super gravity gun. He can pick Master Chief up from 300 feet away, killing him instantly, then shooting him into a pit of lava.
Exactly what I said before. Gordan would pick up Master Chief with the Super Gravity Gun causing him to go into ragdoll mode and be dead. Game over man, game over!...oh my god, I just made a reference to Alien 2...Nooooooo!!! ;)
lol, yeh master chief wouldnt even beable to get close to Gordon, but he's probably too thick to know better, which is why he would try to get past the super gravity gun like a true super soldier, but fail miserably
doomed - uk said:
Wait a minute... this is like one of those alien or predator discussions that geeks have. ;)

Everyone knows Aliens would kick the predator's ass any day.
my friend says master chief has mark 6 armor but gordon has mark 5 hev suit, so my friend likes halo 2 more :(
There are helmets for the HEV suits, Gordon just doesn't like them I assume.
Shadow][ said:
my friend says master chief has mark 6 armor but gordon has mark 5 hev suit, so my friend likes halo 2 more :(

Google fight says Master Chief beats Gordon Freeman, but Half-Life 2 beats Halo 2.
Obviously people like the design of master cheifies armor. (it is probably the visor)
Lets compare

Master Chief
1) Genetically Manipulated
2) Kickass Armor
3) Strong as hell.

Gordon Freeman
1)Super Gravity Gun
2)Pulse Rifle Secondary

Gordon Freeman pwns Master Chief
The Thing, sorry I must have missed it.

"side note, I am now at 100 posts, and I have been here since aug, 2003"
Oh, like *that* matters.

And how do you know, Brodieman2k4?
Jintor said:
Oh, like *that* matters.

And how do you know, Brodieman2k4?

Master Chief can not be aroused by girls while fighting intergalatic aliens. He might be....castrated.
Does anyone else think that this thread has veered slightly off topic?
bvasgm said:
Does anyone else think that this thread has veered slightly off topic?

No, since technically it always was a Halo vs. Half-Life thread
Minerel said:
Sorry I have to do this.. Kinda spam but!!
Google Vs Search
Search - 1,230,000,000
Google - 157,000,000
Google got pwned.!&compare=1&langue=us
Halo Fanboy - 47,400
Half-Life Fanboy - 26600
I wouldn't say being called a Fanboys is to good of a thing..

Hell....beat heaven...

Half Life Fanboy without the dash wins....o_O!&compare=1&langue=us
Mater Chief comes rolling along in his tank. Gordon uses his gravity gun to to throw a box at him. Master Chief sighs and destroys Gordon with a well aimed tank shell.
*A few striders come out*
*Kill Master Chief*