How have games affected your life?


Apr 12, 2006
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I wonder how games have affected you all in your lives. For me, they have kept me entertained in the hours that I am bored. I fear though, that they have robbed, or rather I have robbed myself, of precious time. i must say that I regret playing video games for so long, but that is a burden that I must deal with.
They entertain me. They wow me. Some even make me think. And, some of them serve as a muse to my other creations whether it be song, movie, or story.
When I played Half-life: Uplink for the first time in 1998, I knew at that moment - forget movies, this is what you need! And I haven't regretted an hour of the time I have spent on my games.
If it wasn't for video games I would have kept playing baseball and most likely had a nice social life and been physically fit
They pretty much took away the first 16 years of my life. Then 2 years ago I stopped playing games altogether and I started going out more and making new friends, trying new things, and just enjoying life for what it was. I never realized how addicted I was until I stopped. SO yea, be careful or you can let gaming rule your life.

I still play once in a while. A few hours a week maybe. Everything in moderation :)
video games spoiled my life and my eyes. i haven gotten laid, never got gone out with a sucks... im not gaming anymore as i used to....
I game about an an hour every weekday, and 3-4 hours during weekends.
Chex Quest was my first venture into first person shooters. Quake II and Alien V. Predator II turned me into a total junky, after which I had to learn to pace myself. Now I save gaming for rainy days, unless a new game comes out. I've got paid vacation time alotted for Prey, for example. Sometimes it's quite enjoyable to grab a urinal, some water and food, and make it a marathon. Remember to move occasionally though.
Gaming made me smarter. And they kill alot of time. And they give me adrenalin kicks. And they can give me this incredible feeling... I don't regret playing games for so long.
Gaming has given me incredibly fast reflexes. My hand/eye coordination is f_ck all. Its been amazing. Don't believe me? Try working on your Robotron...:thumbs:
Games made me feel better and not to mention, make people feel entertained. And in fact however, games had a great affect on people.
VictimOfScience said:
Gaming has given me incredibly fast reflexes. My hand/eye coordination is f_ck all. Its been amazing. Don't believe me? Try working on your Robotron...:thumbs:
"F*ck all" is pretty much the equivalent of "nothing". As a result, you just wrote that your hand/eye coordination is nonexistent. :D
hneaz said:
video games spoiled my life and my eyes. i haven gotten laid, never got gone out with a sucks... im not gaming anymore as i used to....
Sucks to be you.
Iv met some of the coolest people online who some who became reallife friends. Playing Counter-Strike that is. Games make me laugh, say HELL YA, go OMFG!, etc. Its one of the best things to play and beat a GREAT game. Like Deus Ex, Half-Life 1,2, FEAR...etc.
Games let you be something you're not or can't be. I don't want to fly a helicopter into a group of gang members, jumping out at the last minute and chainsawing the last of them to pieces in real life, so games give me the chance. I still have a good social life and see my friends most weekends. I always have one girl who I am pursuing and occasionally get together with. I reckon I have a pretty good balance.
Also, at the moment, in a time full of exams, games are an excellent stress relief.

I think to all the people who say games ruin their social life, they needn't. Just find the right balance of gaming. When I don't have a new or exciting game to play, I only game for about 5 hours a whole week. If I'm not going out on Saturday, I will sometimes game for 5 hours solid. BUT I probably won't play again until the next weekend. I don't strictly limit myself, but I play as much as I feel happy with. And if a life-consuming game arrives e.g. Oblivion and I find myself not doing homework or seeing friends, I purposefully arrange to see friends which forces me to leave the computer. Or I turn it off and lie on my bed doing some work.

So just to shorten that whole rambling post to one word: Balance.
They haven't affected it. They have shaped it D:
I guess Half-life, it made me go to this site daily since like 04', so that has affected my life
Dalamari said:
If it wasn't for video games I would have kept playing baseball and most likely had a nice social life and been physically fit
heh....oh well.
At least you still got some good hand-eye coordination from games....
I can mow the lawn at max speed on a riding lawn mower. I blame racing videogames.
Adabiviak said:
Chex Quest was my first venture into first person shooters. Quake II and Alien V. Predator II turned me into a total junky, after which I had to learn to pace myself. Now I save gaming for rainy days, unless a new game comes out. I've got paid vacation time alotted for Prey, for example. Sometimes it's quite enjoyable to grab a urinal, some water and food, and make it a marathon. Remember to move occasionally though.

Holy shit dude, totally, Chex Quest, I remember that, when I had my first comp I didn't really have anything to play until about 2000 when I got into TFC, other than the original Wolfenstein, Chex Quest was my first FPS

I just realized this thread completely backfired, everyone seems to be telling horror stories...

I started off running drugs in the streets. Joined a gang at 13 and took my first hit off the pipe at 15. I robbed and stabbed a store clerk 17 times in the abdomen and got sent to the big house. Ten years later after multiple parole hearings they let me go. Wouldn't you know it 2 weeks after I get out I get the call that my moms has passed. It was a nice burial, real respectful. At the funeral parlor the priest comes up to me and says "take this" and hands me a copy of duckhunt. Well here I am 52 years old with a beautiful wife and a loving family expecting my third grandchild any day now. I run a respectable business and I keep my nose clean. You better believe video games changed my life.
Dalamari said:
If it wasn't for video games I would have kept playing baseball and most likely had a nice social life and been physically fit

Doing both is possible my man, cause I am right now. :cheers:
I'm got exams tommorw - i've been studying since 9am - i played a bit of Zombie CSS and now i'm relaxed again. Time to study again...

Games give you something to take your mind off everything - like a mostly harmless drug.

But the best thing - meeting some of you guys. Here i can relax as you guys say some of the funniest shit / most informative.
evilsloth said:
I'm got exams tommorw - i've been studying since 9am - i played a bit of Zombie CSS and now i'm relaxed again. Time to study again...

Games give you something to take your mind off everything - like a mostly harmless drug.

But the best thing - meeting some of you guys. Here i can relax as you guys say some of the funniest shit / most informative.

So true. I love this site, its my favorite site of ALL TIME. I dont know what ill do without :/
So true. I love this site, its my favorite site of ALL TIME. I dont know what ill do without :/

Quoted For The Gospel Truth. Seriously.
Raziel-Jcd said:
So true. I love this site, its my favorite site of ALL TIME. I dont know what ill do without :/


And games also have made me speak English a LOT better.
Several years of reading manuals and mission briefings, hearing everything from Joanna Dark to the Zerg Overmind, has given me impeccable English and quite possibly the weirdest accent I've ever heard.

Not to mention that I haven't died yet.
They made me smarter. I honestly had no interest in history until I played Civ2. Now I'm minoring in it in college.
They kill time that would otherwise be spent on nothing, and time that dhould be spent doing something else, but who cares
Mattigus said:
They made me smarter. I honestly had no interest in history until I played Civ2. Now I'm minoring in it in college.
In all fairness though, being interested in something does not say anything about how smart an individual is.
Hehehe a little bit of a stupid question for me. Games are my life. Thats why I plan on working in the industry. I'm currently studying Games Art at Uni :D