How ****ing Lazy are you

Lucifer Crass

Aug 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well the point of this thread is to show how lazy you are.

Okay, I am so lazy I got a remote for my car stero, I use my own line to call my house to talk to my parental unit because I dont wanna get up to go into the next room. I have a folding out chouch beause fixin a bed everymorning is a hassle. I dont change unless I have to go outside, otherwise its shorts and a old shirt. I have a minibar fridge because I hate walking down the stairs whenever I get thirsty. I push down the garbage 2 or three times in one week because its inconvient to walk to the dumpster.

I probably wouldn't be so lazy if I hadent gotten in to Football y freshmen year. Its all physcial conditioning.
How lazy am I? Not as lazy as you, jeebus.

I do want to install a motor into my computer chair to eliminate the need of walking.
I'm not half as lazy as I used to be :|
I've been jogging 2 miles every other day.. about time I started getting in shape

The best I can say, the recliner I watch TV in has a phone under the right armrest.. no more getting up for me :)

Oh, and, I wish the GameCube would have a remote powerswitch, I mean, I can have the wavebird controller next to me, but I'll be damned if I have to stand up, walk OVER to the system and hit the freakin' power switch. So much effort.. I want a wireless powerswitch! lol
I had two days to write around thirty pages of art research, so I procrastinated for one.
That day was today.
I never, never prepare anything more than one day in advance.
And I'm too lazy to be stressed about it. :D
im just now starting to have my computer chair bond with my pants.......
crabcakes66 said:
im just now starting to have my computer chair bond with my pants.......


I got mine hooked up to my spinal cord.
how lazy am i? Well, i'm not actually typing this right now, my mom is. I'm actually sitting across the room with a tube that's hooked directly to my stomach which eliminates teh need for chewing/swallow/opening my mouth. my ass has been surgically grafted to my couch, and the couch is hooked up to the sewage system......

Please donate some money to me so i don't have to get off my ass and find a job.
all my friends rag on me for never answering the phone when they call, its less then a foot away from my monitor.
Pretty weak...all of you! I'm so lazy, I pass out sometimes due to me getting tired of breathing.
i havnt left my house in about 2 weeks. I get up at 9.00 am. Im on the computer till 1.00 am the next day. And then i sleep till 9.00. and the cycle repeats.

i only leave my room for food and to use the bathroom.

i skip lunch and breakfast because i dont want to get up. i dont do any jobs around the house.

if i have anything to eat during the day, its an Up & Go, because im too lazy to make anything small, ie, toast and such.

and i just generally, slob around.
Heh, i guess all those ARE pretty funny. Seriously though, NO ONE is as lazy as me.
i once made my self a pole that reached from the bed to the light switch so i wouldnt have to get up when i was done reading. now i have a desk lamp :)
Im so lazy I bought a Love Sack to replace my PC chair. But that REALLY didn't I just stuck the love sack in the middle of the living room.

If you dont know what a Love Sack is, its a bean bag thats filled with the same kind of padding they use on Lazy Boy chairs, just all shred up.
I'm so lazy I don't wipe after dropping a bomb so I could sit on the chair more.

I'm so lazy I don't wash my hands after using the bathroom.

I'm so lazy I don't change my underwear unless it rots off of my crotch.

I'm so lazy I only shower once a month so I can get more time on the couch.

I'm so lazy I didn't read more than 1 post in this thread.

NOTE: These are all false. Except the last one.
Zeus said:
I'm so lazy I don't wipe after dropping a bomb so I could sit on the chair more.

I'm so lazy I don't wash my hands after using the bathroom.

I'm so lazy I don't change my underwear unless it rots off of my crotch.

I'm so lazy I only shower once a month so I can get more time on the couch.

I'm so lazy I didn't read more than 1 post in this thread.

NOTE: These are all false. Except the last one.
I'm so lazy I don't move out of the chair to drop a bomb

I'm so lazy I don't go to the bathroom.

I'm so lazy I don't wear underwear.

I'm so lazy I don't shower. Ever.

What thread?
my mom gets mad at me when i use too many towels in a week.

THAT... is how lazy i am.
Lil' Timmy said:
!!! dude, the loaf-cat is far from worthless. indeed, what could be more valuable?

partially does have value...but only in entertainment. Just like all of these lazy people have entertainment value for me. I enjoy laughing at how worthless people I should've said "relatively worthless" instead of just "worthless"...or something...more..specific.

the loaf cat does own you though...whatever you do, DO NOT open multiple windows of the loaf cat and make a round of the song. it's painful.
I'm kind of lazy, really lazy.. But not in a "I invent stuff to do jobs for me" , more like a "I yell at people to go bring stuff to me , and don't pick something up if it's too far away"

I should change name to LazyHarij, instead.. :D