How many bands can you find?

Shamrock said:
I understand your concept. Its just that you are wrong.

The Lesbians equal Tatu. That is final.

The only reason why your concept is flawed is because say the whole band the Gorrilaz was gay, then if you had 3 guys making out or 4 or however many are in the group, you could then suggest Gorrilaz. But by Tatu being open lesbians, also making out on live network television and even in their music videos, suggests that the 2 girls (2 girls in Tatu) are lesbians therefore they represent Tatu.

HAHAHA i bet you feel like an idiot it is kiss (check the link) and it was kiss. Someone owes an apology
bryanf445 said:
HAHAHA i bet you feel like an idiot it is kiss (check the link) and it was kiss. Someone owes an apology

hahahahahha. pwned.
*imitates Cartman*

na na na na na na ha ha ha ha ha ha
What ever. They still are lesbians. Lesbians = Tatu. I don't care for that link nor do I care for me "feeling like an idiot."
Others that I've noticed

Matchbox 20
Dinosaur Jr.
Blind Melon
The Eagles
Led Zeppelin
Black Crows
It could be either or. Like I saw the Jets flying through the air as the band "Jet." Meh.
The only one i got was Alice in Chains, and that ones pretty obvious..... :( I guess i just dont listen to many of those bands on there.