How many copies can they make....



If the game does not go gold until sometime next week, will they have enough time to make enough copies for the demand? I have no idea how many copies can be made in a day or week, but lately games have gone gold a month before the release date. I am not trying to be negative, I want this game as much as anyone else, just something I was thinking about.
I could see them going into crunch mode to get the shipments in on time - big title with a large community that'd be disappointed if it didn't hit the 30th.
God this place'd be unbearable.
I have a feeling they won't announce it going gold. They'll leave us guessing and leave all the doubters up to their own game and it'll be in stores on time, just like they always said with minimal fanfare from Valve or Vivendi.
If they were to announce that it has gone gold, what would be the absolute latest date they could? And if we don't hear anything on that date, lets just hope they will announce something the week prior to the 30th.
what im wondering is, how are they able to attend shows and doing interviews and stuff this close to going gold?
that must mean they have some spare time right?
Originally posted by Mackan
what im wondering is, how are they able to attend shows and doing interviews and stuff this close to going gold?
that must mean they have some spare time right?

Yea that sounds true enough. I mean if they were really crunching, I dont think they would be able to make it to certain events. Lets hope for the best.
I wish I could get in a time machine and go to Monday for some news !
Originally posted by FluxCap
I wish I could get in a time machine and go to Monday for some news !

If i had a time machine there's 1 hell of a lot of other things i'd be doing.
Has there ever been this much anticipation for a game before? I have never seen anything like this. I bet everyone at Valve is just lovin' seeing all of us speculate when it is going to be released.
Originally posted by SLH
If i had a time machine there's 1 hell of a lot of other things i'd be doing.
Audrey Hepburn for starters.

I mean what!? Erm... :eek: OH MY GOD! LOOK BEHIND YOU!!

<el Chi scarpers>
Originally posted by Deadline
Yea that sounds true enough. I mean if they were really crunching, I dont think they would be able to make it to certain events. Lets hope for the best.

Yeah I read the developing process of HL1 the other day, and they didn't even have time to shave themselves.
They have finished the benchmark too, otherwise it would be too risky to benchmark cards in a billion dollar industry, so the code is as good as done I think, doubt it will be november.
Originally posted by PhishHead
If the game does not go gold until sometime next week, will they have enough time to make enough copies for the demand? I have no idea how many copies can be made in a day or week, but lately games have gone gold a month before the release date. I am not trying to be negative, I want this game as much as anyone else, just something I was thinking about.

We are talking industrial packaging plants here.....not some guy sitting in his house burning CDs..........
One CD for every 3 seconds, so that's 28800 CD's for every 24 hrs.
Never said they would run 24hrs a day. But I am sure they could if need be. 1st shift, 2nd shift, 3rd shift, well you know how it works. Thanks for calling me buddy boy, have not heard that one in a while.
:cheers: No worries... Buddy boy:)

Yeah, basically they can make loads - easily enough to fill requirements.
If it's already gone gold, why don't they just tell us so we all can shut the hell up about release dates? I think Valve has already created enough suspense.
Originally posted by PhishHead
If it's already gone gold, why don't they just tell us so we all can shut the hell up about release dates? I think Valve has already created enough suspense.

That's because it hasn't gone gold!!!
I don't think it has gone gold either, just wondering why Valve wouldn't release a statement if it is.
imho it aint gold, i think itll go gold by next friday, if not then it will be a middle october/november release.
Doubt it will hit the september 30th mark. I would assume valve would release the game to coincide with the 5th anniversary of Half Life's release. Good marketing move, and only add a week or two to the original release date.

That would be my guess...
Constantly announce for months that it will be released on September 30th... then change your mind at the last minute and delay the game for two weeks (or more... when did HL1 release?) just to hit an anniversary that no one cares about and won't help to sell any extra copies?

Great idea.
I'm thinking it went gold last month, like 8/30...

I mean, they have been going to all these previews and such this month, seems to me that it is done. :)
I think it's totaly gold ready, but they are doing it on Monday!
"If it's already gone gold, why don't they just tell us so we all can shut the hell up about release dates? I think Valve has already created enough suspense."

Free publicity, every mention of a dealy gets thousands of hits on websites, people like my brother who detest fps games and pc gaming are talking about it. Friends of mine who never played hl1 say to me oh btw night (changed to protect the guilty) I heard that game you are waiting for got delayed.

They are saving a fortune on advertising and getting ati and nvidia coupled with games sites and us guys to do it all for them
every mention of a dealy :) Kat must be getting lots of hits... I meant delay. Sorry