How many of you are going to buy Halo 2?

See I don't find halo bad, Coop is great fun with the team play aspect, The Covie are a great enemy, Floods so so.

The game plays well and I have the PC version, and it rocks on my puter.

However I still maintain that if it hadn't been an X-box only release Halo wouldn't have the following it does now.

Halo 2 looks good, but look at it compared to the coming crop of games:

D00M 3, Half-life, F.E.A.R., Republic commando.

Halo 2 doesn't boast anything over the incoming games in the terms of technology. So it will have to be level design, plot and script, and characterisation.

One of the E4 demos was a level, and to me it looked fun, but very short.

Time shall tell, but I think Halo 2 will be a good game elivated to great game status by hype and lack of serious compertion on the X-box
ElFuhrer said:
Do you really want me to go over all the places Halo falls short of the standard? Because I don't feel like saying it all again.

Do you want me to do that for almost every shooter? - it's not hard.

Take CoD - too short, too easy, no challenge and therefore no real sense of achievement ..... to me the game felt like a chore from start to finish (which is a shame, seeing as this is one of the better pc shooters to come out in recent times :/) Of course, this is just one persons view - which means sod all (just like yours ;) ).

Many people love CoD :) It's horses for courses.
Why did Bungie make your main enemy little midgets who sound like 10 year olds on pep pills? That really took me out of the game.
I would'nt buy another Xbox let alone buy a Breed comparable FPS :LOL: Halo is one of the most boring and repetative games ive ever played.
Maybe we should establish something here: I played Halo for the first time on a PC Demo. I wasn't impressed at all, and wondered why everyone thought it was so great.

Then I got an Xbox. Now, Halo is my favorite fps of all time.

So, no one can base their opinion of Halo on the PC version. It simply doesn't cut it.
StardogChampion said:
When it comes out for the PC...

when it comes out on the pc in 1.5 yearsafter xbox version or maybe less than that. if the pc version got most the features of UE3.0 I will 100% buy it
Alig said:
I would'nt buy another Xbox let alone buy a Breed comparable FPS :LOL: Halo is one of the most boring and repetative games ive ever played.

Your post is repetitive, I've read it a hundred times before....
I too am sick of people on these forums bashing anything that some people think may be better or even close to HL2.

I think Halo is a great game...certainly better than HL1. I've played Halo SP plenty of times...more than HL1...but I keep going back to it because it's just plain fun again and again. The hardest difficulty is still hard (unlike HL1) and I especially enjoy taking another friend through the game along with me that hasn't played before. It's a blast.

Halo 2 is gonna be awesome if you ask me...better than HL2. I don't care that this is an HL2 forum...I'm here because of the people...not the game.
ZoomaCLW said:
Maybe we should establish something here: I played Halo for the first time on a PC Demo. I wasn't impressed at all, and wondered why everyone thought it was so great.

Then I got an Xbox. Now, Halo is my favorite fps of all time.

So, no one can base their opinion of Halo on the PC version. It simply doesn't cut it.

I couldn't disagree more. I bought Halo for XBox like everyone else who got an XBox, played through it multiple times, loved it etc. I also bought the PC version on the day of it's release, and it is way better, unless you have some sort of technical problems on your pc. If not though, I really don't understand how anyone can say the XBox version is better. The PC version is everything the XBox version is, plus better graphics, superior control, and bonus content in multiplayer.
Soundwave said:
I couldn't disagree more. I bought Halo for XBox like everyone else who got an XBox, played through it multiple times, loved it etc. I also bought the PC version on the day of it's release, and it is way better, unless you have some sort of technical problems on your pc. If not though, I really don't understand how anyone can say the XBox version is better. The PC version is everything the XBox version is, plus better graphics, superior control, and bonus content in multiplayer.

You're probably in the minority with this view.

I love Halo on the Xbox, but also found the pc version to be mediocre. It ran fine (highest settings, 1280 res etc) and the extra multiplayer features were fun, for a while :) However, I didn't like controlling the game with a mouse (it was too easy, demanded less skill, and ruinined the balance that makes Halo great) and the abscence of rumble and analogue movement really detracted from the immersion. As a result the fighting was a far less tense experience.

The game also appeared like a tiny model when compared to playing it on a big tv (even a 21" monitor) It's difference between waching Star Wars at home and going to the cinema - the whole game just felt far less grandiose. Even the higher res and slightly more detailed gfx didn't help on this occasion ...... if anything the game world felt even less solid, the edges too clean and angular, the outside areas less organic.

And there's no co-op :/ (which is the best bit \o/)

(all imo of course :) )
ShadowFox said:
There is no Unreal 3.

There is an Unreal Engine 3.



but you can sorta guess whats coming,, correct me if it isnt called that though :p
I think halo 2 is the most overrated game of all time. Looks like a copy of the original with slightly tweaked gameplay. Xbox live play is the only thing that looks awesome with it. I'll prolly spend the money on mortal kombat deception cuz u can play that online on xbox live.
Zeus said:
I think halo 2 is the most overrated game of all time. Looks like a copy of the original with slightly tweaked gameplay

Welcome to the wonderful world of sequels!
Zeus said:
I think halo 2 is the most overrated game of all time. Looks like a copy of the original with slightly tweaked gameplay. Xbox live play is the only thing that looks awesome with it. I'll prolly spend the money on mortal kombat deception cuz u can play that online on xbox live. think Half-Life 2 is the most overrated game of all time, Looks like a copy of the original with slightly tweaked gameplay.
Obviously, some people like halo and others do not. Apart from the anti-console prejudice, the complaint that everyone has on halo is the repetitive gameplay. Another game that has the same sort of division between gamers is the Diablo franchise, because it also has some very repetive gameplay. It happens that Diablo (1 and 2) and Halo are the games that I played and replayed the most in my life, because they're so fun.

Now, I wonder if there is a correlation between diablo fans and halo fans. What are your thoughts on this? Did you like diablo and halo, or only one of them, or none at all?
Counter Strike is also a very very repetative game. 24/7 maps...
I don't think the gameplay of Halo was repetitive. I think the maps in the middle of the game were repetitive. In fact.. I could take a screenshot of one of the corridors and show you 1/3 of the game.

As for the multiplayer, it was too slow paced for my tastes, but I suppose people who like that gameplay loved it.
Halo's level design was repetitive yes, but that was only because Bungie was rushed by Microsoft so the game would be ready at XBox's launch. Halo 2 will not have that problem.
I'll probably buy it, I'm not going to camp outside the store or anything but I guess I'll pick it up.
Alright.. I just sat down and watched the Halo2 MP video. Despite the commentary being completely ass-tastic, with completely unnecessary curses for complete dumbness, the game looked alright.

It reminded me a lot of UT2k4's assault mode.
The game also appeared like a tiny model when compared to playing it on a big tv (even a 21" monitor) It's difference between waching Star Wars at home and going to the cinema - the whole game just felt far less grandiose. Even the higher res and slightly more detailed gfx didn't help on this occasion ...... if anything the game world felt even less solid, the edges too clean and angular, the outside areas less organic.

so you're complaining about sharper resolution? PC shows the flaws of the Halo engine... Also most video cards now a days have a TV out if you want that experiance.
Raxxman said:
so you're complaining about sharper resolution? PC shows the flaws of the Halo engine... Also most video cards now a days have a TV out if you want that experiance.

I'm just stating that Halo looks less believable and impressive when played on a monitor. This isn't unique to Halo either, Prince of Persia, GTA3 etc all look 'better' to me when played on a TV.

Sure, you could play it with tv out - but this isn't suitable for most pc games (the text is hard to read, controls can be a hastle).