How many of you guys DID NOT get stuck anywhere?

I was briefly stuck in Ravenholm trying to get over the electric fence. A little exploring and I realized I could turn off the fire pit and enter the building.
I never got stuck, I found all the secrets, killed all the enemies, learned all the tricks, and heard all of the dialouge my first time through. :naughty:

It also took my 41 days and thousands of quickloads to complete it. :(
The only time I seriously got stuck was fighting the two gunships at nova prospekt because I kept overlooking the damn rocket crate in the shadows. (Has anyone else had to turn up the brightness on their monitor?)

Other than that the only other stuck moments I encountered were just stupid overlooking-the-door type of things.

On the turrets, I did find those parts challenging, but there was a trick I learned that worked the whole time. All you have to do is make sure to setup the turrets directly facing the source of the combine troops. I mean like a 0 degree angle. A shotgun blast to the broad side of a turrent will knock it down, but trying to knock it over from the front is damn near impossible. Once I got to an area and figured out where the troops were coming from, I setup the turrets in the right spots, and as far back as possible so the combine couldn't get in close and kick them over. I kept the gravity gun out most of the time to watch out for grenades, and the overwatch rifle to help out if the turrets were really getting hammered. Got through it pretty quickly.