How many of you own a Crowbar ?

How about a poll?

My vote is yes, it's a heavy 4ft black one, in my garage. Definately a meaty weapon. I'd choose it over a hammer, baseball bat, most any melee weapon.
I have a crowbar...They are sadly not very good at shattering wood, ala Halflife.

Still, its black, and a nice size...heh, meaty is a good word for it. My crowbar, my gurker knife (Inherrited...kind of) and my brothers katana would be what i would choose to take with me if zombies appared and the commi-nazis invaded.
I used to have one, a blue colored one. In swedish they're called something that could be translated into "Cowfoot" :D
Farrowlesparrow said:
my gurker knife (Inherrited...kind of)
*kukri knife* [and yeah, they're awesome :p]

and no, i dont have a crowbar.... dont think so anyway....
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have a crowbar...They are sadly not very good at shattering wood, ala Halflife.

Still, its black, and a nice size...heh, meaty is a good word for it. My crowbar, my gurker knife (Inherrited...kind of) and my brothers katana would be what i would choose to take with me if zombies appared and the commi-nazis invaded.
commie nazis eh :p

how are you supposed to hold one of those things though? in the middle? or the bottom? or what?
CyberSh33p said:
commie nazis eh :p

how are you supposed to hold one of those things though? in the middle? or the bottom? or what?

Well it depends on what you are doing really...not that ive hit anyone with a crowbar but i would imagine that depending on the force you wish to apply it would change where you hold it. For instance, a good solid hit, you would hold it closer to the end, but a bast lighter hit you would hold it nearer the middle...but not past the middle.

crushenator 500 said:
*kukri knife* [and yeah, they're awesome :p]

and no, i dont have a crowbar.... dont think so anyway....

heh...i never did know how to spell it.
Well aren't we the show off :p

I bet my twanger is bigger than yous....twanger as in the rainbow twanger that is.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have a crowbar...They are sadly not very good at shattering wood, ala Halflife.

Still, its black, and a nice size...heh, meaty is a good word for it. My crowbar, my gurker knife (Inherrited...kind of) and my brothers katana would be what i would choose to take with me if zombies appared and the commi-nazis invaded.

Eh? The same commi-nazis that attacked McBane in the Simpsons? I liked their flag - a mixture of the swastika and the hammer + sickle. Genius :farmer:
I have a larger Iron crowbar. It isnt painted and its all Cast Iron so it is really heavy. Not useful at all for swinging :(
The dutch word for crowbar translated exactly is "break-iron" :E

should be.. "break-zombie-face-with-iron" :LOL:
I wouldn't call the one we have a crowbar, I think it's a shoehorn, but shaped like a crowbar, it's plastic and orange.... yup, I've got a gay crowbar, you couldn't kill a fly with it.
And now the german names for crowbar.
It seems, I can use the swedish and dutch name here, too.
Kuhfuss(Cowfoot), Brecheisen(Break-Iron), Brechstange(Break-pole) and Stemmeisen.
hehe, 4 names for 1 tool.

I have a orange crowbar at home.
Actually, we say Kofot here in Sweden.
But it means Cowfoot just like Kuhfuss does.

I was bored so here she is, for your viewing pleasure. :)
ive got one about 2 and a half ft to 3 ft long

and one about 1 and a half to 2 ft long in my car :devil:
God damn, it would REALLY hurt to get hit by one of those thangs... like REALLY hurt!
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have a crowbar...They are sadly not very good at shattering wood, ala Halflife.

Still, its black, and a nice size...heh, meaty is a good word for it. My crowbar, my gurker knife (Inherrited...kind of) and my brothers katana would be what i would choose to take with me if zombies appared and the commi-nazis invaded.

Why the heck does everyone like to carry melee weapons when battling zombies?

I would take some rifles, maybe a shotgun and some pistols.... and maybe a crowbar just for effect.

Wait, if i take all those weapons I can use /give_all_ammo right?
I have this really sweet crowbar, with lazer sight and a scope

oh yeah, and a bayonet attachment

also has a silencer

looks like this:
nw909 said:
I have this really sweet crowbar, with lazer sight and a scope

oh yeah, and a bayonet attachment

also has a silencer

looks like this:

Damn! I wish I had one as sweet as that :naughty:
I don't own a crowbar but I do have a HEV suit in my closet I keep for soirées...

*beep beep! Major fracture... detected!...
Very aritistic Idolon ;) It really does look like a good picture.

Deadline said:
Why the heck does everyone like to carry melee weapons when battling zombies?

I would take some rifles, maybe a shotgun and some pistols.... and maybe a crowbar just for effect.

Wait, if i take all those weapons I can use /give_all_ammo right?

Unlike the US....we don't have nearby gun toting yokels to steal guns off once they die.
)[eVo]( Para said:
I don't own a crowbar but I do have a HEV suit in my closet I keep for soirées...

*beep beep! Major fracture... detected!...

hehe, do you think the HEV tells the time?? *beep beep! the time is, 10:35 pm :LOL:
Farrowlesparrow said:
Very aritistic Idolon ;) It really does look like a good picture.
Hehe, thanks.
But it's all the crowbar, it's very camera friendly.
It used to model for tool magazines in it's youth. :)

My % bad jokes curve is rising very fast.
I'll have to write a serious one soon to even things out.
I have a blue one with a rubber cap on one end (Handy little thing that prevents injuries). I use it to kill weeds.

The knife can also be spelt "Ghurka". Or maybe it's "Guhrka". Or "Gurkha". It's spelt with a G and an H in Usbourne Arms and Armour, anyway.
Yeah, I own one, its pretty old and it's very used. It was yellow, now it's a rust, metal, yellow color combo!
I have a crowbar that was left at my house when I moved in, it is horribly off balanced and if I tried to use it HL style it would probably end up hitting myself in the foot.
I have 3 different crowbars, one giant one, one normal size one and this one mini crowbar.

When we were renovating I used the crowbar alot for tearing down the old walls. That was fun, I tried using it the way Gordon does but its alot more difficult than it looks. ;(

Still fun to wack a wall as hard as you can and punture a whole through it.
Gordon is like uber strong..

Holding a crowbar like that and swinging it would break my wrist..
I don't own one but my friend does......

and what he does with it is his own buissness.

[edit] WOOOOOO!!!!! I'm over 1000 posts now!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now I'm an Ant Lion!!!!! [/edit]