How many polys?


Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hey I just wanna know where it says how many polys I have in my model.
Here's the screen of summary info...


Each 'face' is a polygon. Though that doesn't mean how many triangles (which is what games use). You would need to triangulate the model (it divides polygons up so each face only has 3 points) to see how many polys it has for the game.
Convert all of them to editable meshes, then the faces will all be tri's.
They are meshes already.

And it's only to test my skills. (My second model ever)
you have 9648 triangle's, that's what counts, HL2 works with triangle's
you will need to scale that down to about 2000 triangle's, we model our weapons at +- 1500 triangle's, 9648 triangles should be about 4600 polygon's imo
so that's way to high :)
from what i can see of you model (please post the wireframe complete)
the shoulder handle is already way to high, that can be made ALOT simpler
just post the wireframe so we can all see where you need to improve :)

Lol every object is either 6x6x6 vertices or 10x10x10. This is my second model ever! Here's the mesh:

(it's not even close to being finished yet)
Link said:
Stock. Sorry, I can't help it.

edleast i try to explain it, but thanks for learning me the correct name now,
ill try and remember it!

bout the mesh, WOW!, clean it UP ASAP :p
that's pretty sick, the ammo clip can be made with +- 35-45 triangles or if you want to add some more detail, below 100 triangles, now you have like +- 250 triangle's on it, that ALOT :)
the model itself is pretty good looking for a second model, the specs seem ok, so it's just a matter of practising

keep it up!
optomize! delete all the pollys you dont need and rebuild it with as little pollys as you can! barrel should be made with 6-8 sides, that will reduce the count alot, then start working on the stock, grip, clip and anything elce taht needs it :) good luck
Ok, I optimized it and now there are only about 1400 polys! I'll post pics tomorrow I'm too lazy right now.
I need to get my vtm's released asap. No offense, but your modelling a weapon totally wrong. I would try and explain it, but its kinda hard. I will see if I can finish sending the vtm's to munro today :D
yes, it is all wrong, but it's his second, he will learn, offcourse, there is no faster to learn something with video guidence, so, your tutorials will be a great help for the forums
It's also entirely subjective - there's no "right" or "wrong" way. You do whatever works best for you. If you saw my method of modelling, you'd probably be appalled.
Another update, I've taken away the colors cuz it just gets in the way.
How do I make grip? Everytime I try it turns out looking smooth instead of seeing the detail of it. Currently at 1444 polys.
