How Many Teeth Do You Have?

Sep 27, 2003
Reaction score
For me, 28.

Yes, that's right, I got bored enough to count my own teeth...
Not as sad as making a post in a thread whose topic you consider sad in order to tell some one how sad it is...:E

... or were you reffering to my tooth count?
Found this on the net:

All mammals have teeth with the exception of monotremes, anteaters and certain whales. Four types of teeth are found in mammals. Each type of tooth is adapted to perform specific functions.

INCISORS (I) Designed for biting, cutting and stripping
CANINES (C) Designed for seizing, piercing and tearing
PREMOLARS (P) Designed for grinding, crushing, shearing and slicing
MOLARS (M) Designed for grinding and crushing

The most important characteristic used in the identification of mammals is the dentition or teeth. Animal lifestyles can be revealed more by examining their teeth, than by perhaps any other single physical characteristic. For example, the diet and method of feeding of large carnivores is indicated by their large slicing canines. In contrast, the beaver has no canines, but instead has extremely large specialized incisors for gnawing.

A mammal's dental formula designates the number of each type of tooth found in its dentition. The numbers in the dental formula represent the number of teeth in each half of the upper and lower jaws.

Dental formulas are represented as follows: upper jaw/lower jaw

For example, the dental formula for a human is:

(I 2/2 + C 1/1 + P 2/2 + M 3/3) x 2 =32

Wierd, huh? Guess the extra four are the wisdom teeth.:E

Although, I have heard of people with up to 40.

EDIT: That stuff's from , BTW.
It just occurred to me that I should have made this a poll. Can one of you mods fix it up?

The ubiquitous Pie Option.

Or something like that?:E
30, 14 on top 16 on bottom, oh and i have sharp pointy vampire-like teeth (just the canines i believe...) Very sharp and pointy infact.
Whoa, lots of low counts! Oh, I forgot about all our English friends across the pond! Just messin' with you guys.

I've somehow got all 32 orginal teeth plus 2 wisdoms. I keep getting them knocked out and the dentist keeps putting them right back in.
27. I had to lose one because of a dumbass Ukrainian doctor. I had a flux, so they cut my gum and ripped the thooth out.
I got 32 and a ½?! :afro: (I am NOT a freak.. my friend was hitting my beer bottle with hes elbow about a week ago when i was drinking from hit so it splitted my tooth i half... it's rather pointy looking now =)
I counted 18 on the bottom row so I won't even try counting the top row. CBA to use a mirror.
I'm sure we've done this before, even though I am almost certain that we haven't. How Strange. Its like digital de-ja-vu!

I guess I would post in the poll, though it seems a bit pointless!
30 teeth (including 2 wisdom teeth (me wise?!)), which are very painful indeed.. :(
Ok lemme count... 1 ... 2 .... 3.... 4... 5.. 6.. 7.... 7... 7....

Hmm , guess I shouldn't have skip the dentist visits in my youth...
I own 3 Teeth

2 of which I keep in my pocket

and the last one is used for whistling
28... :)

No fillings etc... I have perfect teeth, no braces, never... wow... I'm bragging about teeth O_o
Originally posted by Brian Damage
Not as sad as making a post in a thread whose topic you consider sad in order to tell some one how sad it is...:E

... or were you reffering to my tooth count?

LOL I love you Brian, you always create odd subject/........LOL:laugh: :| :O :)

i had all my wisdom teeth removed when i was 15

....worst pain ive felt in my life......

dry-sockets are bad mmk
I've got enough room for my wisdom teeth.

I think I'll keep them.
I have 28 teeth right now.

I don't have any wisdom teeth in my mouth, I geuss I am just not wise enough to get any.