How many times have you changed your avatar?

How many avatar changes?

  • Never changed.

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Once

    Votes: 14 22.6%
  • Twice

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • Thrice

    Votes: 11 17.7%
  • Four times

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Five times

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • Too many too count/ Don't Remember

    Votes: 9 14.5%

  • Total voters


Banned as all ****
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
From when you first joined 'til now, how many times have you changed your avatar? Just curious.

I have changed mine... 4 times I think. (Including Upside Down Avatar Day :))

Wait for poll.
Can't remember...maybe more than 5 times since I been here.
Hmmm...I started with one of the pre-made avatars...then I did my Metroid avatar...then Tr0n made me change my avatar to that's three times?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Hmmm...I started with one of the pre-made avatars...then I did my Metroid avatar...then Tr0n made me change my avatar to that's three times?
I didn't make you change it!You asked me if you should change it and I said yes. :|
Once, I used to have one with part of a logo from a band. And then I made this one when I was bored.
Feath said:
Once, I used to have one with part of a logo from a band. And then I made this one when I was bored.
To remind us all that Feath does indeed rhyme with teeth.
Tr0n said:
I didn't make you change it!You asked me if you should change it and I said yes. :|
Whatever. You threatened to launch your nuclear missiles if I didn't remove my avatar from Cuba.
I think 3 times..... that I remember.

I started with the one I have now, except with the original colors, then switched to a matrix one I made for about a day, then back to the old one, then to the gold one :D

So, I've had 3 avatars.
Tr0n said:
To remind us all that Feath does indeed rhyme with teeth.

It was a lesson hard learned, but at least now we know :)

Never again will I look at some teeth and think "Feath doesn't rhyme with that"
There has to be a mathematical equation for this. For me, it has to be at least 8, including upside down avatar day.
Never changed.,

I like mine, and I always will be :)
:thumbs: No need to change mine, I've grown attached to and besides it the best one anyways.
Twice, not including xmas/gold avatars.
Never changed it. I suppose if my mod team had collapsed I would have changed it, rather than silently pimping a shell of a mod :p
I'd say about anywhere between 6 and 15. I don't remember exactly.

I like mine now. :)
gordons_crowbar said:
none yet. ;)

Well, you only joined about 3 minutes ago* so I'm not surprised.

* NB: Not actual length of time.
Twice; I just got promoted from Civil Protection and I am going through specialized training for interrigation at Nova prospekt. Razor Train leaves tomarrow 1700. God these implants itch.

I've changed mine about 7 or 8 times now, but for the past 5 or so i've kept the same theme :)

1. A pre-made. G-man I think. Not sure
2. A scientist from hl2
3. A monkey
4. A gold avatar when hl2 went gold.
5. A monkey
6. Same monkey with hat.

That's all I remeber...
I had the giger alien, and the normal godzillla.
Then I found this one, which I deemed to be most appropriate.
Twice I believe. I think I started with Animal from the Muppets (for he is mighty), then to Spongebob (also mighty) and now to this humbuggery.
Heh :) I said "buggery" Ahem, sorry - that was silly.
Once, before I had some wierd smiley, but it was only because it was the only one I could find on google that was 50x50, because then I didn't know how to resize and crop images.

(BTW this is not counting this christmas avatar, but it's the same as my second one exept now GF has a cristmis hat)

I had this Counter-Strike CZ avatar for some reason...I think it was just to have one.

Then I switched to my current one.
Never I am My avatar! interestingly the definition of avatar is:
The term "avatar" comes from Hindu mythology, and originally was the name of the temporary body that a God uses when visiting Earth. In virtual communities, an avatar is a graphical representation of a participant. Avatars may also be called "characters", "players", "residents", or "citizens".

So your avatar is your living GOD! (ignore the last part of the quote)
Baal said:

I had this Counter-Strike CZ avatar for some reason...I think it was just to have one.

Then I switched to my current one.
Dude! I just noticed something about your avatar! Shouldn't it say "Leaves"? Or is that the point?
Never...well, ive always kept Reagan. But had to change it to give him a wittle hat :)
Erm, I have changed it once, so that it has the golden gun. I have decided to keep it like that because its cool.

And because I am lazy.

I should have given it a christmas theme but meh.... i forgot.

And because I am lazy.

He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Dude! I just noticed something about your avatar! Shouldn't it say "Leaves"? Or is that the point?

That's how they spell it...Toronto Maple Leafs..

The team has been around since the 40's I think, so I don't know the reason why it's Leafs. It does sound better though.