How much money do you have atm?

The Brick

Oct 2, 2003
Reaction score

I have 918,24 euro and I don't have any plans on spending it yet.

Let's see how rich you all are.
In my wallet?

About $106.47

Not sure how much I have in the bank... I just cash in checks and never really pay attention.
Within reach? About $280. Just got a new computer so funds are kind of short right now. Also the fact that I just quit my job does not help. Ah I was getting sick of working two jobs anyway.

:sniper: Eckerds
I meant in total. I have 625eur on the bank and about 300eur cash at home. Though I plan on depositing it.
I've got 210GPB till next month.
I have just under 2,000 pound in the bank at the moment and 20 pound on me. W00t, I'm the richest so far.
I think I've got a few grand in the bank for university as well actually.
Do student loans count? :E

Money's frightening.
I'd say in all around ?700 if you were to add up my funds in all of my accounts and include the cash sitting in my wallet! Not bad for an 18 year old student!

edit: why is the pound sign broken?
A little over $400, but I'm gonna be taking a defensive drivers course which is gonna cost $315 (but it's gonna pay for itself eventually with the [minimum] 10% insurance discount, plus I'll get my full, unrestricted drivers license at 17, instead of waiting until September 19th (my birthday) to get it in the mail. My next endeavor is probably going to be a paint job (black) for my car (because I need dents popped out, which they do before the paint job) which is gonna cost around $500. Not to mention $150 insurance a month. Yes, having a car cost a lot
In my bank account: 630,000 won
In my savings account: around 100,000 won
In my room, because I'm too lazy to go to the bank: around 200,000 won

So about, $930 in total. I don't spend much money. I don't think my expenditures go over $10 a month.

Btw, I worked my ass off for the money, my parents don't give me any. :(
What do you do?

(This is under the assumption that the question was directed at me and not the original poster)


I've done some newspaper rounds (quit after 2 weeks though I'm not a morning person.), helped a few people do a moving sale thingy, ect.

Meh. I've saved my money since 3rd grade.

and around 8k in the bank from saving up since i was born ^^
and around 8k in the bank from saving up since i was born ^^

I feel so poor.

In my bank account: 630,000 won
In my savings account: around 100,000 won
In my room, because I'm too lazy to go to the bank: around 200,000 won

So about, $930 in total. I don't spend much money. I don't think my expenditures go over $10 a month.

You must one lucky son of a bitch, you win a lot of shit.

I feel so poor.

You must one lucky son of a bitch, you win a lot of shit.


Won is a pretty weak currency. I don't know what the US conversion is... so someone enlighten us. plz?

Anyways, I just went on a Warhammer binge, so...

I have AU$88 in change from busking in my room... I've spent about $50 of that hence the low amount. I have AU$190 in the bank atm with another $250 enroute for a series of gigs that I did... so I'm doing fairly well for never conciously saving and being 16...
About ?250. Ask me again in a year. :D

Why does the pound sign not work on this board?
Not including Student Loan and Uni Savings ~ ?1000
Savings: $10,000.
Checking: $3,000.

Plus tons for my College money... my Dad has been saving up for, like, 20 years @ $1300/w (probably $200 a week deposited).

Edit: K, that's like two million so... not that much, but you get the idea.
savings: around $2,500 should increase every 2 weeks when i get paid
checking: don't have one yet :(
-2700 pound (round $5400) odd. That's not including stundent loans, just overdrafts.
25,000 SEK (ca $3570) on the bank, and another $64,000 in obligations and such.
Well I currently have -?6.32 in my bank account (Yes, minus .. ) and about 30p in small change. I win the poor race.
I'm not in debt at all...

but in my computer drawer here I have about 3 bucks in nickels and dimes. That's about it.

$3000 but I just spent $4000 on tuition and rent
I'm hoping to get a loan for around 2500 bucks so I can buy a new car!