How much money do you have atm?

About ?5000 in the bank, about ?8000 owed from various clients, and about ?100,000 in equity in my house :)

/edit: and what the hell is with the British Pound not appearing?
About ?5000 in the bank, about ?8000 owed from various clients, and about ?100,000 in equity in my house :)

Say... umm. Would you like to adopt a child? For only 100 dollars a day, you can feed and clothe and buy new computers for a twenty one, turning twenty two year old male.
$44.05 :| 20 years old and thats all I have to show for myself.
I don't

I have a savings account with around $1800(which I'm not sure of) and about $300 in my desk drawer (including a Christmas check from grandparents.)

I made a checking account too but I don't use it, my parents do I think...bleh.
I have $1,300 in the bank and $94.00 on me.
So in total, ~$1400.
I have $22 in my wallet.

Approx $6,100 in my bank.
$940 CAD in my bank.

6$ in my wallet lol

I use interac everywhere, who needs paper money.
Monopoly money (read: Canadian money) doesn't count.
$336 Canadian in the bank...some random cash in my bag on my desk totalling probably $50

Christmas hurt me.
Bout 500NZ$ and it's all spending money for the holiday I'm now on.

Also owed about 1000 which is for the next holiday. Whatever's over from everything is probably going towards a new puter.

Slacking ftw!
About $150 in my wallet, and just over $1000 in the bank. Sadly most of that will be gone this week when I register for spring classes...
At home ?200-300. I'm not sure about in the bank.
$50 CAN in the wallet,
$5 in the Washroom (Don't ask me why)
$20 in front of me
$100 on my desk
a check worth $150 in my postbox
in the bank $60.

All Canadian Dollar'z.
Bout -10,000 GBP if my student loan is taken in to account, otherwise i've got 700 GBP in the bank and 10 GBP in my wallet. Whenever I get paid, most of it goes to pay bills / car insurance etc and the rest goes on food / board / gadgets... so my bank balance rarely changes. I'm not lacking anything though so i'm happy.
We use comma's for decimals and dots for large numbers.,32
I have 918 euros and 24 cents. At least I had when I posted that.
$851 AU in my room (I hate bank's)
$1.50 in my wallet
and random change in my draw's probly 35c
$200 AUD in Checkings
$25,000 AUD in Savings.
Have no idea in savings, in my pocket S$2.20