How much money would you have to be paid to 'do' a dude?

How much?

  • $10

    Votes: 2 2.0%
  • $100

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • $1,000

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • $10,000

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • $100,000

    Votes: 11 10.9%
  • $1,000,000

    Votes: 18 17.8%
  • More (Specify)

    Votes: 7 6.9%
  • Free

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • I'm a girl or gay, so this doesn't really apply

    Votes: 3 3.0%
  • There's no way in hell

    Votes: 38 37.6%

  • Total voters
10k to start for a decent specimen, higher depending on certain factors.
Example: overly hairy - 15k
smelly/sweaty - 20k
ugly/disfigured - 25k
so on so forth.
How do you explain this to your parents exactly.

"Hey, where did you get this 10,000 dollars from?"
"Uhhh...I uhh....I found it."

or do you just tell the truth?

"I boned a guy in the ass for it."
Kickass, I'm the only one who voted "Free".

That makes the rest of you either manwhores or in denial.
I'd do it for 1,000,000$ most of you people are stupid... IT'S 1 MILLION DOLLARS FFS!

Most of you are just too scared of what people think... If people think your gay, just buy like 30 hoes, and screw them on the street.

Gangsta, bitches.
$100,000,000 and im all yours sugar.

If you happen to be el chi or badger a nice meal and a bottle o scotch will suffice :naughty:

Also i would like to point out that 100,000,000 could buy alot of silence.

Dead Silence.
well im a guy... so me 'doing' anything would require me to be in the right mood... and frankly, the thought of 'doing' another guy doesn't get me into anything near the required mood, so i guess you could say that even if I wanted to do it for the money, i wouldn't be 'equipped' for the moment...
I probably wouldn't do it at all, unless I was extremely short on cash. Not because it's a guy, but because I'm uncomfortable with having sex for money. It doesn't sit right with me. But if I were ever in that situation, my principles might fly out the window. You never know.
I think dietsoap made this thread to organize his budget around.

What if your girlfriend who you loved more than anything was dieing, and the medical costs to save her life would cost you over $100,000. You dont have that much money, and she wont live long enough for you to gather it all in time. Then the male doctor says "have gay sex with me and I will do it for free."

Would you? :thumbs:
The poll is kinda stupid because if you would screw for say $100,000, then of course you would also screw a man for $1,000,000 so you could choose either..

Also it needs to be said that maybe you wouldnt mind 'giving' it to another guy, but you wouldnt want to 'receive' sex from another guy.
There's a critical piece of information here that hasn't come up, but is vital to the thread:

How hot is the guy we're talking about?

Because that drastically reduces/increases the price.

this whole discussion puts a smile on my face..being that i was for the ninth choice on the poll (sorry...there are STILL no girls on the internet!)
i'd do it for 1000, but i'd probably do it for less, but probably more than 100. dunno. 100's alot of money.
You people need to get over yourselves. I mean, $1.000.000 for 5 minutes of horror? Just get really wasted right before it, get it over with and collect teh moneh.
$100,000,000 and im all yours sugar.

If you happen to be el chi or badger a nice meal and a bottle o scotch will suffice :naughty:

Also i would like to point out that 100,000,000 could buy alot of silence.

Dead Silence.

A meal it is!
oh please 100 million? if someone came up to you and offered ou ten grand, you'd do it. hell i'd do anything for ten grand.
You people need to get over yourselves. I mean, $1.000.000 for 5 minutes of horror? Just get really wasted right before it, get it over with and collect teh moneh.

Thats what i'm talkin about :cheers:
oh please 100 million? if someone came up to you and offered ou ten grand, you'd do it. hell i'd do anything for ten grand.

I wouldnt. And I have been in that position before. Although it wasnt anything gross, I just didnt feel like doing it.
£1000000 would be plenty, just give me a bottle of scotch and tell me to get on with it.

Unless Solaris / Stern / AL / Badger / Burnzie / El Chi / Tr0n were offering of course, then id go half price :p
It would be REALLY gross and stupid, but everyone has there price. Maybe about 5 million USD for me. And also some of that city 17 water for afterwards so I forget it every happened but I still keep the money. Woot
I would prolly do it for 10 million USD, provided that I'm on the top.
oh please 100 million? if someone came up to you and offered ou ten grand, you'd do it. hell i'd do anything for ten grand.

That's because you have weak willpower. I wouldn't do ANYTHING for ten grand(and by that, I mean there are some things I would do, but many things I wouldn't). I'm not a slave to money.
"It wouldn't be that bad" as long as you triple skinned.... :laugh:
I'd rather do that than say, eat a dog shit.
Money ain't all that important to me however, so it would prob be a reasonable amount..........i'd do it for a supercharged matt black ford LTD, an m60 with 1000 rounds, a browning HP with 20 magazines, 4 hand grenades and 25 M.R.E ration packs.

I think a lot of people in their reactions put on a "i wouldn't do it to save my life" attitude just to make themselves appear more heterosexual/masculine.
I think a lot of people in their reactions put on a "i wouldn't do it to save my life" attitude just to make themselves appear more heterosexual/masculine.
Ah, society.

Why it puts such a thing on so high a pedastal I will never understand.

Anyone without a price is just in denial, or brainwashed by their dad/role models.
There's no way in hell.


Girles = beauty
I'd hit it...

and in other news...

"thats right... All the TEA!" :angry: