How much time do you actually spend "gaming" these days?

Hours spent playing non-casual games daily.

  • None

    Votes: 10 11.4%
  • 1-2

    Votes: 44 50.0%
  • 3-4

    Votes: 19 21.6%
  • 5-6

    Votes: 10 11.4%
  • 9-12

    Votes: 3 3.4%
  • 12+

    Votes: 2 2.3%

  • Total voters
Not as much as I used to. Ranges from 0 to 2 hours...mostly 0. Generally go to the GF's after work. The weekend, though, is usually 2-5 hours each day.
Not as much as I used to. Ranges from 0 to 2 hours...mostly 0. Generally go to the GF's after work. The weekend, though, is usually 2-5 hours each day.

Solution is obvious: Get GF into gaming and the hours will go up!
I can honestly say that I do have somewhat of an addiction to games, especially this year, in a habitual and physiological aspect. I take a lot of classes and usually have a lot of school work, but I currently do not have a job. I usually play between 15-20 hours a week, depending on how addicting the game is, for example, last week was spring break and I spent roughly 30 hours playing Civ V that week...
However I just recently got very physically ill, and for the past few days just thinking about playing a game makes me feel sick. I know that sounds weird, but whenever I get very sick, whatever I was currently interested in gives me a sense of revulsion for a while. (Like when I was 11, and really into Star Wars, I got the flu and couldn't even think about Star Wars for weeks. Really strange)
I'd like to move on from my gaming days, or at least tone it down a lot. 3 years ago I got a new computer, and since then I have played a shit ton of games. I can safely say that I've played my share for now, I've gotten sick of this binge after I realize that of those 3 years, maybe 6 of those games were actually worth my time and money. Steam Sales haven't helped at all, as I end up having a ton of games on my account I feel obliged to play to get my money's worth. I'd like to limit it to specific games, for example games that offer a lot, but aren't absurdly addicting; X3: Terran Conflict, ARMA 2, Mount and Blade, etc. With the addition of series/titles I really like; Half-Life, Deus Ex, etc.
I can honestly say that I would also like to move on from my gaming days, and actually look forward to school and such to get new experiences and hopefully find new things to stimulate me. I.e. to get more of a life.
around 2 hours mb. either FO:NV or Black Ops on the 360 with people from work.
I'm about to start spending a lot less. Just bombed a test (don't have the grade back but I don't have to see it to know) The test would have kick my but anyway but I could have done better if I hadn't played Minecraft all weekend.

So I'll be cutting back.
Depends on how busy I am and how much the gf wants to play starcraft, but usually an hour or so a day. On a good day I get maybe 3 hours in... some weeks I barely even touch games though.
Depends on the amount of schoolwork I have. This week for example I've probably logged about 4 hours total as I've been studying and doing homework. On slow weeks when I don't have much to do I might log an hour or two late night.
On a good day I get maybe 3 hours in...

You get a lot of good days if your steam profile page has anything to say about it, what with your average for the past two weeks being a bit over 4 hours a day.
I played a lot of WoW recently, which is of course rather time consuming and much of the reason I decided to let my sub run out... and I played through Dragon Age 2 in its entirety fairly quickly, though I don't know how much total time it took.

I'm working on a Starcraft 2 mod right now, so depending on whether that counts as gaming I either spend many hours gaming or none at all. :P
I haven't really played any video games in months.
2 days ago was what I would call the typical 2 hrs. Yesterday I played DA2 for 6 hrs straight. New releases generally have a big impact.
I'm not gaming nearly as much as I used to, then again, games aren't nearly as good as they used to be imo.
I really only play black ops now, and that's probably a few times a week. Maybe I'll get a few hours in on saturday but during the week I'll probably get 30 minutes here or there. About the only games I'm looking forward to are portal 2 and ep3.

I guess the last game I was really into was BF2 and that was right before I went to college. And after just logging onto the bf2stats site, it seems I had logged a little over 247 hours, with a top kill streak of 44...not too shabby.
I've barely touched games for the past 7-8 months. Pretty much all of my free time is dedicated to my other half and my band and all the gigs and recordings we do together, as they are the two most important things in my life at the moment.

I think my ultimate decline from gaming is not only down to my time needing to be dedicated elsewhere to more important areas, (I have a work placement now too) but also because I think the gaming industry in general has gone to utter shit. About five years ago you could look forward to a good 4-5 awesome games coming out every year, now I very rarely get excited. Granted this year has some very interested titles coming out, and of course Mass Effect 3 and Portal 2.

However when I'm back at home over the summer I'll likely play some more depending on what titles are available, but just gaming in general is at most, a casual hobby for me now.
I don't get much time to play anymore now that I'm working. Only on the days I'm off do I play more, though much of that time is learning new things and not gaming.
I stop playing games completely for months, then suddenly I find something I'm interested in (The Witcher right now), start playing it like 4+ hours a day, then I finish it and if I don't find anything else then I stop playing for months again. So yeah it is pretty weird.
I get up every morning at 6am. Shower, get dressed, prep my lunch, run to catch two buses and a train, and I'm at work by 9. When I get to work, I almost always have our game open, in some capacity. Sometimes I'm screwing around with it, sometimes I'm interacting with the community in-game, sometimes I'm testing our latest patch before publish. But while I do my other work, the client's almost always open. At lunch, if I eat at the office instead of going out to a restaurant, I'll play video games while eating. I do this 40 hours a week. Then I leave work, and run to catch two buses and a train.

When I get home, I play video games.
I'm trying to go a full week of no games.
1-2 hours mostly per day. On the weekends, if I'm on my good PC or if I have a new good game or something, I can marathon then for hours on end.
I get up every morning at 6am. Shower, get dressed, prep my lunch, run to catch two buses and a train, and I'm at work by 9. When I get to work, I almost always have our game open, in some capacity. Sometimes I'm screwing around with it, sometimes I'm interacting with the community in-game, sometimes I'm testing our latest patch before publish. But while I do my other work, the client's almost always open. At lunch, if I eat at the office instead of going out to a restaurant, I'll play video games while eating. I do this 40 hours a week. Then I leave work, and run to catch two buses and a train.

When I get home, I play video games.

Thats like my life, only without the commuting or the making money parts.
Almost none these days. Mon-Fri all I do is work, exercise, and practice guitar, so sometimes on the weekends I might slip an hour or two in but I'm usually out with people. Doesn't help that there hasn't really been anything worth playing in a while.

But I idle on IRC and browse the internet LIKE A MOTHER****ER