How much will Intel's Extreme Edition help such games as Half-Life 2 -- and at what p


Aug 20, 2003
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With the heavy number-crunching demands that today's slate of games will need -- Doom III and Half-Life 2 won't be confused with Pong and Tetris, and their detailed graphics come with a heavy processing cost -- it'll be interesting to see how Intel positions the Extreme Edition chip … and indeed whether it's something that will catch on with more than extreme gamers who want to milk the most out of their systems through overclocking and advanced cooling systems.

More at the link:

In my humble opinion, the Extreme Edition CPU will be nothing more then an overpriced Xeon with L3 2MB cache.
If anyone's been looking around at the Xeon's performence since they added the L3 cache of 2MB, you will now that it's nothing more then a marketing gimmick. The CPU performs 2-10% better in some apps, but it costs WAY more then 10% of the "normal" xeon.

Since Intel are in deep trouble for the coming weeks (or moths) because they delayed the Prescotts, and AMD are releasing the Athlon FX in the coming weeks, they needed something to release.

Here comes the EXTREMXE!!!!

I bet it'll cost WAY too much (can anyone say 600$+) and be 3-10% better then the current 3.2gig 800FSB P4.

My 2 cents

P.S. Which boards will support this cpu?
P.S. Which boards will support this cpu?

ummm don't think any at the moment o_O but i might have been living under a rock again
DjBourgeoisie, correct,


AthlonFX is optimised for games and desktop PC whereas Opteron use mainly in servers. that makes FX way faster than Opteron in the real world BM.

am I right?
Too bad this stuff cost too much, no way am i spending 250$ on a cpu alone. (Talking about amd and intel)

it costs over $600. both for AMDFX and P4EE
Originally posted by G0rgon

it costs over $600. both for AMDFX and P4EE

I was talking about the opteron, thats the lowest price ive seen. The highest ive seen for one was 2.3k USD.
Acording to many techsites L3 cache doesn't help that much PC gaming. Im more confident on new tecnologies like Hypertransport of the AMD 64 which tend to reduce the bottlenecks on our systems.

Who would be playing like 100 bucks more to just gain 10 fps more?...not me. Ill invest those 100 bucks on a budget to change my grafic card to a 9800.

Also, If Im not mistaken, Valve have stated that they will release a 64 bits version of Halflife2. A 64 bits version of HL2 will run at least 50% faster in AMD than in Pentium4, that makes AMD 64 the perfect procesor for HL2.

An AMD 64 + Nforce3 MOBO + Ati 9800 Pro system looks like the perfect combo for HL2. Im aiming for that kind of upgrade this christmas..still I have to convince my wife that we don't need a new sofa for a living room :eek:....mission imposible if you ask me :cheese:
This probably should be in hardware but it makes such a nice change from the mundaneness of other threads on this board I'll keep it here.
i'm building a new system for hl2 and doom3... besides the athlon64/opterons and the extreme intel chip(which will be too expensive for me if hl2 is released on time), i'm wondering if i should stick with amd, or switch to intel.

amd3200 looks like a dissappointment(but prices will be coming down very soon). the 3g intels easily overclock to 3.6 and intel seems to be pwning amd with their c chips.

how bout a 3g intel chip oced to 3.6 with a 9800 pro? should do the job...
For my next system I think I'll wait for the newer AMD and Intel chips to be released, and then I'll buy a 2.4c FSB800, with 2 sticks of good DDR and overclock the bad boy to 3.0gig.
for the most part i understand the athlon 64/fx is for consumers and opteron is for businesses but why are there so many socket numbers?
the athlon64's come out tomorrow so hopefully prices will drop on all processors...
Originally posted by Be-vishead
for the most part i understand the athlon 64/fx is for consumers and opteron is for businesses but why are there so many socket numbers?

The numbers are explained on the AMD site. IIRC the numbers represent socket type (there are 2 I believe) and speed.
Originally posted by Freakaloin
i'm wondering if i should stick with amd, or switch to intel.

I am in the exact same situation as you are. I received my computer as a gift three / four years ago in 2000. My computer came with a 748 Mhz AMD Athlon processor. It was good for it's time. But we are now coming upon the new generation of games such as Half-Life 2 and Doom 3 which requires a better processor than my 748 Mhz.

I can't afford to buy a new processor at this time, but I will be able to afford one by the time Doom 3 is released. But I don't know if I should get another AMD processor or an Intel one.
by the time doom3 is released athlon64's will be cheaper and intel will have new chips...
Originally posted by Freakaloin
by the time doom3 is released athlon64's will be cheaper and intel will have new chips...

In your opinion, whch one do you think would be better for games?
Does anyone have a link to the 'There will be a 64-bit version of HL2' statement mentioned in this thread? There are numerous competiting 64-bit architectures, which one would they develop for I wonder? The story broke today that Intel is hiding 64-bit architecture in their P5 chips, but who knows what standard it's built on.

Indeed, the 'extreme edition' sounds like a Xeon. Until there are real benchmarks I'm going assume it was created by marketing 'geniuses' for the sole purpose of stealing AMD's thunder this month.
Off-topic somewhat, but I OC'ed my P4 3.0GHz last night from 2.99GHz to 3.12GHz and got 750 more 3DMarks bringing my total to 18002. Weee.
Originally posted by infin|ty
Off-topic somewhat, but I OC'ed my P4 3.0GHz last night from 2.99GHz to 3.12GHz and got 750 more 3DMarks bringing my total to 18002. Weee.

What gfx? Lemme guess.. mx 440.. *cough* 9800 pro *cough*
Originally posted by Freakaloin
i'm building a new system for hl2 and doom3... besides the athlon64/opterons and the extreme intel chip(which will be too expensive for me if hl2 is released on time), i'm wondering if i should stick with amd, or switch to intel.

amd3200 looks like a dissappointment(but prices will be coming down very soon). the 3g intels easily overclock to 3.6 and intel seems to be pwning amd with their c chips.

how bout a 3g intel chip oced to 3.6 with a 9800 pro? should do the job...

:eek: 3200 a disappointment? I have it and its incredibly fast and got outstanding reviews.
Originally posted by _-_-SELAS-_-_
What gfx? Lemme guess.. mx 440.. *cough* 9800 pro *cough*

My current system is:

P4 [email protected]
1GB of dual DDR ram PC3200
2x120GB Seagate Barracudas (SATA)
SB Audigy 2

I still feel my 3DMark score is low, but I can live with it. It should run HL2 well, I hope.
3200 is excellent I agree with you DjBourgeoisie.


it is between

2.6c and 3.0c P4
The 3200 is a disappointment. It falls very short of competiting at all with a 3.2GHz P4. It somewhat hangs w/ 2.8s. Tom's Hardware called them on this BS, as have other sites. It isn't slow, it's a nice chip, but it's decievingly labeled and expensive for it's performance.
Originally posted by Freakaloin
wait a few days for benchmarks...

Sounds good. I got plenty of time to make a decision. Because it won't be until 2004 that I get one.
Originally posted by Freakaloin
the 2.4c's are only 160 bucks or so now...

aye now this is a good cpu to buy. with even air cooling you can get tehse guys up to 3.2+

You do realize that a P4 3.2 procesor is at least 50 bucks more expensive than the AMD 3200+. AMD is not actually the king of speed. And with the release of AMD 64 won't be the king of speed (even though it would be very very close).

Then again, thanks to its new features AMD 64 is the best selection for a gamer machine(More memory support, at least 30 bucks cheaper than intel,more cooler operation, less system bottlenecks, etc).

And if Valve releases a 64 bit version of HL2 (like they said they would) we are looking at a perfect choice to run the most waited game at the moment: Halflife 2.
P4 EE will benefit between 4 and 15 % at 3.4 GHz over the 3.2 GHz P4/800. However, it will come at a steep price.

I'd put my money on a 2500+ and the rest on a 9800 Pro, that will make HL2 fly at lowest cost.

Opteron 14x and Athlon 64 FX are identical 940 CPUs. AMD will release the A64 FX and the A64 Socket 754 tomorrow Tuesday. See for the best CPU review tomorrow.