How old are you?

jesus christ i think i'm mr oldy or something, i'm 22... i think i should be more immature now. just like i am in real life...

so how do you make a dead baby float?

one scoop of ice cream and one sc--

*dies* :x
A forum certainly is an interesting place. The only place I know of where 2 ppl with a 10 year age difference are considered to be on the same level.
G0rgon said:
21, :E and I love fuking girls

We can see that by your egocentric avatar.

I won't say or people will lose respect for me.....
Brian Damage said:
Friggy is... someone I sometimes wish I didn't have to live with... how's that?

You try living with a six-inch-high egomaniac with a penchant for collecting virii using your computer...

So err.. Is that a real person or some genitalia related stuff we shouldn't elaborate in public?


lil' Timmy had a nice post about it once. Along the lines of: I shure am not as old as I look (12) or act (6) nor feel (45).
23 . There..
Get your mind out of the gutter. Once again I'm glad that Friggy can't read english...
6 inches? how much is that in metric (the good system) =) not much right?
whoa brian how is it possible that you got 10 times as many posts as me in nearly the same time?
I live here.

6 inches is about... err... oh, 15 cm, I suppose.

6 inches just sounds better...
grandchild: Grandpa Deus, they're asking your age!

What? No, your AGE! You're getting more and more deaf over the years now... But what is it?



What the hell R U doing playing games and visiting forums? Go get a hobby like fishin' or line dancing geez are you retarded or something or does it have something to do with your 'inner child preservation'

jesus get a life man

what? Oh you like it and you don't care what other people say or think about you?

well guess that's okay then.

So... can I get back to my dark room twister game for underaged nymphomaniacs now?
so er the 6inch midget you live with.. whats he like? =)
/me doesn't get it..
Well, living with Friggy is like living with someone who only knows about five words of english, jabbers away in his own language constantly, uses your harddrive to store his virus collection, plays nasty tricks on you for any insult (real or imagined) that you make against him, has a really irritating laugh, causes chaos whenever he fiddles with any mechanical or electrical device, and is hopefully the only member of his species in the world...

EDIT: I suppose it's like living with an incredibly small foreign exchange student computer geek with issues. Who never apologises for anything.
check. that's why I quit rooming with people.. someday again, maybe but not for some time..
Well, I've got no choice. He won't leave. I'm not even entirely sure how he arrived :rolling:.

EDIT: But, anyway, if I go any more off-topic the mods'll lynch me.
err timetrav3l ?! .. :P
oh yeah right. So uh yeah I really do feel old..
Maybe we should try this again, some of you are forgetting the ages you wrote last time ;)

If your going to make up ages, be consistent :p
i'm 20.

holy crap i never realised there were so many teenagers around here. keep away from me i tells ya!!!

fenric, you should maybe contribute to the thread by providing your age maybe...just a thought, you can't be that old now can you? (if it's over 2.5 dozen then don't worry about it)
Dedalus said:
i'm 20.

holy crap i never realised there were so many teenagers around here. keep away from me i tells ya!!!

fenric, you should maybe contribute to the thread by providing your age maybe...just a thought, you can't be that old now can you? (if it's over 2.5 dozen then don't worry about it)
im 26 mate
If anyone wants other ppl age just see the public profile and check out their birthdate.
Topics like this are useless.
There's a certain risk involved in visiting the Off Topic section Sprafa. Namely things like 'nonsense' that come peeking around the corner.
Sprafa said:
If anyone wants other ppl age just see the public profile and check out their birthdate.
Topics like this are useless.

Well I truly am sorry for wasting your time with this topic. Oh wait whats that voice in my head? Tell him he didn't have to come in here and post? Yeah Chip says you didn't have to post or even read any of this topic.... So... NAH!

Murray_H said:

How comes you are a HL2 fan then,

HALF-LIFE 2 fans are between the age of 10-35 no more. You are an old man, you need games Like World Chess Championship...etc. :thumbs: