How old are you?

jimbones said:
lil' Timmy had a nice post about it once. Along the lines of: I shure am not as old as I look (12) or act (6) nor feel (45).
23 . There..

lol jimbones.. were that everyone showed such due reverence unto me.

it was in the what do we look like thread, and someone was surprised at how old i looked. i said something like, "i'm younger (12) than i look (24) but older than i act (6)"

i'm actually 27.
looks like lots of people will be having a birthday soon.. like junkiexl said three days.. most others just said "soon". my birthday isn't for.. 10 months!

yoo lucky bastards
Innervision961 said:
Well I truly am sorry for wasting your time with this topic. Oh wait whats that voice in my head? Tell him he didn't have to come in here and post? Yeah Chip says you didn't have to post or even read any of this topic.... So... NAH!


It's human nature.
Murray_H said:
lol i'm 17 :)

That's what I thought you had said in a previous of those war ones.
Anyway, I think our oldest member is Aknot, and I haven't seen him in months.

Heh, my B-day is August 21st...but which year, you'll never know. :P

Innervision961 said:
but im an alien

Aren't we all?
y r u being so secretive ghost???? I think i know... its because yur actually 73 right? I KNEW IT.

/me is 18
JonTheCanuck said:
y r u being so secretive ghost???? I think i know... its because yur actually 73 right? I KNEW IT.

How the f*ck did you know!?!?
Blair said:
I bet GV is 16, or 17.

Older. I'm the Military, you have to be at least 18 to sign up freely.
Although, there was this one kid that was 17; Apparently they have some sort of Parental Consent thing for 17 yr olds.
Asus said:

He just informed me that he's actually 7 years old. I don't know how he got into the military, must be that fake mustache he wears.
I am 18 in your earth ye...oh wait, cyber already did that.

Well im 18, ive been on the forums since i was 17, my brithday is in october

I feel weird beign 18, because people you to think i was older, but now they be honest im a little glad of that. I know a guy who when he was 21, people thought he was 30. Then again, he did a lot of drugs which probably didn't help much.
14 but with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy higher mental age (my shrink said it not me)

I was waiting for the 100 post to reveal my age.
Sprafa said:
14 but with waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy higher mental age (my shrink said it not me)

I was waiting for the 100 post to reveal my age.

Mental age 90....the dimentia has set and and most of the time you sit there staring into space.

Im curious as to why you see a "shrink"
15 in 7 days :D
i seriously see myself as one of the most mature in my year. most others, are just attention seeking assholes who like a quick laugh at someones expense

EDIT: guess ide better change my avatar soon eh ;)
crushenator 500 said:
EDIT: guess ide better change my avatar soon eh ;)

If you mean the X-mas theme, cool.

But «I R teh Baboon!!!!» is just great. It makes me laugh because I remember «I am Weasel». It was such a funny cartoon
crushenator 500 said:
15 in 7 days :D
i seriously see myself as one of the most mature in my year. most others, are just attention seeking assholes who like a quick laugh at someones expense

EDIT: guess ide better change my avatar soon eh ;)

you say your mature yet your avatar represents a kids cartoon
BlackWolfdrk said:
you say your mature yet your avatar represents a kids cartoon

Avatars don't represent the truth about ppl!

That avatar kiks ass!!
Sprafa said:
Avatars don't represent the truth about ppl!

That avatar kiks ass!!

Right! See, I'm not actually a decrepit looking little girl!
ok fare enough but i hardly think a ten second job in paint wrtiting ir baboon is kick ass
BlackWolfdrk said:
ok fare enough but i hardly think a ten second job in paint wrtiting ir baboon is kick ass

It remembers me of the good ol' days....
Watching cartoon all day, no responsabilities, ahhh... those were the days...

And besides «I am Weasel» was hilarious and it remembers me of it...
I am 21 and well.. I can drink now, can't I? Yes... I can.