How old is everybody?

Logic said:
Hugo's House of Horrors, right? Those were the days. :dork:

Yeah that was my first game aswell(that i owned)..if it is that one when you have to save that girlfiend..

first game i played was some weird clone of space invaders. I remember that the game was on a tape..
Hah yeah tapes those were the good ole days :D. I think i may still have my dodgy screen around somewhere...
I'm 17, turn 18 in March.

First game: mmm.... Outlaw :D. They just don't make games like that anymore ;(
First PC game was probably Scorched Earth
21. first game. that's a toughy. back then the console to play was atari 2600. the pc was prolly an old 386 of my uncles (after the ibm pc).

games, atari: fooblitsky, ballblazer, pac man, blue max, archon, drelbs, many others... I dunno which i played first.

games, pc: text adventures (i.e. zork, etc... wasn't into them at the time) and this one game I really like where you had a guy and he dug through this stuff and it made these rocks fall down and kill him. the point of the game was to get all the diamonds. I can't remember what it's called.

games, 386: links (golf. great game), gold of the americas, starflight2 (loved it.. very tough i thought though), worms, commander keen.

I can't remeber what came first, like I say. The first computer of my very own was an original NES (last console I've owned). First game: probably snake, rattle and roll.
21 here. I also started playing with Commondore 64 at very early age, but cant remember what was my first game though. But I remember playing a lot of Gauntlet, Commando and Ninja to name a few. All the games were on cassette tapes those days :P
Its unbeliavable how games have advanced so swiftly. I remember when I first saw Quake it had the most stunning graphics, and now look at it :D
My first pc game was Tetris.

Phisionary said:
and this one game I really like where you had a guy and he dug through this stuff and it made these rocks fall down and kill him. the point of the game was to get all the diamonds. I can't remember what it's called.

wasnt that Boulderdash if I can remember correctly, dont know if it was the first that started that kind of games..but it was on Commondore.
Toffee said:
21 here. I also started playing with Commondore 64 at very early age, but cant remember what was my first game though. But I remember playing a lot of Gauntlet, Commando and Ninja to name a few. All the games were on cassette tapes those days :P
Its unbeliavable how games have advanced so swiftly. I remember when I first saw Quake it had the most stunning graphics, and now look at it :D
My first pc game was Tetris.

wasnt that Boulderdash if I can remember correctly, dont know if it was the first that started that kind of games..but it was on Commondore.
I miss my C64, me and my dad stayed up for hours to complete Gauntlet, one of the few times we actually got on with each other heh.

First game played was sonic on sega genesis.

22...still like games. My first game believe or not was an atari game..I forgot what it was called but it was where you shoot falling meteors with a movable missile launcher on the ground.

That would be missile command.
I grew up with a commadore 64 too, even though It was a bit before my time I believe. I miss all the great games, like spyhunter, and pool of radiance. Man, pool of radiance, my first RPG. That was soooo fun!
18 here. Dont remember what my first system was called, but I loved it cuz I could play video games. I spent so much time with that thinig. After that I got a NES for XMAS the next year, favorite game on NES - Kurbys Dream Land. Thats game owned, I played it so much, I think I beat it like 20 times.
16, I grew up with two amiga-junkie brothers, played games like Turrican and Project X when I was about 3-4.
18... and Super Mario World (I think) was my first... played it at a neighbor's house before I got me own. :)
Oh, yeah. First games were probably Master System. I remember a summer olympics game or something where you can to roller skate down a footpath and dodge objects while pressing left, right, left, right to skate :|
18 here. Here is there, where I am right now, at this particular moment, by the way.
First Game, was something called "Space Wars".
As the most ancient(I think!) at 45, my first game was pong in a bar in the Mid 70's. My first home game was also pong on a DOS system at college. Soon to be suffering from HL2 alzheimers!
IX00 said:
As the most ancient(I think!) at 45, my first game was pong in a bar in the Mid 70's. My first home game was also pong on a DOS system at college. Soon to be suffering from HL2 alzheimers!

I'm 31. My first game was Pong as well. That's over 25 years ago *sigh*
28 first game i played, i fink was donkeykong on a colleco vision. first game i really got into was midnight resistance on an old specy 48k, bloody gr8 game.
Bad^Hat said:
I remember a summer olympics game or something where you can to roller skate down a footpath and dodge objects while pressing left, right, left, right to skate :|

was it calafornia games? i fink?
22 ... *sigh*

Games guru from an early age.

Spectrum rocks, amiga sucks.
i'm 22, turning 23 on tues. i guess hl2 turned out kinda like a bday present w00t! hah

first games i remember are all commodor 64 games... linking logic, star ranger... umm... and a couple others i can't seem to name right now. one soccer one... umm... blah...?
I'm 18. I'll be 19 in a month...if I last that's tough on the streets...
37 here and I don't remember the first games I played; old age deleting days gone past ;)

But I started with the Commodore 64 (also had the 128 version), then to the Amiga 500 (what an underrated system), and from there to a super fast 486/25 sx.