How old is everybody?


Sep 22, 2004
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Just out of interest, how old is everybody?
I am 36 and have been playing games since Super Mario on the NES.Am I one of the oldest...(I hope not :D )
The last game to get me excited as this was Mario 64.
I think HL2 is going to be better than that.

I'm 19. First game: King's Quest IV and Day of the Tantacle. Yeah! Oh! I remember having a Commodore 64. That was amazing! :p Come on, I want HL2, Half-Life is my big favorite.
HL11 u got me all excited then ;) hehe

Well I am 28 here. My first home pc gaming experience was Ant Attack and Arcadia on the old ZX Spectrum 48k... damn remember when it used to take an age to load a game up through all those annoying beeps and whistles only for it to crash right at the end hehehehe.... Imagine though if back then you would have had to load a game up and then install a patch to get the game to work .. the patches would be like on about 20 tapes lol

Ehhhh the good old days :) amazing how far games have come though over the last 15 years or so. Im also looking forward to HL2 a hell of a lot it looks fantastic I just hope with all the hype its not a let down :(
19. i'll be playing video games until i die i'm sure. ^_^

The first game i recall was a sonic game for the master system. Simcity 2000 shortly followed - damn that was a good game.
19, 20 in Jan. First game uh...pretty sure it was Pyjamarama on my Amstrad.
19.. I started PC gaming with a 286 (or possibly 386) Amstrad, with games like Silpheed and Zeliard, though I also played console games with my sister (Sega Master System, then Mega Drive, then the Super NES). For a while after that, it was all about adventure games for me (Lucasarts mainly, but also Sierra). HL2 is definately my most anticipated game in years, and probably of all time (so far).

Recently, I haven't really been into games all that much. The last game I bought was UT2004, and that was ONLY because the mod team I'm on (neotokyo) decided to do a UT2004 mod while we waited for HL2 to arrive. Half-Life restored my faith in gaming when it came out... I believe Half-Life 2 is capable of doing the same.

The first game I played was Supermario Bros on the Nintendo.
I'm 29, and have been gaming since the days of the Atari 2600! The first computer I ever had (and took apart) was a Commodore 64, and I still miss my old Commodore AMIGA (now that was a cool computer!)
I'm 19. First played my bro's ZX Spectrum every night before I went to bed. I remember a game called Dizzy.

I always got annoyed that John Menzies stocked more Commodore games than Spectrum... Plus my dad wouldn't buy me any new games even though they were only about £3.
20. First game I ever played was donkey kong on the commadore 64
18. First game i played was Harrys Haunted House or something sounding like that, or the worms game that came with windows 3.1
20. First game... let's see.... I think it was tetris on the original Game boy, and then Super Mario World on the SNES - Mario World has a special place in my heart. Best games ever, Half-life and Ocarina of Time. HL2 will own them both.
903 as of the 25th of October.

My first game was a relic of the Roman empire. It involved small bwos and arrows. The arrows had round wodden balls on the end so as not to be lethal. We called it...arrow soft.

As fo my first computer game, well that was probably Cats or something like that. I'm sure I played things sooner, but I can't remember.
21 ... first game: dont remember.. probobly some commodore one
Seventeen - Commodore 64 I think was my first experience. Can't remember what I played though. Didn't particularly interest me much back then. But my first PC game was Blaike Stone - I think. Shareware rawks.
17 here.

First game is a toughie.

I know the first games I owned myself were on a nes...

But I remember playing on a mates system.... a tape one. Dont even know what it was. :P
22 in Jan

First games machine was like Commodore 64 i think. Cant even remember. I know i had and loved my old Amiga 500.

Live on Amiga!

first played was megadrive, first owned was snes. the first i played was sonic teh hedgehog
15.. Yipes! Been into gaming since I was what.. 3 years old? Daaa-aaamn. :rolleyes:
oldagerocker said:
18. First game i played was Harrys Haunted House or something sounding like that, or the worms game that came with windows 3.1
Hugo's House of Horrors, right? Those were the days. :dork:
18, First game had to have been on the NES. Super Mario Bros. My father got an NES 4 Months before it was available for retail!!
22...still like games. My first game believe or not was an atari game..I forgot what it was called but it was where you shoot falling meteors with a movable missile launcher on the ground.
well im 19. Hmm first game ehhh? well my dad was always big on games when he was teenager. So at a very young age.. i believe 4.. he showed me his intellivison. WOOT! is that thing fun. I still think the best game ever created is TRON: deadly discs.

We also got a coleeco, a atari, intellivision2, u name the old system we probably ow it lol.

