How to beat Dark Energy?


Jan 30, 2005
Reaction score
I'm right at the part where the portal opens, after I defeated the two gunships I have no idea what to do then. Any help?
You don't need to destroy the gunships, just shoot the balls inside the the portal, then these walls will pop-up, shoot them as well and then enjoy the end game sequence.
Yeah, break the rotating shields and then destroy the core within, and yes, you do need to kill the gunships or they'll kill YOU! :)
I survied fine without killing the gunships, I just quickly destroyed the portal. ;)
At first, at Dark Energy I destroyed the gunships and I was like: "Oh God, what will I do now? If I act too late, the world may end! I cant let that happen! I'm gonna shoot those damn balls at the portal all day!" And I did :D . When I noticed the shields begun to fall, I destroyed those. Then still nothing else...Then, I noticed that the glowing thing is actually a portal :p. Then came the "Happy Ending"
I admit this part is tricky. You have to shoot so much balls at the portal you almost feel like you are doing nothing. Its sorta frustrating. X[
It didn't take that long for me, just shot away the barriers and then the core itself and that was it. Wasn't sitting there for ages just blasting it.

Do you use the balls to kill the gunships or can you shoot it with super gravity gun? (Long shot but I can dream :p)