How to compile *.CPP files?


Nov 21, 2004
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After i change the information in a CPP file should i...
1. Save it
2. Compile it
3. Run it
4. All of the above
5. only 1 and 2


I'm using the Dev C++ as the program to code, and its different from microsoft visual studio which i dunt have, so im not sure how to do it?!?!
Learn C++ and you will figure it out(You compile a project to a .DLL, which is then used to replace original HL2 .DLL, which is the change)
yes but when i compile i get errors. maybe its cuz im using dev c++?
yeah .. you'llprobably have a hard time getting to compile under anything other than VS .NET 2003
hopefully, some community gurus will find ways to get it to compile under different compilers
Microsoft does offer its c++ compiler for free (just the compiler, not the ide). (clickly )

You have to use the command line, but you can compile the sdk that way. I think. I haven't actually tried it myself. I shelled out the cash for VC++'03. :p
The reason you need to you VC++ is that you must compile the project file as a whole. It's the only way to create the DLL.

Remember the source code in the HL2 SDK is a complete whole. Compiling any individual peice of code does next to nothing, considering all of the libraries it must link to.

Dev-cpp, while a good compiler, does not support the project file included with the SDK, therefore unless you have VC++.NET 2003 (though it will work with older versions with some tweaking), you can't compile it.

For information on what works and what doesn't look here.