how to: gravity gun jump ???


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
i searched for gravity gun jump but did not find anything... so how does this gravity jump work? i tried standing on a barrel, looking down sprinting forward and then press primary fire but i did not jump high -.- SO HOW does it work?

First of all there is a HELP section use it.

Second there is a SEARCH feature use it.

Third it takes common sense. Look down fire and jump. You seem to be forgetting the jumping portion of this process. How did you expect to get airborne without jumping?
hah, it's been a while since i've seen someone call the thing directly above them an asshat.

But yes, he is.
Edge said:

First of all there is a HELP section use it.

Second there is a SEARCH feature use it.

Third it takes common sense. Look down fire and jump. You seem to be forgetting the jumping portion of this process. How did you expect to get airborne without jumping?

Dude you're an asshat.
Edge said:

First of all there is a HELP section use it.

Second there is a SEARCH feature use it.

Third it takes common sense. Look down fire and jump. You seem to be forgetting the jumping portion of this process. How did you expect to get airborne without jumping?

I am a very good HL2DM player (I mostly win on the server I play on) and I am above average intelligence, yet I also cannot manage to do a gravity gun jump.

Could you please not be so condescending and rude and actually try and help people when they ask for it, rather than just put them down and post unhelpful rubbish?

Anyone else with tips I would greatly appreciate it. Are you supposed to run backwards and shoot the other side of the car (kinda like a see-saw type action), or run forwards and shoot the part of the car that is directly below your feet?
Lanthanide said:
I am a very good HL2DM player (I mostly win on the server I play on)

or just possibly you are the only one who ignores having fun with the gravity gun and just whores with the revolver, i guess.
and I am above average intelligence
I always find it funny when I read people defending their intelligence on these forums, or forums in general. I have a 10 inch penis, do you care?

You're excused.
lol, this thread is : FUNNY :LOL:
anyway, ya just look down, jump and fire at same time, as for the asshat guy, i dont think hes being mean, but w/e :p
Edge said:

First of all there is a HELP section use it.

Second there is a SEARCH feature use it.

Third it takes common sense. Look down fire and jump. You seem to be forgetting the jumping portion of this process. How did you expect to get airborne without jumping?
Look whos the troll now........
Can you people answer his question? Sure, maybe he's being a bit immodest, but it's still a valid query. I, too, can't seem to work out how to gravjump. Can someone give a more detailed explanation? Fire straight down, or at the edge? And while you're standing on what?
find an empty server, or just set up the prison map, and find a couple ledges to practice jumping to. theres one ledge where the hole is near the fence in the shower room. and another just below the main "control room" with the heath/armor HEV thing. (not essential, it just gives you a destination)

anywho... get a radiator, put it in position like you'd set up a trampoline. now run over it and blast straight down at it and jump at the same time. try to steer or send your momentum in the direction you wish to travel. good luck. this is much harder to steer then rocket-jumping.

and ktimekiller2 just be grateful they haven't banned that account yet too.
Edge said:

First of all there is a HELP section use it.

Second there is a SEARCH feature use it.

Third it takes common sense. Look down fire and jump. You seem to be forgetting the jumping portion of this process. How did you expect to get airborne without jumping?
Check it out - being an asshole about the search feature won't get you invited to be a moderator - if you noticed, you would see that the mods are actually nice and easygoing (well, TDE is a bit scary sometimes, but he's still generally fair), all that it's doing is pissing people off and making YOU look like an asshat.

As for gravity gun jump, I'm still working on it too. Get a physics object beneath you then run and jump while you fire downwards at it. It's pretty l33t to be able to do but it's sort of unpractical for DM play.
Audiophile said:
Check it out - being an asshole about the search feature won't get you invited to be a moderator - if you noticed, you would see that the mods are actually nice and easygoing (well, TDE is a bit scary sometimes, but he's still generally fair), all that it's doing is pissing people off and making YOU look like an asshat.

I have no desire to be a moderator here. I am considerate enough to the person paying for the bandwidth this site chews up by posting in the correct forum and using search before posting shit.
Dont let them get to ya. They just need to grab a Cookie, a tall glass of beer and enjoy the Show

((and yes, I'm well aware that isnt a HL2 screenshot, but its still good :naughty: ))
Fatality_ said:
or just possibly you are the only one who ignores having fun with the gravity gun and just whores with the revolver, i guess.
Actually no, I stay away from the magnum as much as I can purely because it is a cheesey weapon. I admit that I do camp the rocket launcher at times, but I am generally -very- successful about it and can easily stay up there for 5-10 minutes before someone finally manages to get me. And actually when I stop camping the rocket launcher I tend to get more kills per minute than when I am (although I also die more often).

As for the other person saying about defending my intelligence - it was simply so the guy couldn't say "well you're obviously an idiot then if you can't do it", similarly my comment about winning on the server I play was to prevent "well you're obviously a noob" comments. I never said -how- intelligent I am, just that I am above average, and I will leave it at that - you can accept it or not, likely you don't care (I wouldn't in your situation) but I am simply adding it to prevent oh-so-obvious 1-line replies saying "well obviously you're just stupid" as are so frequent on this forum. Much like your own post, for example.
It's just like gaussjumping in HLDM, just with a physics enabled object. I cba with it atm, too busy binding shit and stuff :)
Audiophile said:
Check it out - being an asshole about the search feature won't get you invited to be a moderator - if you noticed, you would see that the mods are actually nice and easygoing
Thanks :E
Edge said:
I have no desire to be a moderator here. I am considerate enough to the person paying for the bandwidth this site chews up by posting in the correct forum and using search before posting shit.

wow your such a considerate person.
SoulSlinga said:
wow your such a considerate person.

Did you register just to say that? I am flattered
personally, i dont see anything wrong with the revolver. sure, its powerful, but it isnt that hard to defend urself against one. just keep moving, and as soon as they reload, pop them with the shotgun/ar1.
Okay, grav gun jumping I now understand, but...

A player in a DM offered to show me a trick. He stood on a table or similar in the Overwatch map, fired the white ball at a building opposite, then immediately caught it with the grav gun. He aimed the orb at his feet then did something - shoot and fire maybe? - and took off like a missile, easily higher than any buildings in the map.
Ace trick, but how is that one done?

BTW - the guy who says it has limited usefulness in DM can't have played against someone who does it perfectly. Overwatch map becomes a nightmare of crossbow snipers on surrounding rooftops, and players suddenly appearing on the roof next to you.

And as for playing in the killbox map .....

I've played against people who can do it perfectly, and it's pretty useless :p

Anyway, please don't don't bump old threads so much :)

Overwatch is whore's map anyway :p